Dear Redcafe critics.

Remember I am the reincarnation of Mozart. :) Have a nice day friend!


But in all seriousness besides your complete and utter creepy and racist demeanour the two tracks on your myspace aren't bad, they're alright not a great deal worth listening to if i were to be harsh. But keep trying, just cut out the racist shit.
She did it (called the cops) cause that's what Jew girls do. Cos she called the cops. My reasoning is sound.


I'm pretty sure this guy's taking the piss, and if he is it's fecking hilarious.
Can I just say no Jewish girl has ever put a restraining order on me

I will say this, though. They're fit until they hit about twenty, if you like small girls, which I do. But then their arses balloon, big time. By the time they're thirty they're indistinguishable from their mothers.

However, this is only true of the Ashkenazi ones. The Sephardis/Mizrahis stay young-looking for ages.

I'm allowed to say this cos I'm Jewish

I hope this helps.
This guys story reminds me of this song. I'm sure this song is alot better. I love the gross racist generalisation. Its like the OP treats Borat's word like religion or something.

'I rang her, she called the cops because of my AVO'

'its a nothing case, She doesn't have a case'


[borat voice] Dirty dirty jew! [/borat voice]

Nah she's really pretty and will stay looking young Plech, but sadly things just didn't work out, main reason being I have bouts of mania (non violent, but spastic outbursts, and a bitchy nature. There I said it, I act like a woman sometimes.
Nah she's really pretty and will stay looking young Plech, but sadly things just didn't work out, main reason being I have bouts of mania (non violent, but spastic outbursts, and a bitchy nature. There I said it, I act like a woman sometimes.

You're wierd.
Nah she's really pretty and will stay looking young Plech, but sadly things just didn't work out, main reason being I have bouts of mania (non violent, but spastic outbursts, and a bitchy nature. There I said it, I act like a woman sometimes.

You dress up in a skirt, put on a wig and makeup? Most people here do that. As for fat asses, as long as her face don't look like her ass, I can't see the problem :D

add lyrics to your song. Not too hard
Nah she's really pretty and will stay looking young Plech, but sadly things just didn't work out, main reason being I have bouts of mania (non violent, but spastic outbursts, and a bitchy nature. There I said it, I act like a woman sometimes.

A racist and a misogynist, no wonder she found you irresistible.
post a link darcy, ive got 3 mins to spare to critque your stuff. did you try some of the things i suggested before. I wouldn't go round saying that you a the radiohead of dance music, it just sounds retarded, but then so does the back story behind the song.
feck off. Pointless WUM as it isn't even funny. Twat.
whats wrong with you? you just have an outburst when noone was even talking to you lol?
Can I just say no Jewish girl has ever put a restraining order on me

I will say this, though. They're fit until they hit about twenty, if you like small girls, which I do. But then their arses balloon, big time. By the time they're thirty they're indistinguishable from their mothers.

However, this is only true of the Ashkenazi ones. The Sephardis/Mizrahis stay young-looking for ages.

I'm allowed to say this cos I'm Jewish

I hope this helps.

Thats .. erm .. something.
:lol: kinell' this thread has some serious potential

Can I just say no Jewish girl has ever put a restraining order on me :D but she should have

I am too big too post links.

main reason being I have bouts of mania (non violent, but spastic outbursts, and a bitchy nature. There I said it, I act like a woman sometimes.

bread and water(which I threw on the floor, as a 'feck you' gesture.

She did it (called the cops) cause that's what Jew girls do.

I would like to add, that 'Die and Live' shows that I am the 'Radiohead of dance music"

I nearly went mad in there

I thought I told you to die the last time you put your "music" on here Darcy.

You didn't.

An oversight.

I posted the link to his myspace site on the top of this page somewhere

.. I'm apparently small-time, I found the link :nervous:
I listened to the first 50 seconds of your song, Darcy. It's shit. Horrible, horrible shit.

First you're Christ, now you're Radiohead. You need help. Or maybe some good ass kicking, you spoiled little bitch.
I listened to the first 50 seconds of your song, Darcy. It's shit. Horrible, horrible shit.

First you're Christ, now you're Radiohead. You need help. Or maybe some good ass kicking, you spoiled little bitch.

To listen only to the first 50 seconds of 'Die and Live' is your own loss. You miss the inspirational radiohead like part which begins on 1 min 50 s. I will leave it there for you to get another chance, because I like you.