Film Deadpool and Wolverine

Are they not simply moving to a model that doesn't have everything on the same (sacred) timeline?

The multiverse exists, it's all technically MCU, but going forwards we're going to have the "Avengers" timeline as the main one, and other projects will be MCU but unrelated and in another "universe" if they can't tie it into to what Thor, Hulk, etc. are getting up to.
If that's what you've heard/read then I'll take your word for it, just can't imagine they're going to keep them separate for anything more than an intro film. MCU follows the money in the end.
If that's what you've heard/read then I'll take your word for it, just can't imagine they're going to keep them separate for anything more than an intro film. MCU follows the money in the end.

Well I've read that the Fantastic Four film is set in the 60s and is effectively nothing to do with the main MCU timeline.

Deadpool & Wolverine also very much came across as drawing a line under the "it's all connected!" stuff they've been attempting.

That's not to say we won't get more hero/team crossovers, but if we do, I can't see it being a Fantastic Four team from the 60s (and an entirely separate universe) being pulled into a team up with Thor.
Again, if it is like the other poster describes then it isn't really like Endgame. Obviously you'd be confused watching Endgame as your only MCU, but it still has a plot of its own and stands on its own (at least together with Infinity War which obviouly is a 2-part conclusion to the Infinity Saga).
If you think endgame can stand on its own, in the sense a viewer could just about get what's going on and watch it without watching the other MCU films, you'd have no problem with Deadpool 3.
Again, if it is like the other poster describes then it isn't really like Endgame. Obviously you'd be confused watching Endgame as your only MCU, but it still has a plot of its own and stands on its own (at least together with Infinity War which obviouly is a 2-part conclusion to the Infinity Saga).

This had a plot of its own and stood on its own. Ultimately, you could have no knowledge of Deadpool, Wolverine, or any of the other characters that appear, and still pick up that Deadpool and Wolverine = good and the people they fight = bad. The motives for said fighting are very clear.

All of the criticisms seem to be from people who (for some bizarre reason) expected a film focusing on a fourth-wall-breaking, extremely 'meta' character, in a film designed to tie up the 30+ MCU films with the 30+ non-MCU Marvel films, to be anything but incredibly silly and packed full of nods to other things.

Pretty much all of the stakes of Endgame are lost without having seen (most of) the previous MCU films. You have literally no reason to care about half of what happens without having seen those films.
Well I've read that the Fantastic Four film is set in the 60s and is effectively nothing to do with the main MCU timeline.

Deadpool & Wolverine also very much came across as drawing a line under the "it's all connected!" stuff they've been attempting.

That's not to say we won't get more hero/team crossovers, but if we do, I can't see it being a Fantastic Four team from the 60s (and an entirely separate universe) being pulled into a team up with Thor.
There's a theory that they've been stuck somewhere for all this time and will pop out in modern day.
Why make anything good? And if it doesn’t matter, why does it bother anyone that I think it’s horrible slop?

It seems to me the people at most pains to point out that it doesn’t need to be any good are also the most annoyed that anyone would dare to find it not good….
Who is to say it isn’t good for what it’s doing?

You want it to behave and feel like a normal film but it’s literally a piss take and homage to every MCU and Marvel film before it. It’s the piss take equivalent of doing La La Land but more meta and funny.

Because it feels like you're judging it on an aspect that it (or any film in the franchise) did not set out to do. None of the films had great plot, and entirely pretty forgettable, but they're not known for having great plot, nor is it what they set out to do.

It's a funny fan service film, that doesn't take itself seriously and pokes fun at itself, fox and the MCU. That's Deadpool to tee.
Yeah, again haven’t seen it, but if your major criticism is the plot wasn’t that important and it was more of a fan service I mean really why did you to see it? It’s probably the most fan service meta thing ever released from Marvrel.
But he's saying that the previous movies in the Deadpool series had plots that stood on their own, whereas this is a movie that entirely leans on other movies for just about everything in it. If not anything else, that is just lazy filmmaking. It might work for this because people like Deadpool and Wolverine and fan service is what currently brings people to see Marvel films (it's no coincidence this and No Way Home are the two biggest hits since Endgame).

