Music David Bowie has died

Did he go to a lot of concerts at the Hardrock? It wasn't a very big venue and I saw the same faces there for different gigs. There was a guy who lived down the street from us who played with a band called The Vincents back in the early 60s. He played on the same bill as the Beatles at the Urmston Show in 1963.
He went all over Hardrock, Electric Circus, that other one in Gorton which name escapes me and of course the free trade hall and the apollo
Thanks @Rory 7 ... lovely post. I had been on the trail of the interpretation for a few days since tracks were leaked to Youtube. It was all Nasdat and Malchicks, Clockwork Orange style. I was wondering who was executed in Blackstar? Was Bowie impersonating death? Then my good lady woke me with this news this morning. Listened to BBC 6 all day. He brought me / and so many others to different cultural places, musically, visually, culturally, identity wise. I cannot believe he is gone.

Good to see so many like minded souls on the caf. Music still is so important.
Yeah, just watched it in full and it's an incredible video. That ending.:(
Yeah, Lazarus is not leaving me any time soon.
The greatest ever as far as I'm concerned. I've always been a Beatles and Stones guy, but Bowie's consistent genius is unmatched. I'm currently embarking on a vinyl marathon. Finished Space Oddity, now halfway through the masterpiece that is Hunky Dory. Anyone who's never heard him should get their down to the local record store and pick up his collection (it's worth actually buying the vinyl/Cds, as you get to enjoy the fantastic cover art as well.)

Here's my favourite David Bowie song:

Other favourites include Moonage Daydream, Memory of a Free Festival, All The Madmen, Station to Station, We are The Dead, and Time. His cover of See Emily Play is also genius.

What about his first, 1967's self titled album? Its criminally underrated. It was released on the same day as the Beatles Sgt Peppers album and it was a commercial flop, but its a very good album


I wasn't the biggest fan of his music, some of, well a lot of his stuff, is absolutely terrible.

But the ones that are good, are brilliant, and the guy himself, just defined what a pop music superstar should be.
That's the thing with Bowie, you can listen to his back catalog and outside of the mainstream stuff you are either going to be in awe of the artistic brilliance or a bit baffled at what the hell you are listening to. Calling it terrible is very subjective.

And with that aside, you could probably count at least 10 hits by Bowie, and I think even when you class his stuff as terrible you will still enjoy one or two of his earlier albums.

In fact, I consider myself a fan of his music and there's a hell of a lot of stuff that I don't care for that much. Probably even one or two albums i'm still yet to hear.
All music is subjective, some will love it, some will hate it. Just the way it is.
I've never really delved into his back catalogue as much as I should, it's quite a bit overwhelming and there's a lot of stuff in there that's not really my cup of tea but no doubting the man's genius.

I love this Sound and Vision remix.

Shocking News. First Lemmy then Bowie. 2 of the last "real" Music stars gone.

On the other Hand going with 69 respectively 70 after living a rockstar`s life ist not that surprising.

Doesnt require a debate, as has been said, its subjective.

I really liked David Bowie as a pop star, as a celebrity, as an Icon, but i thought a lot of his music was rubbish.

It doesnt change the fact that the good ones were probably some of the best songs ever made.
The greatest ever as far as I'm concerned. I've always been a Beatles and Stones guy, but Bowie's consistent genius is unmatched. I'm currently embarking on a vinyl marathon. Finished Space Oddity, now halfway through the masterpiece that is Hunky Dory. Anyone who's never heard him should get their down to the local record store and pick up his collection (it's worth actually buying the vinyl/Cds, as you get to enjoy the fantastic cover art as well.)

Here's my favourite David Bowie song:

Other favourites include Moonage Daydream, Memory of a Free Festival, All The Madmen, Station to Station, We are The Dead, and Time. His cover of See Emily Play is also genius.

I absolutely love Quicksand. Been playing that a lot the last 24 hours. That and 5 Years, which is almost too much to bear in places. The way he describes the sadness as the news filters through to the people, all the nobody people and all the somebody people... just like how people have reacted to the news of his passing. Beautiful and terrible at the same time.

Love him though I do I think the Laughing Gnome qualifies and the Little Drummer Boy was borderline - possibly saved by Bowie's improvised stuff :)

The other thing with Bowie was that some of the stuff he did was in character. On the face of it this medley with Cher isn't great but he was in character as The Thin White Duke which makes it somehow much better.

And in the end if you try as much as he did not everything is going to work for everyone.
I absolutely love Quicksand. Been playing that a lot the last 24 hours. That and 5 Years, which is almost too much to bear in places. The way he describes the sadness as the news filters through to the people, all the nobody people and all the somebody people... just like how people have reacted to the news of his passing. Beautiful and terrible at the same time.
I had the same reaction listening to Five Years. Incredibly poignant. Last night I spun Space Oddity, Hunky Dory and Ziggy Stardust in succession. Tonight, it's Aladdin Sane, Diamond Dogs and Station to Station. I can't wait.
Doesnt require a debate, as has been said, its subjective.

I really liked David Bowie as a pop star, as a celebrity, as an Icon, but i thought a lot of his music was rubbish.

