Cristiano Ronaldo - Much Ado About Al Nassr

I definitely have a bad habit of getting slightly obsessed by celebrities I dislike and their deluded fans. You should see how many posts I have in the Taylor Swift thread! I just can’t get past the weirdness of someone falling so deeply in love with a footballer that they end up studying heat maps about his performances, ten years after he last kicked a ball for the team they support!

Well tbf isnt that because the greatest footballers make football entertaining and an artform which in turn reminds us of the highs of the sport. Its only natural in debating the quality of such players to use modern data and stats to back a point of view.
Well tbf isnt that because the greatest footballers make football entertaining and an artform which in turn reminds us of the highs of the sport. Its only natural in debating the quality of such players to use modern data and stats to back a point of view.

I honestly couldn’t give much of a shite about footballers at clubs I don’t support. I’ll watch a few matches each season which don’t feature United (as well as international tournaments) but the idea of slavishly following every detail of the career of an individual footballer at a different club will never not be weird to me.
I honestly couldn’t give much of a shite about footballers at clubs I don’t support. I’ll watch a few matches each season which don’t feature United (as well as international tournaments) but the idea of slavishly following every detail of the career of an individual footballer at a different club will never not be weird to me.

I personally feel some players are too good to miss out on ie all time greats. With the greatest, you are watching history. Anyway that's my view.

The weirdo stuff is like "Messi is so humble, he cleans his own boots!"

"Ronaldo has the heart of a lion and i love him like my son".
Following a player sometimes makes more sense than a club. A player if you like how they play and their personality usually you can like them for life but you don't always get to choose the players who play for your club, and if they're cnts or rubbish to watch, you might not like the club for a bit but you can always follow the player you like wherever they go.
Following a player sometimes makes more sense than a club. A player if you like how they play and their personality usually you can like them for life but you don't always get to choose the players who play for your club, and if they're cnts or rubbish to watch, you might not like the club for a bit but you can always follow the player you like wherever they go.

You have no idea how alien this concept is to me (and, I presume, to basically every football fan in Britain/Ireland?)
People have a lot of prejudice here. They have already made up their mind and will never change it regardless of how this guy plays.

He is not your typical 39 year old and was actually more mobile than Haaland, Kane yesterday. On another day he would have had 2-3 goals. (Keeper saved the first one well, header that hit the defender and the offside one that hit the post)

He is still good enough guys. Stop hating on the player and see the game before commenting.
You have no idea how alien this concept is to me (and, I presume, to basically every football fan in Britain/Ireland?)

Because you can be a football fan beyond just supporting your club and NT. It's a bit like how can Zidane admire Messi when he's only been his opponent as a player for the biggest rival and manager of that rival club.

Also its easier to watch footage of players more than ever. And social media makes it a thing.
You have no idea how alien this concept is to me (and, I presume, to basically every football fan in Britain/Ireland?)

Yes sticking by your club is a conservative idea but I understand the reasons more on why many of the new generation of fans follow players over clubs more. I'm talking about fans globally who don't have a local connection to their favourite European team.
People have a lot of prejudice here. They have already made up their mind and will never change it regardless of how this guy plays.

He is not your typical 39 year old and was actually more mobile than Haaland, Kane yesterday. On another day he would have had 2-3 goals. (Keeper saved the first one well, header that hit the defender and the offside one that hit the post)

He is still good enough guys. Stop hating on the player and see the game before commenting.

Portugal have a very strong squad and they are in a really easy group. He'll bang in sime goals whether they win the thing or not.
Following a player sometimes makes more sense than a club. A player if you like how they play and their personality usually you can like them for life but you don't always get to choose the players who play for your club, and if they're cnts or rubbish to watch, you might not like the club for a bit but you can always follow the player you like wherever they go.
I’m glad I’m old school club first then national couldn’t give a flying shit about players that don’t play for either
You have no idea how alien this concept is to me (and, I presume, to basically every football fan in Britain/Ireland?)
I feel like when Serie A was as huge as it was in the 1990's people did follow Gazza's career to some extent, and I certainly watched some more of Madrid's games than I might have because of Bale when he went so it's not entirely alien, but I certainly didn't care how they performed.
People have a lot of prejudice here. They have already made up their mind and will never change it regardless of how this guy plays.

