Daily Mail

This story is a masterclass in writing a minor story up, rather tongue in cheek, as if it were a Pulitzer-worthy epic.

Woman says catfish fell from sky, striking her near Art Museum

'The injuries: Minor. The trauma: Immeasurable. '


She got prescribed antibiotics. The mind boggles!
The story does rattle along at a breathless pace though.

Lobree immediately buckled to the ground, screaming - the only logical reaction when one is assaulted by a flying fish with whiskers. Her friend started screaming something about a fish. People were asking if she was OK. There may have been some crying involved.
Sounds like Dylan Moran wrote that.
Has he considered that the buses might not be stopping because of his clothes?
Astonishing stuff, even for the Mail:

Astonishing stuff, even for the Mail:

Mac did a similar one a way back that caused a stir- can't remember what it was about, but had the same bones through noses etc... depictions. I guess it's part of his shtick.
Mac did a similar one a way back that caused a stir- can't remember what it was about, but had the same bones through noses etc... depictions. I guess it's part of his shtick.
Think that was when Tom Jones was getting a DNA test to see if he had any black ancestry, don't know how they can get away with it now.

Think that was when Tom Jones was getting a DNA test to see if he had any black ancestry, don't know how they can get away with it now.

Ah, yep, that was it. A part of me would miss the DM were it to go away. It's a strangely fascinating window into a certain strata of society.
Wait what?

The blue triangles are supposed to be the UFOs?

Edit: No I see now, it's an artist's made up impression of some deluded lunatic's fantasy?
Makes me laugh that the editor obviously said 'yeah, feck it, that'll do'.
Maybe the Mail's protecting the UFOs' privacy?
I reckon they didn't even bother getting the graphics person to do it, just opened up paint and clicked triangles.
They should take a leaf out of their neighbours in Plymouth's book and put a bit of effort in. This was great.

Papers should definitely do more crude photoshop 'artist's impressions' of events (real or not).

Missing lynx threatens Plymouth couple's dream wedding day



:lol:I bet they were queuing up to volunteer.
Investigators also found a container of vaseline in his locker and the trial was presented with the prospect that a puck could be concealed in an anal cavity and not be detected by the wand. In preparation for these proceedings, in fact, a security employee actually tested the idea, Barnes said.
'Incurable' public masturbator has his life sentence overturned after Oregon Supreme Court finds it unconstitutional

  • Dennis James Davidson, 39, was sentenced to life in prison without parole under the state's three-strike law for repeat sex offenders
  • He received multiple public indecency convictions from 2006 to 2011
  • Was caught masturbating in parks, school playgrounds and parking lots
  • But the Court ruled his punishment did not fit the crimes and reversed it

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...urned-Oregon-Supreme-Court.html#ixzz4L60Dmc1T
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Spot the typo in the standfirst.

Woman who had public sex with a model dinosaur at children’s playground is identified by cops
'The statue has been giving a deep clean using "strong disinfectant" following the lewd act'



Some of the comments on the DM version made me chuckle.

Jonno, Swanley, United Kingdom, 39 minutes ago
What was the DM journalist looking for when he discovered these pictures.

ooaarrr me luvvers, exeter, United Kingdom, 33 minutes ago
So that's what wiped them out then

ImFreeMrHumphries, Stratford Upon Avon, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
Sometimes needs must.
DM questions woman's suitability to be a teacher after she got a vibrator stuck up her bum and broadcast it to the world. They still have this on their home page, but have toned it down when you click through to the story.

Would you let this woman teach your children? Student teacher, 24, reveals she had to undergo surgery to remove a sex toy from her bottom in a very awkward Facebook post

'Doctors offered her the toy as a keepsake but she declined.'

DM questions woman's suitability to be a teacher after she got a vibrator stuck up her bum and broadcast it to the world. They still have this on their home page, but have toned it down when you click through to the story.

Would you let this woman teach your children? Student teacher, 24, reveals she had to undergo surgery to remove a sex toy from her bottom in a very awkward Facebook post

'Doctors offered her the toy as a keepsake but she declined.'


Can't believe you got in before me :mad: Must have a cnut like a bucket.

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'Government cuts space exploration funding'