Daily Mail

Some dodgy lines in that piece.

"Then I discovered everything in the countryside is more expensive: you have to drive miles to even find a shop. Dinner for two is still about £70 and if you tell the waiter you are vegetarian, you are stared at, incredulously, as if you are black."

:lol: What?
It's an entertaining read on Sunday mornings, only these days because I'm trying to figure out who the Rock Star is (or is he a figment of her imagination ?)

If you like a weekend dose of anger I guess.
My parents buy this shit. Shame on them. Lost count of how many times I've seen 'BLOCK ONLINE PORN' as some sort of on-going campaign/crusade. I swear they chuck some anti-porn article in every day.
My parents buy this shit. Shame on them. Lost count of how many times I've seen 'BLOCK ONLINE PORN' as some sort of on-going campaign/crusade. I swear they chuck some anti-porn article in every day.

Which ironic really, given the amount of time I spend on the Daily Mail website looking at attractive women whenever I get linked to it.
I can imagine the convo in the Mail offices: "Tell you what, Hitler might have been a bit rash but he'd have banned that filth! Now, get me those photos of Suri Cruise in a leotard, pronto!"
What (almost) every other media outlet have been doing, acting like grief vultures.

They're cnuts, but they're not alone on this one.
Saw the front page today was something about porn being an evil influence on children again. I bet 100 pounds that at no point is it mentioned you can easily put safeguards on your browser to stop access. This idea that parents are never at fault really annoys me.
Snide, snobby, bitchy article masquerading as humour. Good to see it getting soundly thrashed in the comments section. Of course, the DM website might be pleased about that as well.
You wouldn't see an article like that about nice, middle class Frank Lampard...who's currently been treated by Mail & co sportswriters as if he were Jesus Christ because mean old Chelsea won't give him a new contract.
You wouldn't see an article like that about nice, middle class Frank Lampard...who's currently been treated by Mail & co sportswriters as if he were Jesus Christ because mean old Chelsea won't give him a new contract.

They're owned by one of those horrible foreigners, Steve, of course they're mean and nasty.