Cristiano Ronaldo - Much Ado About Al Nassr

But Pele has not scored 1279 goals.

Literally Fifa even did a dive into this to verify and could not validate any claims.

The only person who claims he has scored that many goals is Pele himself.

The games where he scored those "goals" were not even board sanctioned games.

I mean ffs, he scored 29 goals against the Uruaguay armed forces and that counts towards the tally :lol:
How many goals did Cristiano Ronaldo managed to score against the Uruguay armed forces?
Ok, so Where's all the other players that scored 1279 goals if it was so easy back then?

No one is saying that Pele wasn't an all time great. Just that he lived in a time when competition was far less than today. Back then, I'm going to guess the Brazilian league consisted primarily of Brazilians. The Premier League of today has talent from all over the world, hence more diverse, high quality competition for a finite about of jobs for players from countries all over the world.
No one is saying that Pele wasn't an all time great. Just that he lived in a time when competition was far less than today. Back then, I'm going to guess the Brazilian league consisted primarily of Brazilians. The Premier League of today has talent from all over the world, hence more diverse, high quality competition for a finite about of jobs for players from countries all over the world.
Pele is not just an 'all-time great'. It's practically disrespectful to say that. He's got the best case for being the greatest player of all time IMO, and is worst case scenario among the top 3 players to have ever put on a pair of boots. He played nearly 1400 games in 80 different countries and scored 1279 goals, which is a Guiness World record. He played against every top defender of his time and destroyed them all, Moore, Beckenbauer etc. They said it themselves.

Again, with respect, you don't seem to understand that there are advantages and disadvantages in every era scenario (cf my comment about attacking players being protected now by referees).

If you're a player in a top team now, you often compete with hideously expensive all stars against clubs that have a fraction of the budget that your team does. This is the case with every team Ronaldo played for. What financial advantage did Santos have over literally any team they were playing?

Maybe this is why players like CR7, when faced with a level playing field, i.e. at international level in big competitions, tends to struggle much more. Without your billion dollar superteam, the goals seem to dry up fast. Especially in the World Cup.
Pele is not just an 'all-time great'. It's practically disrespectful to say that. He's got the best case for being the greatest player of all time IMO, and is worst case scenario among the top 3 players to have ever put on a pair of boots. He played nearly 1400 games in 80 different countries and scored 1279 goals, which is a Guiness World record. He played against every top defender of his time and destroyed them all, Moore, Beckenbauer etc. They said it themselves.

Again, with respect, you don't seem to understand that there are advantages and disadvantages in every era scenario (cf my comment about attacking players being protected now by referees).

If you're a player in a top team now, you often compete with hideously expensive all stars against clubs that have a fraction of the budget that your team does. This is the case with every team Ronaldo played for. What financial advantage did Santos have over literally any team they were playing?

Maybe this is why players like CR7, when faced with a level playing field, i.e. at international level in big competitions, tends to struggle much more. Without your billion dollar superteam, the goals seem to dry up fast. Especially in the World Cup.

He is an all time great. Perhaps a generation ago you would've had a good shout to have him as the greatest alongside Maradona, before Messi and CR7 began their respective runs. The goals scored number isn't going to convince people since it was obviously done in an era where competition isn't what it is today, for reasons explained before. There is also a time issue involved in that the further back you go, the harder it is to justify why a player was the greatest since most observers don't care about things that happend nearly 70s years ago. They instead care about things that happend within their lifetimes, usually when they themselves were young. That's not to take anything away from Pele as players can't choose which eras they get to play in.
He is an all time great. Perhaps a generation ago you would've had a good shout to have him as the greatest alongside Maradona, before Messi and CR7 began their respective runs. The goals scored number isn't going to convince people since it was obviously done in an era where competition isn't what it is today, for reasons explained before. There is also a time issue involved in that the further back you go, the harder it is to justify why a player was the greatest since most observers don't care about things that happend nearly 70s years ago. They instead care about things that happend within their lifetimes, usually when they themselves were young. That's not to take anything away from Pele as players can't choose which eras they get to play in.
So what about in the World Cup then? International football removes a lot of what you are talking about. Pele scored 6 goals in the KO stages of the World Cup as a 17 year old. Ronaldo has played in 5 World Cups and not managed a single goal or assist in the KO rounds of the World Cup. Messi has played in 5 and only managed to score in the KO rounds of the most recent one.

