Darron Gibson - is he good enough for Everton?

I agree with this mostly.

The thing I would say with Fletcher though, is that you could see the potential. Even when he wasn't really producing it for the first team, the potential and ability had been there in the reserves and was plain as day. Not really sure you could say the same with Gibson. Even Ole said something about him being a decent player, but only when he managed to drag himself out of first gear.

It's the workrate/positioning thing that gets me too, and his selfishness in the final third. Confidence is a good thing, but arrogance/ignorance/whatever it is, doesn't really work unless you're good enough to make it into a strength, and there's VERY few players who can do that. Darron Gibson not being one of them.

Reds boss Sir Alex Ferguson said after the game that the 20-year-old had "fantastic feet" and should shoot more often, and Gibson is keen to heed that advice.

He's doing what he's told not being an arrogant idiot.
Well he should stop it. Scholes has a fantastic shot on him but he knows when and when not to try and use it.

And again, it wouldn't be so annoying if he was putting in the work rate, or making himself available and attempting to read the game off the ball more often.

He seems to play with the attitude of someone who thinks they have nothing to prove. I don't know if it is arrogance. He seems pretty down to earth when he does interviews and stuff, but on the pitch he just doesn't do enough to justify being there.
Fletcher at 22 was better than Gibson, it was exactly the season when people realized he was kind of useful and he actually proved he could play football. I remember him scoring a very good goal early in 06-07 season and things only got better from that point, to the moment when he shone for us in CL against Roma and, if I remember correctly, Milan as well..
Mate I posted a link in this thread, to another thread with most people's views on him aged 22. I assure you they were far from rosy.

Nevertheless, just because Fletcher was a late bloomer (relative term, 22 to 23 years old isn't that late) doesn't mean every single midfielder after him has to be the same.
The vast majority of midfielders are late bloomers though. Those who aren't are in the class of Keane, Scholes and Fabregas. Who are a rare breed indeed.

Don't forget that Fletcher was set back by a bad injury and if it wasn't for that, he would have probably come good a lot quicker.
Maybe. I still doubt that. For he was always talented. But never in the league of players that come good very early. He was always destined to come into his own after passing age 22. The age when most midfielders get consistency and start to mature. The point at which you can really start judging how far they might go in the game.

Plenty of midfielders weren't good enough for us at 22 and - shock horror - they are still not good enough.
Under SAF I don't remember any he showed real faith in, like he has with Gibson, and Fletcher in the past, who disappointed him. You can correct me if I'm wrong.
The relative paucity of success at the time would have an influence on people's patience with players. Wild opinions don't prove Gibson was better than him. Retard.
A typical response from a true feckwit. That thread is a cross section of the views of the majoirty of people on Fletcher at the time. Bar SAF and a few Fletcher loyalists. A thread full of the kind of disrespect Gibson has never received even on his worst performance for us to date. But your head's too far up your arse for you to ever understand something that obvious. You instead prefer to act like your clever when you are clearly anything but. On top having the audacity to want any one to ''learn'' from your bullshit opinions. You are true joke dude. Of the lamest kind.
A typical response from a true feckwit. That thread is a cross section of the views of the majoirty of people on Fletcher at the time. Bar SAF and a few Fletcher loyalists. A thread full of the kind of disrespect Gibson has never received even on his worst performance for us to date. But your head's too far up your arse for you to ever understand something that obvious. You instead prefer to act like your clever when you are clearly anything but. On top having the audacity to want any one to ''learn'' from your bullshit opinions. You are true joke dude. Of the lamest kind.

The part in bold sums you up wonderfully.

Opinions aren't facts.
People's bashing has actually little to do with player's actual ability.
I disagree. Fletcher got worse stick than Gibson gets now because he was faring worse. Despite having had over 100 games. I bet if you conduct a poll now on gibwson thus far you'd fail to get many who will say he has been shit for us this season. but if you had been able to do one for Fletcher aged 22. ''Shit'' would be the opinion that would win with a landslide.

In Fletcher's case, it took something undeniably good to convince everyone that he's good enough - and it only happened a couple of years ago. But he was already a good player before he became excellent, it was just a part of his career that is easily forgotten. For many he simply skipped the good-player part and jumped straight into excellent-player part.
The thing is Fletcher was always a good player from the start. But a young and inexperienced one. He did all the things a young but talented in experienced players do. Like get caught in possession on occasion, misplace some passes or get caught out of position and be inconsistent. But instead of noting what was good about him, the vast majority of fans and pundits alike just wrote him off. Even when he had started to play like a younger version of Nicky Butt in the season you mentioned earlier. People are doing the same to Gibson. I don't get why it's so hard for people to wait and see.

