Josh Kroenke, the heir to a load of Walmart stock from his mums side. Walmarts market cap is twice the entire GDP of Qatar.
Its sometimes lost on rival fans how rich Josh is. Ever since he took over Stan as the main man at Arsenal, we have really been in it. Signing up Saka, Martinelli and Saliba and now on the verge if doing Rice for almost 100m. We were even paying PEA to leave as a means to improve the team
Contrarian opinion, but the Kroenke's are turning into good owners. The consensus is Stan is a leech but he owns the club only in name, its the son Josh that is taking on a bigger role and this inheritance baby is jacked.
We are enjoying the benefit of investment, and avoid the negative connotations of being owned by a wally in headgear and gown.
I still wonder how many, if any Arsenal fans would want the Kroenkes gone.