He is not your typical 39 year old and was actually more mobile than Haaland, Kane yesterday. On another day he would have had 2-3 goals. (Keeper saved the first one well, header that hit the defender and the offside one that hit the post)

He is still good enough guys. Stop hating on the player and see the game before commenting.
Oh, come on, we all know you come to the RedCafe just because it’s an easy place to build a high post count tally.
You have no idea how alien this concept is to me (and, I presume, to basically every football fan in Britain/Ireland?)
It's very weird but, in a way, makes sense I guess if you aren't going physically to watch games. Fans should really follow managers i.e. they like a style of football and personality rather than a club which essentially just takes your money (in ever increasing ways) and expects you to simply support them even if they sell to some state owner or leech who just drains the club.
People have a lot of prejudice here. They have already made up their mind and will never change it regardless of how this guy plays.

He is not your typical 39 year old and was actually more mobile than Haaland, Kane yesterday. On another day he would have had 2-3 goals. (Keeper saved the first one well, header that hit the defender and the offside one that hit the post)

He is still good enough guys. Stop hating on the player and see the game before commenting.
The question is, are Portugal a better side without him in the XI? Answer is yes. That's the verdict across the football media in portugal. Portugal's best performance under Martinez came when Ronaldo was unavailable.

We know the previous National team manager was phasing him out. Roberto Martinez got the job because he agreed to keep Ronaldo on and in the first XI. Mendes and Ronaldo have alot of influence on Portuguese football.

As for yesterday, prime Ronaldo would have finished those chances. Playing in Saudi means he isn't as sharp as he would be playing in top flight European football.
I feel like when Serie A was as huge as it was in the 1990's people did follow Gazza's career to some extent, and I certainly watched some more of Madrid's games than I might have because of Bale when he went so it's not entirely alien, but I certainly didn't care how they performed.

I’d say it’s fairly ‘normal’ to have an interest in players that turn out for your national team, no matter where they play.
It's very weird but, in a way, makes sense I guess if you aren't going physically to watch games. Fans should really follow managers i.e. they like a style of football and personality rather than a club which essentially just takes your money (in ever increasing ways) and expects you to simply support them even if they sell to some state owner or leech who just drains the club.

That’s an interesting point. In a way it’s strange that we’ve only got one manager obsessed weirdo on the caf. You’d think there would be more.
You have no idea how alien this concept is to me (and, I presume, to basically every football fan in Britain/Ireland?)
It depends on the player themselves and the contribution to the team. When Beckham left I always followed his career, I didn’t obsess over him by any means but always checked scores etc and watched the odd game he played in. But solely just following a player over a club is definitely weird, it has a life span so once he retires then you stop watching football and instead follow his commercials or movies?
These Ronaldo fanboys are absolutely unreal. It's scary how obsessed they are with someone who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire, and doesn't know they exist. Celebrity worship and cultism is worse than ever. Many of his fans are Americans who are obsessed with stats, celebrity and athleticism too, like that IShowSpeed guy.

Messi, Maradona, Pele, Cruyff et al have far better passing, dribbling, playmaking etc, and more talent in their ballsack than this charlatan has in his entire body, too many modern fans are stats obsessed. I don't think I have EVER seen anyone who gets arse-licked to the extent this creepy fecker does. The **** around him is absolutely insane. Parasocial relationships are real.

Why can't his fans just admit that Messi (who is also a bellend to be fair) is a far superior player? What issues will it cause in their lives if they criticise Ronaldo for once? They are so creepily protective of him. Ronaldo doesn't deserve to be treated like he's better than a much better player, this whole 'debate' is a media-created fantasy. I am older than both Ronaldo and Messi, been watching and playing football extensively since the 80s - it's abundantly clear there's a chasm the size of the Grand Canyon between them as footballers (Maradona too pisses on Ronaldo from a great height, as do Pele, L Ronaldo etc). It's the same with the media and TV coverage - constantly zooming on on Ronaldo's ugly, plastic face when he's not even in Portugal's top five players anymore. I have never seen such hype and hysteria, apart from maybe with the scummy royals and Princess Diana. Portugal aren't even a real team - for the last 16 years they have debased themselves and might as well rename themselves 'The Ronaldo circus'. He's had a seriously destabilising effect on them - always been invisible every game they exit a tournament, and the one time they won he had to be subbed off early in the game. What an embarrassment Portugal are - they've become a vehicle for one pitiful man's ego trip. They will never win this tournament with him (to be honest I said both England and Portugal's squads were overhyped before the tournament and I tend to be right often on football, I predicted in summer 2023 that your man Ten Hag will be gone by 2025 and that looks likely to come true too). But back to Ronaldo - he's a massive liability on and off the pitch. Martinez is far too much of a weak, spineless coward to ever drop him.