It's facts like these that show that you can't just fall back on the reductive 'well it was a long time ago'. It wasn't. We're talking about a player in the television age, not someone from 1920. Shall we just erase England's World Cup win? It doesn't count because it was 60 years ago?There are literally millions of people walking the planet right now who saw Pele play. And the World Cup is over 90 years old and Pele remains the only 17 year old to do what he did. No one did it before, no one has done it since.
While we can enjoy making fun of @SirAF for being the Smithers to Ronaldo, he at least stays on topic making siutable contributions to the thread.
So what about in the World Cup then? International football removes a lot of what you are talking about. Pele scored 6 goals in the KO stages of the World Cup as a 17 year old. Ronaldo has played in 5 World Cups and not managed a single goal or assist in the KO rounds of the World Cup. Messi has played in 5 and only managed to score in the KO rounds of the most recent one.

It's facts like these that show that you can't just fall back on the reductive 'well it was a long time ago'. It wasn't. We're talking about a player in the television age, not someone from 1920. Shall we just erase England's World Cup win? It doesn't count because it was 60 years ago?There are literally millions of people walking the planet right now who saw Pele play. And the World Cup is over 90 years old and Pele remains the only 17 year old to do what he did. No one did it before, no one has done it since.

The WC is relevant, but can't be used as some sort of conclusive evidence since its one month plucked out 48, and its what happens during the intervening 47 months where the likes of Pele and others play all of their football, that matter. Otherwise the likes Klose, Klinsmann, and Fontaine (the player, not the poster) would be talked up as much better than they actually were.
While we can enjoy making fun of @SirAF for being the Smithers to Ronaldo, he at least stays on topic making siutable contributions to the thread.

Something I’ve noticed in Germany has me wondering a little. He‘s incredibly popular among young muslim men and teenagers. I have colleagues at work, who are genuinely convinced Ronaldo himself is a Muslim. Where does that come from? Are my colleagues just weird or is this a thing?
he was staying in the travelodge in rotherham when it was attacked the other week.
Something I’ve noticed in Germany has me wondering a little. He‘s incredibly popular among young muslim men and teenagers. I have colleagues at work, who are genuinely convinced Ronaldo himself is a Muslim. Where does that come from? Are my colleagues just weird or is this a thing?
People are just weird and want successful people to be like them. It’ll be the same type of people who claimed Luke Shaw was Muslim because he went on holiday with a couple of Muslim footballers one time.
Yeah I cannot understand the hatred here

He’s acting the way he is because of desperation and pure cope, not because he thinks that the world is his oyster and all that stuff.

Imagine doing something since 7 year olds, being the absolute best at it and doing it your entire life and then at 40 you suddenly can’t do it anymore.

I don’t think he’ll be happy doing kickabouts with his kids in the park

This has literally happened to every player ever and none of them act like this complete bellend.
Brazil in the 50s, 60s was one of the best leagues in the world. He didn't play in the ancient equivalent of today's Brazil league.

So Pele started as pro when he's 16 year old until he was 34 y.o. for Santos, from 1956 -1974 (18 years). To reach self-proclaimed 1,279 goals, he needed to score 71 goals every season for 18 years.

- In 60's, usually there weren't that many games as in now (for Club and International)
- average 71 goals/season for straight 18 years would surely raise eyebrow on Brazil's league quality.
- as player always go through up and down, and attacker usually gets brutal treatment at that time, so there would be years he should score a triple digit per season.
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That guy SantiMesutSanchez or whatever he was called that used to post on here. The man would watch about 8 games at a time.

