Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

From non-bounty weapons/the Necrochasm there's just Red Death left for me to get... and a fair bit of armour including Obsidian Mind.

Is it the same deal with CE as VoG that you can only get the helmet on HM?
So whats the deal with raids tonight then?

Nope, you can get the helm on NM too :)

Only things you can get on HM that you can't get on NM are the raid primaries.

Oh awesome, gonna level this exotic chest armour then and just hope I get lucky with CE.
Got Atheon down three times in 20 minutes, for two of the runs there were only five of us and for the third we were six but with a level 27. All three on the first attempt. Great group :lol:

I've still got one nightfall to do if anyone has still got one to do
Has anyone noticed any real changes to the guns after the patch?
Not really noticed anything hugely obvious, barring the UI change and the heavy ammo bug-fix.

Full patch notes:-

On a side-note, I solo ran the Thralls on NM CE with my Titan last night. It's surprisingly simple. The most difficult part is getting to the second lamp unscathed. From there, the Ogre at the bridge was the closest thing to a threat.

Couldn't make the bridge section solo, though. I was just dying two-thirds of the way through swiping across the chasm.
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