Also, people in here are saying that Ronaldo played well last night? Seriously? That simply proves the low standards he's judged by and how protected he is. If Messi, Lukaku, Nunez or Mudryk put in the performance Ronaldo did last night, they would be destroyed. But Mr Protected Ronaldo just had to do the bare mininum (the odd shot and and a back pass from a free-kick) to draw admiration. I believe he is judged by low standards - I have seen him have loads of poor games, but he gets on the end of a chance and people act like he was Man of the Match.

Ronaldo scores a lot of goals (though context is never added), but as a footballer he isn't a genius, nowhere near. All of us long-term football fans (ie not the kids who grew up watching Ronaldo or started following the game five minutes ago and have never kicked a ball in their lives) know when we are watching a genius, and he's not one. He just does the regular consistently. He makes too many mistakes relative to the greatest players ever, whose touch and technical fundamentals were brilliant all of the time. Ronaldo's game is very rudimentary in comparison. His touch, dribbling, passing are all very hit and miss and were even in his 'prime'. He totally lacks a world-class playmaking component to be the greatest ever, and is far too reliant on physicality/athleticism. I'd argue the likes of Neymar, Hazard and Iniesta are more talented than him (hardly a controversial claim), never mind Messi, Pele, Maradona, Beckenbauer, Di Stefano, L Ronaldo, Zico, Platini and Cruyff (and others). This guy is the champion of PR, media hype and celebrity worship - a great player but in the all-time great debate an absolute fraud. He maybe limps into the top 10 players of all time. He should never be considered in the company of the players I mentioned above, and the idea that he makes his way into the holy trinity (Pele, Messi, Maradona) to create a four is absolutely offensive beyond words as a football fan, and an insult to the superior players he supposedly leapfrogs.

Here's my theory about Ronaldo: Ronaldo is deeply insecure and has a desperate need to be loved, and the same goes for his followers who predominantly worship him because they crave the adulation he receives from some - they live vicariously through him. To be fair, when the majority acknowledge you're inferior to your rival it's easier to feel insecure. Ronaldo will always have a victim complex (that is shared by his ****) because he's deluded enough to think he's better than Messi so he will see the general consensus of Messi being better as an injustice - until the day he dies. That's where all the bollocks pseudo shite about 'the world being against him' and 'proving people wrong' and that cringey 'your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable' garbage comes from. He thinks the world unjustly hates him and unfairly considers messi as better. In his mind that's a lie because he is a narcissist. If he had any self-awareness or brain cells or humility he'd be at peace - he'd recognise there are many reasons to hate him or his game due to his personality, his attitude, his style of play post 2015, the rape allegations, and myriad other scandals. He'd also realise he was inferior as a player to his rival (significantly so). He'd be happy being acknowledged as a great player and somewhere in the top 10. However, the fact is he lives in a yes man bubble surrounded by sycophants. He can't admit these truths to himself which highlights that he is unintelligent and lacks self-awareness. He has zero ability to self-reflect and evaluate himself correctly. People who buy their own hype are often the silliest people. The irony is if he just accepted these things and that he's nowhere near Maradona or Messi, he'd find much MUCH more peace. But he will go on torturing himself with his delusions until the day he dies. I'd almost feel sorry for him if he wasn't so creepy and demented and didn't have serious allegations hanging over his head.

TL DR? The worship of the guy is beyond farce at this stage. It has gone WAY too far and is much bigger than superior players from history. There's too much wanking off over quantitative aspects and 'longevity' - no proper football fan cares about them. What real fans care about is the beauty of the game and how good someone is at their peak. Haaland scores more goals in a season than Iniesta did in his career, but who's a far superior footballer? You'd think any novice could understand the qualitative aspects of football, but apparently not. I rest my case.

This is an extraordinary time to waste on someone you do not like.
This baffles me. How can people not grasp the concept that a player can score goals and still be detrimental overall to a team. Rooney was the same at United near the end of his career. Scoring and assisting goals doesn't make you worth you place if the team plays better and scores more without you. If you score 30 goals a season for your club and they would have scored 50 without you spread over 3 other players then you are not part of the strongest team. Its a really simple concept and applies to Ronaldo.

Without Ronaldo yesterday I have a feeling that Portugal wouldn't have needed two massive mistakes to win the game. It would have been put to bed in the first half. Hes over the hill and his ego and arrogance is so massive that he couldn't care less about his team or country as long as he break records and continues to play.
This baffles me. How can people not grasp the concept that a player can score goals and still be detrimental overall to a team. Rooney was the same at United near the end of his career. Scoring and assisting goals doesn't make you worth you place if the team plays better and scores more without you. If you score 30 goals a season for your club and they would have scored 50 without you spread over 3 other players then you are not part of the strongest team. Its a really simple concept and applies to Ronaldo.

