Daily Mail

Ooh. He has me on ignore again. I wonder how long it will take for the penny to drop...


No hints please!
Mail Online shamelessly cheerleading for Trump in several front-page stories:
'I don't think he made it up... but he doesn't always draw the correct judgement': Ex-UK Moscow ambassador said spy Christopher Steele is right to have vanished
Trump blasts 'phony allegations' from the dirty dossier saying memo was drawn up by 'political opponents and a failed spy'
Kremlin blames UK for Trump 'sex storm' as top Tory says relations with Russia are ‘about as bad as it could get’ without us being at WAR
Christopher Steele, 52, described as a 'confirmed socialist' as a Cambridge student, packed his bags and fled his £1.5m mansion in fear...earned £1million in two years while working undercover for FBI
Bad news, Trump haters: This bonkers show has made him MORE popular
Inside the shadowy world of 'Chris Whatsit': the brilliant Cambridge spy behind the Trump 'dirty dossier'
British government must NOT protect ex-spy behind claims of 'dirty' dossier on Trump, says Tory MP
Billionaire rivals, political enemies or murky spooks...so who DID commission the discredited Trump 'dirty dossier'?
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They have an article today showing the new security features of the spy's house. The authorities, both press and police, ought to investigate the publication of this obviously incendiary 'news'; it's tacit, knowing incitement.
How the beggar can you 'circle demonically' on a tricycle? :lol:
Perhaps if he'd circled the shape of a pentagram, then fair enough...
Mail said:

Is this a picture of the British BIGFOOT?
Bigfoot coming over here, stealing our jobs...
Spoken like a true accountant. The word "net" has more than one meaning. Which you'll discover if you ever get out from behind your spreadsheets and go fishing.

Ooh. He has me on ignore again. I wonder how long it will take for the penny to drop...


No hints please!

Colin probably thinks it's something you use to catch fish.

:lol: poor Colin

Pretty sure he has me on ignore too so he won't see this either.
And there was me thinking nets were for catching fish in, and putting around goal posts, and around the bottom of basketball hoops and making special curtains out of for nosey neighbours to twitch and all the time I should have been keeping my money in them.

I must rush out and buy myself a money net!
Do people normally wear CLOTHES under a bathrobe:confused:

In the show, which I never watch, she routinely has her bits hanging out even while her sisters and alleged mother eat their breakfasts. They're sorta flopped on the table, as if in relief after escaping or in resignation. It must be really off-putting as you raise a spoon of Coco Pops to your gob.
Can't blame her for getting her baps out on telly, she must net quite a bit of cash as a result.
True, mate, but...what else have they & Evil Kris got to offer the masses? No records, no books...they don't act, tell jokes or dance; they have nothing to justify their fame and wealth.
Don't go, Poguey! Somebody here must want to discuss the Kardashians with me. Wait, come back! Doh...
In the show, which I never watch, she routinely has her bits hanging out even while her sisters and alleged mother eat their breakfasts. They're sorta flopped on the table, as if in relief after escaping or in resignation. It must be really off-putting as you raise a spoon of Coco Pops to your gob.
Do you have inside info Steve? :lol:
:lol: I don't, mate. I just think that Kris Jenner hardly cares about her children.
Stop the fecking press! The DM has discovered the correct way to pronounce such tongue-twisting words as athlete, salmon and the letter 'H'.

1. The letter 'H'

How people pronounce it: haytch

How it should be pronounced: aitch

2. Salmon

How people pronounce it: sal-mon

How it should be pronounced: sa-mon

3. Almond

How people pronounce it: ahl-mond

How it should be pronounced: ah-mond

4. Mischievous

How people pronounce it: mis-che-vee-us

How it should be pronounced: mis-che-vus

5. Et cetera

How people pronounce it: eksetera

How it should be pronounced: et-set-er-uh

6. Espresso

How people pronounce it: ex-pre-sso

How it should be pronounced: eh-spress-o

7. Athlete

How people pronounce it: ath-er-lete

How it should be pronounced: ath-leet

8. Specifically

How people pronounce it: pacifically

How it should be pronounced: spe-ci-fi-cally

9. Ask

How people pronounce it: aks

How it should be pronounced: ah-sk

10. Quinoa

How people pronounce it: kee-NOH-ah

How it should be pronounced: keen-wa

Although I've really never got how people get mischievous so wrong.