I, for example, only recently realized that Park has actual football skills. Prior to that, I thought he could only run miles and do nothing valuable. And it took a couple of very good games to convince me - simply good performances just don't do a trick once you've set your mind up about something
That is the thing. Is it fair to make up your mind prematurely? I don't think so. But I'm in a minority when it comes to that. For most , if they don't see results now, they want to write off, condemn and sell a player who is seen to be disappointing in their eyes. & woe to anyone who dare's to challenge that view.
Right. So the vast majority of people having a particular vie won something means it wasn't taking place. Right..Bravo Mr dumbo.

You don't think our struggles on the pitch at the time effects fans perceptions of players? Cretin.

There was a time when the vast majority of people thought the world was flat. It wasn't.
You don't think our struggles on the pitch at the time effects fans perceptions of players? Cretin..
Says the idiot who doesn't know that we were not struggling when Fletcher was aged 22. Whne he was getting all the stick. As we aren't struggling now when Gibson is being written off. You are a true joke. Going from lame to plain laugh my arse off funny as you progress:lol:

Say the idiot who doesn't know that we were not struggling when There was a time when the vast majority of people thought the world was flat.
So what?:lol:

You are clearly dumb enough to compare people believing the world was flat in ancient times, to people having a view on what they saw every single week from Fletcher. It just had to be you to do that.:wenger:
Says the idiot who doesn't know that we were not struggling when Fletcher was aged 22. Whne he was getting all the stick. As we aren't struggling now when Gibson is being written off. You are a true joke. Going from lame to plain laugh my arse off funny as you progress:lol:

So what?:lol:

You are clearly dumb enough to compare people believing the world was flat in ancient times, to people having a view on what they saw every single week from Fletcher. It just had to be you to do that.:wenger:

The thread you're using as gospel is from a time when we hadn't won the league in several years, had got knocked out of Europe in December that season and was on the brink of losing our top goalscorer of the previous 5 years. We were struggling in comparison to what we werenused and what we are seeing now. That makes people more critical than they would be now.

Just showing that opinions aren't fact regardless of how widely held they are.
Chief, I do recall you telling me Frazier Campbell was more talented than Bojan.
So? I said it that given the right environment he could prove the better player. Heck I once thought Bellion was class too. It happens. Difference is unlike the vast majority on here I tend to not write off players prematurely. Especially those who have actually shown some potential quality. The only one I can be accused of doing that to is Lennon. Who I haven't been convinced about for about for ages.
So? I once thought Bellion was class too. It happens. Difference is unlike the vast majority on here I tend to not write off players prematurely. Especially those who have actually shown some potential quality. The only one I can be accused of doing that to is Lennon. Who I haven't been convinced about for about for ages.

You prefer to build them up prematurely instead.
The thread you're using as gospel is from a time when we hadn't won the league in several years, had got knocked out of Europe in December that season and was on the brink of losing our top goalscorer of the previous 5 years. We were struggling in comparison to what we werenused and what we are seeing now. That makes people more critical than they would be now..
Year right. We started 2006/2007 flying and through out that time he still got stick. It makes feck all difference. If people want to write off a player, because they are impatient for progress, they'd do it regardless of how the team is performing.

Just showing that opinions aren't fact regardless of how widely held they are.
Rather you were comparing bananas to oranges and attempting to pass them off as one and the same thing. Which is standard behavior for you.
You prefer to build them up prematurely instead.
Only in your dreams. In this thread alone I've seen people of your type claim the likes of Eirkem, James and Petrucci based on reserve team football are sure to pass Gibson next season. I haven't seen you level that at them. I bet because you are no different from they. Premature with your verdicts.
Year right. We started 2006/2007 flying and through out that time he still got stick. It makes feck all difference. If people want to write off a player, because they are impatient for progress, they'd do it regardless of how the team is performing.

Rather you were comparing bananas to oranges and attempting to pass them off as one and the same.

Could that be because the opinion had already been formed? If anybody is not comparing like for like it is you. Gibson has only ever featured in a very successful United team. Fletcher didn't have that luxury in his formative years and bore the brunt of fans criticism's.

