De Gea | Signs for Fiorentina


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
Not sure why the main De Gea thread was closed (am assuming due to Onana’s midweek clanger…) but feel this story merits discussion.

It’s concerning that last seasons top earner is even thinking about this in his prime years.

It doesn’t surprise me though, he looked really unhappy the past couple of years - I suspect he’s just fallen out of love with the game and this is a nice way for him to spin it.

Nothing wrong with that of course if the acts how he feels, but it’s damning that our last three top earners were either so past their prime they had to move to Saudi, have discipline issues (Sancho) or seemingly can’t be bothered with the game at all anymore.

edit: since a couple of posters have singled out my use of the word 'prime' I've changed this to 'prime years' since a 32 isn't old for a keeper, I'm not suggesting he is at his peak. Either way, it's comment worthy that United's highest earner as of two months ago is considering leaving the game entirely with potentially many years of his career still to go.
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Don’t think this is true but I also think he’ll sign a short deal with us for when Onana leaves for ACON so he gets his farewell as well
Not sure why the main De Gea thread was closed (am assuming due to Onana’s midweek clanger…) but feel this story merits discussion.

It’s concerning that last seasons top earner is even thinking about this in his prime.

It doesn’t surprise me though, he looked really unhappy the past couple of years - I suspect he’s just fallen out of love with the game and this is a nice way for him to spin it.

Nothing wrong with that of course if the acts how he feels, but it’s damning that our last three top earners were either so past their prime they had to move to Saudi, have discipline issues (Sancho) or seemingly can’t be bothered with the game at all anymore.

To be fair, that's just his face.
I don't think he was ever the same goalkeeper after his displays at the 2018 World Cup.

Prior to that he was excellent bordering on World class.
I'd be interested to know what he is actually thinking.

Would he be happy to be a no 1 a somewhere in a top 5 league for about £50K a week or is he really holding out for a Champions League side on huge money?
Not remotely surprising. It was always obvious no top European club was ever going near him and while part of the reason was wages but also it’s because the game has moved past him.

Even when Madrid and Bayern had a genuine GK crisis neither seriously considered him, I’d be curious if moving to Saudi was ever an option because there didn’t seem to be much interest from there either.
In his prime?

Yeah, top GK's in their prime get multiple offers from top clubs, De Gea hasn't had a single big club come in for him so either the entire world of football is wrong or you're opinion of De Gea is way off reality.
Not remotely surprising. It was always obvious no top European club was ever going near him and while part of the reason was wages but also it’s because the game has moved past him.

Even when Madrid and Bayern had a genuine GK crisis neither seriously considered him, I’d be curious if moving to Saudi was ever an option because there didn’t seem to be much interest from there either.

His wife never moved to England because of her work. I wouldn't think there was any way he was going to move to Saudi, with having just been married and having a new family and all that.

Just a case of reality biting. Lack of offers or reported interest is not surprising at all. Nobody who could afford him wants him and nobody who would want him can afford him.

I'd say he's probably one of the players Ole mentioned as thinking they were better than they really are.
Golden glove. Paid handsomely over the years. United legend. Great time to retire.
His wife never moved to England because of her work. I wouldn't think there was any way he was going to move to Saudi, with having just been married and having a new family and all that.

Just a case of reality biting. Lack of offers or reported interest is not surprising at all. Nobody who could afford him wants him and nobody who would want him can afford him.

I'd say he's probably one of the players Ole mentioned as thinking they were better than they really are.

Not sure about that, but definitely the one who refused captaincy. He never looked like he was captain material and was always a bit of the guy who goes back into his shell when pressure turns up a notch.
He is a championship GK probably looking for a top four wages. There is no point for him to go after 15k per week. He should probably spend time on coaching lessons.
He is still a top goalkeeper so why quit. What did you do to him.
He is a championship GK probably looking for a top four wages. There is no point for him to go after 15k per week. He should probably spend time on coaching lessons.

Championship goalkeeper also best performing goalkeeper in the EPL last year. Great take.

Article also specifically says wages aren't a factor and had turned down lucrative SPL offers.
I can imagine him spending a few years at a Spanish club and retiring around 35-36 years old. He isn't the same player he was but is still a decent player for a mid table club. Lacking in some areas required for a modern keeper but is still a generally reliable shot stopper.
It’s mental to think he can’t find a club, his demands must be obscene. As much as I don’t think he’s a very modern keeper and I’m glad we’ve moved on, he’s still good enough to do a job at a team in one of the top leagues in Europe, just probably not CL level.
His main strength is his agility, and reflexes.

Age will not allow that to continue.

He really should retire now.
It’s mental to think he can’t find a club, his demands must be obscene. As much as I don’t think he’s a very modern keeper and I’m glad we’ve moved on, he’s still good enough to do a job at a team in one of the top leagues in Europe, just probably not CL level.

