David Moyes Unemployed | European Champion

Honestly don't get his set up in these matches. They always lose doing the same thing so why not try getting into the opposition, sticking an extra man up top to stop the arsenal (or whoever) defenders from being able to walk to the half way line
Honestly don't get his set up in these matches. They always lose doing the same thing so why not try getting into the opposition, sticking an extra man up top to stop the arsenal (or whoever) defenders from being able to walk to the half way line
Playing Moyes' team away from home is difficult, playing Moyes' team at home is not easy but his tactics give you confidence that you'll beat them in the end despite not having many chances. It's basically how we beat them at OT last couple of seasons. So I don't understand it either as it doesn't seem to give him results and yet he's been insisting on it for years.
Honestly don't get his set up in these matches. They always lose doing the same thing so why not try getting into the opposition, sticking an extra man up top to stop the arsenal (or whoever) defenders from being able to walk to the half way line
I've always felt he was a manager incapable of taking accountability, and I believe he probably thinks it's not the set up that is a problem, but how it's carried out by his team. I'm pretty convinced he thinks he has the right set up for these games, even though everything indicates the opposite.
To have spent largely your whole career in midtable safety and still never once approached one of these games thinking I’m going to have a go today is pathetic
Dinosaur of dinosaurs. Outlasted every dinosaur in the premier league and still going strong playing dinosaur football in this day and age after spending a fortune. Hasn’t achieved anything, will achieve nothing but is a self proclaimed winner. Won’t get relegated won’t win a cup even by mistake. And won’t be able to beat a top 6 club away. David Moyes for you.
Been found out yet again after his purple patch last season. West Ham are one of the worst teams in the league right now.
Dinosaur of dinosaurs. Outlasted every dinosaur in the premier league and still going strong playing dinosaur football in this day and age after spending a fortune. Hasn’t achieved anything, will achieve nothing but is a self proclaimed winner. Won’t get relegated won’t win a cup even by mistake. And won’t be able to beat a top 6 club away. David Moyes for you.

Far too pragmatic. I actually remember his Everton team a season or two before he came to United and they were a decent attacking outfit with alot of the intricate play coming through Baines. I think the influx of European coaches has disrupted the hoof it tendencies and if a team can't play out through the back effectively or rotate play around the midfield your almost guaranteed to be looking at a relegation fodder team. The eras of your Tony Pulis, Sam Allardyce and Moyes is long expired. They have no place in the upper echelon of league 1 domestic football. The game has changed drastically in the last 5 years alone.
Got to be facing the sack now. Incapable of beating a top six side away in something like 70 matches
That stat is incredible, I was a bit surprised it was still a thing when I heard it yesterday. Arsenal's equaliser was a bit fortunate but West Ham completely folded after that and made it easy for them.

I'm not sure Moyes deserves the sack just yet though. West Ham are having a poor season but Moyes got them consecutive top 7 finishes so has a bit of credit in the bank. They were a bit of a basket case for a few years before he managed that.
he obviously has no idea what to do with or why he signed that Paqueta guy, shades of the Mata signing
For all their swagger about how unattainable Rice is, scrapping in the relegation dogfight is a sure way to lower his value and get the vultures circling. I still think he could make a classy centre back.
It's been almost 9 years since Moyes got sacked at United, for all that time we only saw confirmation of what we thought of him back then - good, but limited manager. It shows yet again at West Ham. I think he'll be around in Premier League for another few years surely, but will be interesting to see how he does.
It's been almost 9 years since Moyes got sacked at United, for all that time we only saw confirmation of what we thought of him back then - good, but limited manager. It shows yet again at West Ham. I think he'll be around in Premier League for another few years surely, but will be interesting to see how he does.

:lol: :nono:
Playing Moyes' team away from home is difficult, playing Moyes' team at home is not easy but his tactics give you confidence that you'll beat them in the end despite not having many chances. It's basically how we beat them at OT last couple of seasons. So I don't understand it either as it doesn't seem to give him results and yet he's been insisting on it for years.

It's probably because SAF told him, when he invited him over to tell him he'll be the next Utd manager, that those tactics were the ones that convinced him to give him the job.
He does well when he has very limited budgets - when he has the chance to spend it goes pear shaped.

His time is up. He’s gotta be right up there with Rogers for next in line in the sack race.
No doubt he’ll get sacked this week or after their next loss. Looking at the game against Brentford it’s unbelievable that they weren’t given a penalty in the first half. Small margins change games and possibly careers. The rest of the season shows they are having a mare though and with pressure in modern football it’s almost impossible to turn it around. Even if he wins 3 on the bounce he’ll be two defeats in a row away from the sack.
Relegation zone. He has been lucky Lampard is there to hide a bit how shit West Ham have been
Relegation zone. He has been lucky Lampard is there to hide a bit how shit West Ham have been

Lots of clubs are lucky in terms of how shit others have been. There are probably 6 or 7 clubs who can’t believe how they aren’t bottom and 9 points adrift of everyone else but it just shows how poor the quality of the league is this year.
Knitting that squad together now. They were better than Spurs second half and should have won the game. Top six looks a possibility again this season.