Anyway, the fall of Marvel in the past few years has everything to do with bad overall story archs. I know not many here liked Marvel even before, but the Infinity Saga with Thanos was a very well crafted arch with a compelling character. Since then Marvel has been fumbling in the multiverse where there are no consequence and no stakes and they have been paying the price for it. Fan service seems like all they have now, and to me it's just lazy.
I’ve not seen it yet. But again I think a film that subverts and rejects the expectations of normal cinema is 100% in the realms of what I’d like to think the Deadpool comic series was all about. Fun because well why does it matter?
It had one purpose and didnt miss one bit, people around leaving more than happy, peak entertainment.
What issues did you have with No Way Home?
Apart from building its entire success on other films (in this case films that isn't even MCU films)?

The motivation for anything to happen (what was that, Spidey didn't get into the university he wanted so he wanted Strange to alter the reality?) does not really hold up IMO. Then Spidey interfers with Strange doing the spell despite being told he couldn't. Roll forward Strange are doing another spell, and instead of just doing the same spell again they decide to make everyone forget, despite what was effed up the first time wasn't his particular wishes, it was that he interfered with it. Then the outcome doesn't really make much sense when Spidey talks to Iron Man's friend in front of May's grave.

I'm not gonna say I din't enjoy seeing Tobey and Willem and Alfred and so on. But I just think that isn't much to the films own merit.
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This had a plot of its own and stood on its own. Ultimately, you could have no knowledge of Deadpool, Wolverine, or any of the other characters that appear, and still pick up that Deadpool and Wolverine = good and the people they fight = bad. The motives for said fighting are very clear.

All of the criticisms seem to be from people who (for some bizarre reason) expected a film focusing on a fourth-wall-breaking, extremely 'meta' character, in a film designed to tie up the 30+ MCU films with the 30+ non-MCU Marvel films, to be anything but incredibly silly and packed full of nods to other things.

Pretty much all of the stakes of Endgame are lost without having seen (most of) the previous MCU films. You have literally no reason to care about half of what happens without having seen those films.
Aight, as said, I haven't seen it, I was just going by what was said earlier in the thread. I'm gonna take your word for it. Will probably see it tomorrow.
Easily the best/ second best movie post end game. They need to do more of these type of movies, just make a funny movie don't need to set up the next 20 movies worth of characters or exposition.
Easily the best/ second best movie post end game. They need to do more of these type of movies, just make a funny movie don't need to set up the next 20 movies worth of characters or exposition.
They tried to make Thord 4 funny, hasn't worked out. It doesn't fit to all characters, but it is a perfect fit for Deadpool.

Really happy that this movie worked out so well, Hugh deserves it.
Meh, I actually really enjoyed it. Though I knew way too many of who the cameos were, at least most weren't spoiled for me beforehand.

I agree that the second half wasn't as funny and it did kind of drag, all in all they did a decent job of taking the piss out of everyone, including themselves. I especially enjoyed the very start for doing that to some of the precious fanbase :lol:
Well I've read that the Fantastic Four film is set in the 60s and is effectively nothing to do with the main MCU timeline.

Deadpool & Wolverine also very much came across as drawing a line under the "it's all connected!" stuff they've been attempting.

That's not to say we won't get more hero/team crossovers, but if we do, I can't see it being a Fantastic Four team from the 60s (and an entirely separate universe) being pulled into a team up with Thor.