He'd do well at a club in lower half of the PL as he seems to be at his best when the team is under pressure and regularly relying on him. I think you'd see him add significant value to xGA versus GA in that sort of environment.
I don't think he would have had that video released if that was his aim.

I mean it's a good guess to make which will have no blowback if it's considered untrue.
It can be spun as he considered it but this offer was too good to turn down etc if / when a club comes in for him.
And if they don't then yeah, it's the one option.
He is a championship GK probably looking for a top four wages. There is no point for him to go after 15k per week. He should probably spend time on coaching lessons.
This is an utterly moronic post. Amazed it comes from a united fan... whatever you think about ddg abilities now he deserves more respect than this. Pathetic.
Did Oblak sign a new deal at Atletico Madrid? I always assumed he'd just ended up there like Torres did as a sort of farewell to top level football at club where it all began.

Real Madrid weren't interested either and signed Kepa instead.
Depends what he really wants.

If it's a case of "play for a top European club competing for the biggest trophies" or nothing, he may well have to retire, because he isn't good enough for that level any more. Maybe some confluence of injuries/transfers leaves some club desprate enough to take a punt on him, but it's a big maybe and even if it happened only a short-term fix.

On the other hand, if he's happy to drop down a bit in terms of stature (and money really isn't a priority) then there will be plenty of options. Someone above called him a championship level goalkeeper, which is patently nonsense. He's an average PL goalkeeper, just one whose strengths/weaknesses mean some teams will suit him more than others. But he'd need to accept that's the level he's at.
Swear to god, the phrase 'Championship player' needs to die on here.

Constantly spouted by the kind of person for whom hyberbole is their only mode of expression.
Got to think he’s just happy to wait to see if a massive CL club comes in. No reason he shouldn’t retire though, he’s had a great career and there’s no need for him to go do the rounds at ever smaller and smaller teams if he doesn’t want to.
He'd do well at a club in lower half of the PL as he seems to be at his best when the team is under pressure and regularly relying on him. I think you'd see him add significant value to xGA versus GA in that sort of environment.

Aye, if he was going to excel anywhere at this point this would be the most likely scenario. It's not a coincidence that our squad last voted him our POTY in a season in which he made the third most saves in the league. The greater the volume of shots he faces, the more valuable he is to a team.
Got to think he’s just happy to wait to see if a massive CL club comes in. No reason he shouldn’t retire though, he’s had a great career and there’s no need for him to go do the rounds at ever smaller and smaller teams if he doesn’t want to.

Aye, if he doesn't want to he doesn't want to.

But if I was him I'd think there'd be fun in dropping down that level. Go to some relegation-threatened club and try to make yourself a cult hero there over a few seasons by helping them stay up. It isn't the same as winning trophies, but when you see the reaction at a club like Everton when they stay up that's not nothing.
He is a championship GK probably looking for a top four wages. There is no point for him to go after 15k per week. He should probably spend time on coaching lessons.

I’ve been banging the drum that he isn’t good enough for almost 5 years but even I disagree with this take.

He can still do a job at a mid level English, Spanish, Italian side. Problem is his reputation in Spain is in tatters, his wages are a problem in Italy and no one in the EPL (top 14 or so) needs a goalkeeper.

Saying all that, he has been linked with Valencia and Real Betis.
:lol: Lads, he's 32, he can play for another 5 years at a lower level with ease. Stop saying he should retire, that's terrible advice for someone's who's career only lasts 20 years.
He's going to be 33 in a couple months. That's about the age when Cech and Casillas dropped to lesser teams. Can see him not wanting that.
I'm not sure how to feel about this as I don't know the true extent of what he's been offered.

However if he's retiring from football because he doesn't want to suffer too ignominy of earning a five figure weekly/ low six figure salary then it's not worth shedding tears for him.
Not remotely surprising. It was always obvious no top European club was ever going near him and while part of the reason was wages but also it’s because the game has moved past him.

Even when Madrid and Bayern had a genuine GK crisis neither seriously considered him, I’d be curious if moving to Saudi was ever an option because there didn’t seem to be much interest from there either.

Unfortunately for De Gea, the only big club stupid enough to sign him was the one he left.
He’s apparently worth about 75m so no need to play for some mid table side when he could be enjoying his plunders with his family.
If he enjoys playing football he needs to just lower his wage expectations and accept his last contract with us was ludicrous and be thankful for it

This high wage excuse makes no sense, he's literally earning nothing at the moment and hasn't been for close to 3 months. That's millions he's down.

He's also on a free so could easily negotiate a higher contract as there is no fee.

I think he's struggling to find a club that will give him first choice assurances at the top league level.
He’s 33. This is just silly and probably highlights how badly ran we are as a club. When you consider Lingard aswell. It’s like life was so easy at United these guys believe they should no longer graft.

Go to Real Betis or however it is. Get yourself a £50k a week contract and bebuild your career.

I’m sure Van Der Saar’s move to Fulham meant he dropped those big wages from Juventus.