Does the man not have a family? Jesus, I can barely watch Utd + Big matches due to time restraints.
Who else dedicated themselves this much to football?

How is that an excuse for being an a man child who shows no respect to his team mates?

He's devoted to himself and his narcissistic quest for personal glory by the way. As we say in this neck of the woods, if he was an ice cream he'd lick himself.
Pele is not just an 'all-time great'. It's practically disrespectful to say that. He's got the best case for being the greatest player of all time IMO, and is worst case scenario among the top 3 players to have ever put on a pair of boots. He played nearly 1400 games in 80 different countries and scored 1279 goals, which is a Guiness World record. He played against every top defender of his time and destroyed them all, Moore, Beckenbauer etc. They said it themselves.

Again, with respect, you don't seem to understand that there are advantages and disadvantages in every era scenario (cf my comment about attacking players being protected now by referees).

If you're a player in a top team now, you often compete with hideously expensive all stars against clubs that have a fraction of the budget that your team does. This is the case with every team Ronaldo played for. What financial advantage did Santos have over literally any team they were playing?

Maybe this is why players like CR7, when faced with a level playing field, i.e. at international level in big competitions, tends to struggle much more. Without your billion dollar superteam, the goals seem to dry up fast. Especially in the World Cup.

Do you have lots of high quality footage of him? Tbh everything I’ve seen has been way below the hype. IMO he’s one of the most over rated players ever
How is that an excuse for being an a man child who shows no respect to his team mates?

He's devoted to himself and his narcissistic quest for personal glory by the way. As we say in this neck of the woods, if he was an ice cream he'd lick himself.

It's not an excuse. It's possible that his obsession for football is due to his own personality disorder.

But people like that need therapy and intervention, calling someone a narcissitic cnut doesn't help.

It's interesting how almost every PD under DSM-5 results in calls for help, sympathy and mental health assistance, whereas Narcissism which is categorized alongside them is reduced to "Yeah feck that c*nt"
It's not an excuse. It's possible that his obsession for football is due to his own personality disorder.

But people like that need therapy and intervention, calling someone a narcissitic cnut doesn't help.

It's interesting how almost every PD under DSM-5 results in calls for help, sympathy and mental health assistance, whereas Narcissism which is categorized alongside them is reduced to "Yeah feck that c*nt"

Well he has all the money in the world and could pay for the best treatment if it was needed. I'm not sure he has a disorder, I'm not qualified. I said it was a narcissistic quest for personal glory. I'm not diagnosing him.

Also he's 40 and the carry on in that video is beyond embarrassing.
Pele has scored goals in europe....okay.....for which club???
Santos played a handful of "friendlies" against European clubs back in the day that were a lot more important and competitive than our modern-day friendlies. It's why the debate about Pele's goal tally is a bit difficult; he scored a log of goals in matches that would be deemed "non-competitive" now, but were actually quite significant at the time.
Well he has all the money in the world and could pay for the best treatment if it was needed. I'm not sure he has a disorder, I'm not qualified. I said it was a narcissistic quest for personal glory. I'm not diagnosing him.

Also he's 40 and the carry on in that video is beyond embarrassing.

The hardest challenge of overcoming someone's mental illness is convincing said person that they have a mental illness.

I'm not diagnosing him either, but clearly his behaviour is not normal and someone ought to sit down with him, which given his usual entourage most certainly hasn't happened.
But Pele has not scored 1279 goals.

Literally Fifa even did a dive into this to verify and could not validate any claims.

The only person who claims he has scored that many goals is Pele himself.

The games where he scored those "goals" were not even board sanctioned games.

I mean ffs, he scored 29 goals against the Uruaguay armed forces and that counts towards the tally :lol:

EDIT - to answer your question - there were people in those days who DID

Puskas scored as many goals in sanctioned games as Pele did - only Puskas didn't go around random tours with his club to play exhibition matches against the East Germany Stasi Athletics Union where he banged in 20.
Ignorant post. You need to do more research. Pele's record was affirmed by Guiness. Go and argue with them.