Daily Mail

He was only 3-foot-9 & six stone when Klopp took over.
Exclusive interview with the dog that salutes Hitler.
Good bleedin' grief.

Yay, William Hanson, their 'etiquette expert', has done another piece. Cereal is for plebs.

We are repeatedly told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is also important in understanding what background, social class and aspirations a person has and how they are setting themselves up for the day.

How we eat our toast could be an entire article, if not book, in itself.
F*ck am I saluting the national anthem while me n' my whippet eat toast in a bath full of coal. Sod off, Hanson.
Helpful healthcare advice from the DM, with added bonus points for use of 'dry humping'.

How you can getl pregnant with your clothes ON: Conception expert reveals the shocking ways you can accidentally conceive
  • FEMAIL busts the myths surrounding conception
  • You can get pregnant from 'dry humping', even if your underwear is still on
  • Breastfeeding doesn't prevent women from conceiving
  • You can get still pregnant if the man hasn't ejaculated at all


:lol:This comment:

Sagon Penn, JacksonHole, United States, 5 minutes ago
We all know someone who was strained thru a pair of jeans....
Helpful healthcare advice from the DM, with added bonus points for use of 'dry humping'.

How you can getl pregnant with your clothes ON: Conception expert reveals the shocking ways you can accidentally conceive
  • FEMAIL busts the myths surrounding conception
  • You can get pregnant from 'dry humping', even if your underwear is still on
  • Breastfeeding doesn't prevent women from conceiving
  • You can get still pregnant if the man hasn't ejaculated at all
It's science, but not as we know it.
Looking at her hair, that seems rather harsh. She's not exactly turned into Ronald McDonald, has she?
Actual DM story for a change.

Race row over Chinese detergent advert showing a woman shoving a black suitor into a washing machine and then smiling in delight as he emerges as an Asian man
  • The commercial started airing this month on Chinese television
  • It shows a woman shoving a black man into her washing machine
  • At the end of the cycle, the man emerges as a light-skinned Asian man to the Chinese woman's delight
  • As many have pointed out, the commercial could be a reflection of the Chinese obsession with white skin
  • Many Asian woman use beauty products meant to make their skin lighter

Selected comments:

John, West London, 3 hours ago
Well obviously the black actor didn't think it racist. But of course they only use that card when they need it to their advantage.

Nelly1986, London, United Kingdom, 45 minutes ago
So the black actor didn't object when there was a big fat pay cheque being offered? The race card is only pulled out when it suits!
True. Just when you think the Mail has hit peak stupid they surprise you yet again.
They certainly love a sensationalist headline in the regions.

Welling man mistook noisy pigeons for neighbour having an orgasm following solar panel hell



How insulting and intrusive is this story to this man's neighbours. Because of his sensationalist misconceptions and the lax reporting of NS who do not appear to have even spoken to the neighbours these neighbours who will be easily identified within their own neighbourhood have had a highly embarrassing story printed about something which they did not do and which should be private anyway and not even discussed.

The Brussels and control freak Anti British federal monster EEC (Uncommon Market) intend to ***BAN organisms** after 10.OOa.m. and also BAN ***any breaking of wind in both private or public.
The Brussels and control freak Anti British federal monster EEC (Uncommon Market) intend to ***BAN organisms** after 10.OOa.m.

That's the natural world screwed right there. Always knew humanity would legislate itself into oblivion but didn't think we'd have the gall to take it all with us. RIP in peace, every living thing. :(
The Welling story has one of the most disjointed headlines ever. Sounds like the neighbour having a noisy orgasm is a direct consequence of the 'solar panel hell'.