It doesnt change the fact that the good ones were probably some of the best songs ever made.
I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out that it wasn't always top-shelf, even for a genius like Bowie. His mid-to-late 80s output was pretty awful (but then you'd struggle to find much good from any of his peers at that time.)
I absolutely love Quicksand. Been playing that a lot the last 24 hours. That and 5 Years, which is almost too much to bear in places. The way he describes the sadness as the news filters through to the people, all the nobody people and all the somebody people... just like how people have reacted to the news of his passing. Beautiful and terrible at the same time.
2 of my faves there, Quicksand is like poetry in motion and Five years could be a film.

True mark of genius.
They played him all night in my local tonight. A pure genius.
That's the thing, once you get past the sadness, you just realize all over again how incredible the music is (not that I needed his dying to remind me of this, but I listened only to Bowie yesterday, and it was an incredible experience.)
2 of my faves there, Quicksand is like poetry in motion and Five years could be a film.

True mark of genius.
At some point, we'll have to post our top 5 Bowie songs (I know lists can be a bit trite, but some on here have said they are not so familiar, so any excuse to spread the gospel....)
His 70's run is unreal, 1970-80, he released 12 albums, at least 6 of which can be regarded as classic or near-classic status, and only 2 not so good or worse. No doubt he somewhat remained to keep that up with the changing times, but he kept relevant.

Dylan in the 60's, Bowie 70's, Prince 80's.....the art of the ultra workaholic solo artist is a rare thing
I actually love Please Mr Gravedigger, little Bombardier and She's got medals...well, all of them from The World of David Bowie. That was the first Bowie album I ever listened to.
At some point, we'll have to post our top 5 Bowie songs (I know lists can be a bit trite, but some on here have said they are not so familiar, so any excuse to spread the gospel....)
At the moment, My faves are 5 years, Quicksand, Rock n Roll Suicide, Ziggy Stardust and Time...though they will probably change in the next hour :)

Drive in Saturday...see I can't choose....
I wasn't his biggest fan, I like a lot of his hits but I've never listened to a Bowie album (unless you count David Bowie's greatest hits) but I was blown away by his Blackstar video when it came out a month or two ago.
Just the thought of this 69 year old coming out with a visual/audible feast like that, both wonderful and weird in equal measure after so many years in the business when many fading stars from his era have long left their creativity behind them. It really was quite remarkable.

Now, having known he was in his final days, I find it even more astonishing. When I think of the multiple reinventions and the way he challenged norms over the years, I begin to wonder why I didn't delve deeper into any of his music, but i'll rectify that in the coming months. The term genius is bandied about willy nilly these days, but this is one man that actually lived up to the term.
What about his first, 1967's self titled album? Its criminally underrated. It was released on the same day as the Beatles Sgt Peppers album and it was a commercial flop, but its a very good album


I've got that album with the other haircut..the mono version. I was repackaged in 1969/70

Bloody ace album.
Yeah, just watched that. Stunning, disturbing, incredible...
'My death waits there among the leaves in magician's mysterious sleeves, rabbits and dogs, and the passing time...'
I love that there are two Bowie's in the video, even when he is on the way out the guy in the jump suit is still at a table, writing furiously trying to get all his ideas down.
Having led us through youth and wilderness (accompanied by Jaques Brel contemplations on My Death), and later modelled how to stay twenty in your heart, a dramatic exit...
Top 5 Bowie tunes? Jesus, I'd struggle to name my top 5 Bowie albums half the time! Still, in no set order, the ones I've gone back to the most would be Station to Station, Quicksand, Life on Mars, Always crashing in the same car and Fantastic Voyage.

Haha auto - correct makes that last one Fantastic Cottage. Dead rock n roll!
Sorry if this clogs up the feed....
Brilliant choices. So much stuff off Low, Heroes, Young Americans, I love his cover of Cactus, and virtually anything from the last two albums.
Always loved this demo version of Lady Stardust, possibly more than the album version

Occurs to me now that maybe the first inkling, or the first writing Bowie did about the illness is on The Next Day. The song 'Where Are We Now', with lines like: 'as long as there's sun, as long as there's rain... As long as there's me, as long as there's you', still has hope, but trepidation. 'Love is Lost' has a different tone: 'Your country's new, your friends are new ... But your fear is as old as the world ... Wave goodbye to the life without pain ... Say hello to the greater men, Tell them your secrets, they're like the grave...'
'My death waits there among the leaves in magician's mysterious sleeves, rabbits and dogs, and the passing time...'
I love that there are two Bowie's in the video, even when he is on the way out the guy in the jump suit is still at a table, writing furiously trying to get all his ideas down.
Having led us through youth and wilderness (accompanied by Jaques Brel contemplations on My Death), and later modelled how to stay twenty in your heart, a dramatic exit...

Brel covers never really work for me. Pin Ups is my least favourite and I didn't like his collaboration with Queen, though the one with Bing Crosby was fun. Bowie himself was considered a harbinger of death back then. He appeared on the Marc Bolan show and not long after Bolan died in a car crash in Richmond. Bowie then went on the Bing Crosby show and did 'Little Drummer Boy' with the old crooner. Not long after, Crosby dropped dead on the golf course.