If you can't see the difference's in the 2 then you're more retarded than first feared and may need to seek help soon.
Only in your dreams. In this thread alone I've seen people of your type claim the likes of Eirkem, James and Petrucci based on reserve team football are sure to pass Gibson next season. I haven't seen you level that at them. I bet because you are no different from they. Premature with your verdicts.

I'm sorry, but that is ineligible gibberish.
Only in your dreams. In this thread alone I've seen people of your type claim the likes of Eirkem, James and Petrucci based on reserve team football are sure to pass Gibson next season. I haven't seen you level that at them. I bet because you are no different from they. Premature with your verdicts.

Or maybe its taking you forever to see Gibson is not that good.
or scholes or beckham or butt!!!!!!!!

dont just pick names of men who didnt quite make it to prove your point!

Works both ways chum. The very point I was trying to make. Players don't always progress as well as others so it's mind numbingly stupid for people to keep going "but Fletcher".
Could that be because the opinion had already been formed? .
WTF are you on about? The opinions on Fletcher were formed from watching him play. By fans and the media alike even when we weren't struggling.

If anybody is not comparing like for like it is you. Gibson has only ever featured in a very successful United team. Fletcher didn't have that luxury in his formative years and bore the brunt of fans criticism's.

At age 22 Fletcher was in a very successful United side. Just like Gibson YET STILL bore the brunt of criticism. Until about the middle of the season Ronaldo scored his 42 goals. It has feck all to do with luxury and everything to do with prematurely writing off young players. The same bullshit is being done to Anderson who is even younger than Gibson!

It won't fecking kill anyone to wait and see.

If you can't see the difference's in the 2 then you're more retarded than first feared and may need to seek help soon.
The only person in here who needs help bad is you. For all you are good at is tying yourself up in knots with your repeated dumb posts. You never ever post sense, just the same rubbish over and over again, in different forms.
And Frazier Campbell.

Wait a minute...(Sunderland bench warmer)...
While C. Ronaldo who many claimed on here was no better than Duff, and could easily be replaced by Aaron Lennon (:lol:) and ''wasn't fit to lace Rooney's boots'' during his initial struggles, is now a world player of the year and the most expensive player ever.

Or and how could I forget to start with your meager rating of Pato. You who is all too happy to pull out players names all of a sudden.
Problem with Gibson is doesn't seem to really excel in any department. The worst for me though is he seems to be a little bit lazy for my liking or I'm being unkind there. He just doesn't get about the pitch all that well.

I still think he's a valuable member of the squad and I'd like to keep him for another year or two to see how he matures as a footballer. Wouldn't like to write him off just yet but he's still got work to do to become a success at Man United.

He also needs to stop shooting at EVERY opportunity. He's scored a few good goals for United in recent months but I don't think that gives him the right to shoot on sight. Its bloody infuriating!
WTF are you on about? The opinions on Fletcher were formed from watching him play. By fans and the media alike even when we weren't struggling.


At age 22 Fletcher was in a very successful United side. Just like Gibson YET STILL bore the brunt of criticism. Until about the middle of the season Ronaldo scored his 42 goals. It has feck all to do with luxury and everything to do with prematurely writing off young players. The same bullshit is being done to Anderson who is even younger than Gibson!

It won't fecking kill anyone to wait and see.

The only person in here who needs help bad is you. For all you are good at is tying yourself up in knots with your repeated dumb posts. You never ever post sense, just the same rubbish over and over again, in different forms.

You have a wonderful way of describing yourself in your posts.

At the time of your gospel we weren't anywhere near as successful as we are now. That is fact, not opinion. You don't know the difference so I don't expect you to understand.
You have a wonderful way of describing yourself in your posts. .
Still deluding yourself I see.

At the time of your gospel we weren't anywhere near as successful as we are now. That is fact, not opinion.
In 2006/07 we won the league playing the best football we had in years. Fletcher was 22.

You instead claim that team wasn't strong enough. But don't tell that get in the way of your ''facht's''...

You don't know the difference so I don't expect you to understand.
:lol: The only thing I don't understand is why you can't stop posting bullshit.
He also needs to stop shooting at EVERY opportunity. He's scored a few good goals for United in recent months but I don't think that gives him the right to shoot on sight. Its bloody infuriating!

That's how he scored his first few goals.
Works both ways chum. The very point I was trying to make. Players don't always progress as well as others so it's mind numbingly stupid for people to keep going "but Fletcher".

Agreed but its also silly to think he wont progress based on other players.