As I said :lol:
Sounds like the whole superhero thing has jumped the shark while riding another shark.
Haven't seen it yet but...
Just saw it. It was brilliant. Been a while since I had so much fun watching a movie. Feck Scorsese that hack.
:lol: what the feck?
Damn this guy is really mad about a pop corn movie that was not aimed at him
Sounds more like people are getting annoyed at him not liking it and having the cheek to explain why.
It would be lazy if it just copied any of these movies. Using homages and meta commentary is not lazy. If anything, one of the most creative and intelligent tv shows of the past 20 years is specifically lauded for successfully doing that.
What TV show are you talking about?
I’ve not seen it yet. But again I think a film that subverts and rejects the expectations of normal cinema is 100% in the realms of what I’d like to think the Deadpool comic series was all about. Fun because well why does it matter?
I haven't seen it but you make it sound like it's a conscious, artistic choice rather than laziness/ineptitude, which on the basis of the 2 first seems more likely no?
This was a really fun movie and honestly, Deadpool is the only bit of Marvel that is enjoyable anymore. Need more of these and lesser of the 200 odd phases, multiverses, and reboots.
No, you need less of these too.

The tone of these Deadpool movies would get equally tiring if Marvel produced these films yearly.

The violence, meta, the 4th wall breaking can be too much and when they hamfist a emotional, dramatic scene into these films they, more often than not, feel horribly out of place.
Yeah about half the humour in these films wouldn't work if they didn't have the rest of the MCU to take the piss out of.

I enjoyed it. Exactly what you'd expect. Don't think you can read anything into what it means for the mcu as it is literally just there to make fun of it
Well I've read that the Fantastic Four film is set in the 60s and is effectively nothing to do with the main MCU timeline.

... That's not to say we won't get more hero/team crossovers, but if we do, I can't see it being a Fantastic Four team from the 60s (and an entirely separate universe) being pulled into a team up with Thor.
It almost certainly will be that in Secret Wars.
Err.. wat?

How's that work?
I guess fans will continue to make excuses for these 2hr toy commercials.
Nowhere has it been announced he's doctor doom. He's not.
Haven't seen it yet but...

Sounds more like people are getting annoyed at him not liking it and having the cheek to explain why.
He hasn't seen it.

Apart from. Mockney, the very few people complaining about the films plot in this thread haven't seen it, and entire argument is based of mockneys opinion, because it confirms their bias.

Up until now atleast.
Nowhere has it been announced he's doctor doom. He's not.

He hasn't seen it.

Apart from. Mockney, the very few people complaining about the films plot in this thread haven't seen it, and entire argument is based of mockneys opinion, because it confirms their bias.

Up until now atleast.

Gimme some credit!
Come on, he literally said that people who enjoyed it were cheated. That's desperate.
You should probably check up the term "literally" because no, that's not what he said. He said that people saying that basic film elements (such as plot) don't matter are cheating themselves. That's not the same thing.
He hasn't seen it.

Apart from. Mockney, the very few people complaining about the films plot in this thread haven't seen it, and entire argument is based of mockneys opinion, because it confirms their bias.

Up until now atleast.
I was responding to a post that was responding to @Mockney's, not sure what your post means.
What’s pretty surreal about this thread is that Deadpool has been a master of irreverence in Marvel comics since his inception. People buying those comics would know Deadpool was always a vehicle to do whatever the writers wanted. 4th wall breaking, incessant piss taking, aimless panels, the lot.

The movies are true to the character in taking it wherever, and however, the writers want it to go. It doesn’t need to follow structure nor be linear storyboarding. There were enough quips within this to let the viewer know that the writers are acutely aware of this. If you’re looking for generic or typical structure from Deadpool, you’re applying a playbook that there was never an implicit agreement.There was even macguffin reference…

They can basically do whatever they want so long as it’s witty, clever and funny. The skill is in determining how much they can push the envelope without losing the audience, and thus far, they’ve got it spot on.

The Marvel Universe is in almost complete disarray at the moment (which they also pointed out), so this was partly a film intended to knit some things back together. Marvel Jesus made that clear.

