Dear Redcafe critics.

Mr Darcy

New Member
Nov 12, 2006
I have posted my music on here before. Some liked it, but others were disdainful. "Boring, used the same melody the whole time", "needed more layers" etc.

I thought I would explain myself, I am trying to get out of my depressive phase. If you get a chance tell me what you think of my new track, 'Die and Live'. I did it after I came out of jail. I was in jail for one night after my ex girlfriend (a Jew) called the cops when I called her, thus violating a protection order against me. It's a nothing case, she has no case really, but she's really angry with me, and I just wanted to find out if things were getting better or not, but no, and I got arrested (I'm not talking shit, it was horrible, and they kept me overnight, cos they said "maybe you will go looking for her, and we can't have that. The one female cop said, you must learn your lesson. It was really shit, a small cell, bread and water(which I threw on the floor, as a 'feck you' gesture. I nearly went mad in there. Ah so I made this song, it feels like a sad one, and yeah, I was really sad when I made it.
I would like to add, that 'Die and Live' shows that I am the 'Radiohead of dance music"
you realise you haven't posted the song right?
I have posted my music on here before. Some liked it, but others were disdainful. "Boring, used the same melody the whole time", "needed more layers" etc.

I thought I would explain myself, I am trying to get out of my depressive phase. If you get a chance tell me what you think of my new track, 'Die and Live'. I did it after I came out of jail. I was in jail for one night after my ex girlfriend (a Jew) called the cops when I called her, thus violating a protection order against me. It's a nothing case, she has no case really, but she's really angry with me, and I just wanted to find out if things were getting better or not, but no, and I got arrested (I'm not talking shit, it was horrible, and they kept me overnight, cos they said "maybe you will go looking for her, and we can't have that. The one female cop said, you must learn your lesson. It was really shit, a small cell, bread and water(which I threw on the floor, as a 'feck you' gesture. I nearly went mad in there. Ah so I made this song, it feels like a sad one, and yeah, I was really sad when I made it.
That's not at all creepy.
Why did you specify what religion she was? I suggest you edit your post before you either offend some people, or get told off.

Your music is shit, btw.
I have posted my music on here before. Some liked it, but others were disdainful. "Boring, used the same melody the whole time", "needed more layers" etc.

I thought I would explain myself, I am trying to get out of my depressive phase. If you get a chance tell me what you think of my new track, 'Die and Live'. I did it after I came out of jail. I was in jail for one night after my ex girlfriend (a Jew) called the cops when I called her, thus violating a protection order against me. It's a nothing case, she has no case really, but she's really angry with me, and I just wanted to find out if things were getting better or not, but no, and I got arrested (I'm not talking shit, it was horrible, and they kept me overnight, cos they said "maybe you will go looking for her, and we can't have that. The one female cop said, you must learn your lesson. It was really shit, a small cell, bread and water(which I threw on the floor, as a 'feck you' gesture. I nearly went mad in there. Ah so I made this song, it feels like a sad one, and yeah, I was really sad when I made it.

yeah you told them

What does it matters if she's jewish or not?
(a Jew) ehh, what are you a (Muslim). Give me a fecking break why even put that shit in your post you are clearly a racist
I recommend this for your new album art.

I said she is a Jew cause she is. Nothing wrong there.
BTW I'm too scared to post any links. I just wanna tok.
how did it have any relevance to your story?
feck me. I'd say it was nice knowing you but it wasn't.
Sorry but your music is pants and you're quite the odd ball.
why would you ask him if he's muslim? if he hates jewish people does that mean he has to be a muslim to do so?
OP is a feckwit btw, no doubt about it.

I doubt Mr Darcy the Jew girl hater is a Muslim. But yeah, it was a strange question to ask by Alex 'I hate those towel heads' Yankiedoodledandy.
I have posted my music on here before. Some liked it, but others were disdainful. "Boring, used the same melody the whole time", "needed more layers" etc.

I thought I would explain myself,
I did it after I came out of jail.
I was in jail for one night
I'm not talking shit,
The one female cop said, you must learn your lesson. It was really shit, a small cell, bread and water(which I threw on the floor, as a 'feck you' gesture.
I nearly went mad in there. Ah so I made this song, it feels like a sad one, and yeah, I was really sad when I made it.
I was in jail for one night

Thanks a really great read.
(a Jew) ehh, what are you a (Muslim). Give me a fecking break why even put that shit in your post you are clearly a racist

You're an even bigger fool.

So Jews have never encountered racism from anyone but Muslims?
sounds good, i like it, i'd buy it if it was released

i need a new coaster

Sadly it ain't released and probably won't be..... but mr darcy was!!! boom boom...

Agh - feck it.

Mr Darcy, what you need is a shrink to discuss these issues with. I'm not sure anys about since everyones nuts

nah what he needs is someone to talk too. A head shrink. Are you qualified? I thought you were a regular doc though I could be wrong -sobs-

I could do it. I'd charge too much money though. Ps3s aren't cheap :p
She did it (called the cops) cause that's what Jew girls do. Cos she called the cops. My reasoning is sound.

It's a gross generalisation on your part.

It's what girls who are harassed should do, regardless of their religion, or ethnicity. What part of plea 'leave me alone' don't you understand?