The lads dereves a chance and he does have potential. the fact is that he is still too young to be compared to essien or ballack or any other well established midfielder...he deserves a chance surely?
That's how he scored his first few goals.

Knew someone would say that. :boring:

You don't think he shoots too much? I mean, some of the efforts he has are ridiculous truth be told. He needs to realise when to shoot and when not to - and at the moment he's getting wrong far too often in my opinion.
Still deluding yourself I see.

In 2006/07 we won the league playing the best football we had in years. Fletcher was 22.

You instead claim that team wasn't strong enough. But don't tell that get in the way of your ''facht's''...

:lol: The only thing I don't understand is why you can't stop posting bullshit.

Your gospel is from June of 06. People had pre formed opinions of him and it was going to take something special to change people's minds. Fletcher was already a big game player. It was only really in 08 that he had the opportunity to change people's opinions which were formed watching him play in a struggling midfield and often out of position. The opinions were so strong that it took too long for people to appreciate him as a player.
Agreed but its also silly to think he wont progress based on other players.

The lads dereves a chance and he does have potential. the fact is that he is still too young to be compared to essien or ballack or any other well established midfielder...he deserves a chance surely?

I don't think that though. I used an example to show the stupidity o some arguements. He may improve at a level similair to Fletcher but on what I've seen so far I don't think he will. For the record, I always liked Fletche as a player. Didn't think he'd become quite so important though. For me Gibson has little in his game apart from his ridiculously inconsistent shooting.
Your gospel

is from June of 06. People had pre formed opinions of him...
Preformed my arse. They were just continuing what they'd always done. Making premature verdicts. Fletcher even in his first season had shown glimpses of his real quality, but at the first sign of struggle he was written off. It didn't mater who he played with in the United side. Caftards have done this again and again with young players. They even did the same with a player as good as Ronaldo till he simply shut them up. Most on here simply can't bear to give players time.
I'm 100% certain he wasn't. Despite having played many more games. The things that were said about him at the time are concrete proof of this. Gibson by comparison is getting way more respect at the same stage of his career. Even in the media.

What can Gibson do at 22 that Fletcher couldn't do? The only thing Gibson has going for him is his shooting ability. Despite being a big fecker, he can't head the ball. He can't tackle. His mobility is very poor. He is slow. He can only pass the ball if he has space, he is unable to create space for himself. Fletcher, although he didn't perform as well as he should have, had clearly more potential and he had clearly more ability. One player is going to have a long and distinguished career at United, the other will not.
Petrucci has far more to his game than Gibson does. In 5 years time when Petrucci is Gibson's age, I'd be extremely surprised if he hasn't completely surpassed his ability.

Preformed my arse. They were just continuing what they'd always done. Making premature verdicts. Fletcher even in his first season had shown glimpses of his real quality, but at the first sign of struggle he was written off. It didn't mater who he played with in the United side. Caftards have done this again and again with young players. They even did the same with a player as good as Ronaldo till he simply shut them up. Most on here simply can't bear to give players time.
You are the one using these people's opinions as proof Fletcher wasn't better than Gibson. You've forgotten your entire arguement.
The entire argument was that fans in general judge players too quickly, and it's not too hard to figure out why, and it's a trend that's continuing in this very thread.

The Fletcher thread was a example of people on here judging him too quickly, quite obviously, and given how he's turned out you'd think people would want to be a bit more patient.

It's a simple argument, there's no reason for it to take so long to discuss. You might not want to embrace it but it's not complicated and there's no reason for this to continue being explained.
I don't think that though. I used an example to show the stupidity o some arguements. He may improve at a level similair to Fletcher but on what I've seen so far I don't think he will. For the record, I always liked Fletche as a player. Didn't think he'd become quite so important though. For me Gibson has little in his game apart from his ridiculously inconsistent shooting.

Yes his shooting can be annoying but you only have to look at Ronaldo and his inconsistent free kick taking. He scored a very low percentage of the kicks he took and still hits the wall more than the target.

What I am saying is I think Gibson is a definite prospect but I would expect him to become a focal point in the side in the next 2 seasons if he is going to make it. I think he has a very good chance of doing that if he can be guided away from silly use of the ball such as shooting from all over the place etc...

For me gibson is more of a keane/carrick type who sits deep and links up the play,or should do anyway. He ventures too far up for me and thats why he doesnt have a controlling impact on games like he should...given experienmce he will learn to read a game and when he should do certain things..

I think he his nowhere near the finished article, but he is on the right path. Whether he makes it or not is up to him!