I’d say the biggest challenge they actually had was having the audience keep up with all the quips and inferences as they were fired off rapid fire from almost the off - they also made it clear comic/Marvel nerds would be in for a treat. The film is a very clever tool, and I bet the next one is more plot intensive as it will serve a different purpose than this, which has been tasked with something far bigger than itself.
What’s pretty surreal about this thread …

I dunno man, what I think is surreal is there is literally one person who has said they didn’t like the plotless cameo-delivery film, and then a bunch of people going “erm, actually, you aren’t ALLOWED to!!… because it’s not meant to be good, and anyway it’s not for you (even though you’ve excruciatingly detailed why you did in fact like the other 2) it’s for us!! - The only people anyone has made any films for for the last 15+ years, and we deserve it because there’s wars on, or something!”

I think that’s all a bit weird tbh. But each to their own. There’s clearly no point in me trying to explain for a 15th time why these things could maybe be better. You’re all right, it’s one of the best films I’ve ever seen. Thankgod for its existence. We are truly blessed to have seen some of its shonky CGI and gloriously flat cinematography too.
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You should probably check up the term "literally" because no, that's not what he said. He said that people saying that basic film elements (such as plot) don't matter are cheating themselves. That's not the same thing.

Which is still very desperate. There are dozens of good movies with plot that doesn't really matter, across different genres. He's just bitter for the sake of being bitter.
Which is still very desperate. There are dozens of good movies with plot that doesn't really matter, across different genres. He's just bitter for the sake of being bitter.
There are dozens of them, dozens!
I dunno man, what I think is surreal is there is literally one person who has said they didn’t like the plotless cameo-delivery film, and then a bunch of people going “erm, actually, you aren’t ALLOWED to!!… because it’s not meant to be good, and anyway it’s not for you (even though you’ve excruciatingly detailed why you did in fact like the other 2) it’s for us!! - The only people anyone has made any films for for the last 15+ years, and we deserve it because there’s wars on, or something!”

I think that’s all a bit weird tbh. But each to their own. There’s clearly no point in me trying to explain for a 15th time why these things could maybe be better. You’re all right, it’s one of the best films I’ve ever seen. Thankgod for its existence. We are truly blessed to have seen some of its shonky CGI and gloriously flat cinematography too.
I think you're perfectly fine not liking it and explaining why.

I often feel somewhere in between your reaction and the enthusiastic reactions a lot of fans have. I tend to really enjoy the first viewing, then mull over it until the disappointment with the lack of depth/plot and inconsistency of logic inevitably comes out on top.
I dunno man, what I think is surreal is there is literally one person who has said they didn’t like the plotless cameo-delivery film, and then a bunch of people going “erm, actually, you aren’t ALLOWED to!!… because it’s not meant to be good, and anyway it’s not for you (even though you’ve excruciatingly detailed why you did in fact like the other 2) it’s for us!! - The only people anyone has made any films for for the last 15+ years, and we deserve it because there’s wars on, or something!”

I think that’s all a bit weird tbh. But each to their own. There’s clearly no point in me trying to explain for a 15th time why these things could maybe be better. You’re all right, it’s one of the best films I’ve ever seen. Thankgod for its existence. We are truly blessed to have seen some of its shonky CGI and gloriously flat cinematography too.
I got your point, but my feeling to it was that Deadpool is quite literally an insane character whose world the reader/watcher gets a snapshot of, so the least likely character to bound to the strictures of congruence - his films don’t have to be about anything; they don’t have to link or be well threaded, so I think you’ve taken a tangent that doesn’t have to be applied, especially so when, throughout the film, they make it clear why they’re doing what they’re doing, which is a repair job on a MCU that has lost its way. They’ve told the viewer they know and are going to try and fix it. Which other film can that be done through other than the batshit world of Deadpool and its constant 4th wall breaks?

If they weren’t repeatedly telling the audience they are in on the zaniness whilst also explaining why they’re doing it, I’d even say your point holds up, but we’re being spoon-fed an apology and attempted repair, which to me, was a clever way of going about it rather than them making a film with no substance to it. So long as you laughed and were entertained, it’s a job well done. If not, then yeah there’s a problem in using the film to attempt to fix so much wrong with the universe it coexists in.