Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

Cool. We're still waiting on PlayerOne I think. If you don't mind we could do it so for the thrall section it be me, PO, Dargs, Ducklegs, Tom and Razvan, then from bridge onwards you can join in in place of Dargs?
No worries, I will only be doing it to get the bridge chest as we missed that last time so that works for me.
So... are we doing a fresh one or continuing from the bridge part?

Fresh, first bit shouldn't be too bad. You five can go forward and I'll hang back until the first light bursts then I'll go forward and revive those who die. When we get to bridge I'll switch to 31 Warlock
Just done the Level 8 Earth strike... So many bullets.
Just pop a message on here when we are ready to go.
Titan with the weapons of light is better I reckon. I got a crota CP too
I have on one of my other characters too so we could maybe give Crota a go later.

I was on it all day, tried it with three different groups and we couldn't down him. It's really hard.
Yes! Scraped together that 23rd Mote of Light and got a Titan helmet after getting a Hunter helmet and a Warlock one.
I can see how having people do silly things on your strike team gets annoying now :lol:
i'm ready to join at the bridge if you want guys.
Saw the gist of what we were doing, just forgot about the ogres after the second swordbearer. Probably wasn't ideal having Dargon playing all night either, he must be shattered!

I had guys who were amazing with sword and yet we couldn't down him, it's just that the rest of the team is under-powered.

I hope I was clear enough when I was explaining it.
Three times he was one hit away from being killed, but we ran out of time. You only have 9 minutes to do it, nothing can go wrong.