Without Ronaldo yesterday I have a feeling that Portugal wouldn't have needed two massive mistakes to win the game. It would have been put to bed in the first half. Hes over the hill and his ego and arrogance is so massive that he couldn't care less about his team or country as long as he break records and continues to play.
It's the post Ronaldo/Messi fan. Obsessed with stats and all about g/a and chances created. They fail to understand that for players like Zidane, Scholes or Pirlo it wasn't just end product but the subtleties of the game. Knowing when to slow it down or speed it up, when and where to play a risky pass.
It was only ever a discussion on United, Madrid and Portugal forums.
When people look back in history in 100 years now, they will see ronaldo with the most goals in history. Messi will be the best runner up and will not be remembered as fondly. Statistics matter
It's the post Ronaldo/Messi fan. Obsessed with stats and all about g/a and chances created. They fail to understand that for players like Zidane, Scholes or Pirlo it wasn't just end product but the subtleties of the game. Knowing when to slow it down or speed it up, when and where to play a risky pass.

Stats, numbers and goal contributions definitely matter for attackers. Obsession with statistics in every aspect of the game isn't fun but then most top clubs with the best recruitment teams use data, stats and analytics these days to recruit players for every position. The clubs which don't use these modern methods much are the ones that sign the most big-money duds and flops and are the worst run big clubs on the planet.

You named 3 midfielders whose job is to do the stuff you mentioned in your post.

Messi and Ronaldo have zero defensive duties and have had entire teams built around them in order to get the best out of them for 95% of their careers. For players like that, goal contributions and statistics are definitely important.

The biggest match-winners/star players generally have great goalscoring ability or the ability to come up with goals in the biggest moments(like Zidane).
Stats, numbers and goal contributions definitely matter for attackers.

You named 3 midfielders whose job is to do the stuff you mentioned in your post.

Messi and Ronaldo have zero defensive duties and have had entire teams built around them in order to get the best out of them for 95% of their careers. For players like that, goal contributions and statistics are definitely important.

The biggest match-winners/star players generally have great goalscoring ability or the ability to come up with goals in the biggest moments(like Zidane).

They matter if presented in the correct context. Of course attackers should have end product but the obsessions with using stats to argue who's better I would say got much worse post Messi/Ronaldo. Rashford is a good example of this. His stats have people saying he's elite and world class and if you judge him only off g/a perhaps he is but his overall footballing skillset/iq are still not of the highest quality.
I definitely have a bad habit of getting slightly obsessed by celebrities I dislike and their deluded fans. You should see how many posts I have in the Taylor Swift thread! I just can’t get past the weirdness of someone falling so deeply in love with a footballer that they end up studying heat maps about his performances, ten years after he last kicked a ball for the team they support!
Don't give the fanatics more ideas, we'll be getting heat maps comparing past and present, Scholes vs Bruno, Hojlund vs RvN, Rashford vs Giggs and so on :rolleyes:
They matter if presented in the correct context. Of course attackers should have end product but the obsessions with using stats to argue who's better I would say got much worse post Messi/Ronaldo. Rashford is a good example of this. His stats have people saying he's elite and world class and if you judge him only off g/a perhaps he is but his overall footballing skillset/iq are still not of the highest quality.

It's a direct consequence of social media and it's rise globally.

Social media gives people a common, easily accessible platform for Football discussions and debates. Most casuals and even a large number of Football fans don't watch most of the games. They have only seen the highlight clips and stats and numbers but they want to actively participate in these discussions.

This creates a huge market and buzz for 2 types of players: the ones with great stats and the ones with great clips and "tekkers"(like Neymar and Pogba). These 2 types of players get the most attention, hype, love and hate. The other types of players are largely ignored and overlooked.

A lot of Rashford's goodwill is because of PR and because he's a local lad. He's the face of Manchester United for the last few years and it's not easy for the club and the fanbase to admit that they were wrong about him and his potential as a player. The obsession with stats and numbers will only increase in the next few years. It's a bit similar to old-school fans rating players blindly based on team trophies ignoring the context and actual individual ability of the players. The obsession with stats might be annoying but nothing annoys me more than people rating players solely based on collective team trophies!
When people look back in history in 100 years now, they will see ronaldo with the most goals in history. Messi will be the best runner up and will not be remembered as fondly. Statistics matter
:lol:So I guess Batistuta is more fondly remembered than Maradona?:lol:
Are you one of those who considered RVN being better than Henry? Just curious
:lol:So I guess Batistuta is more fondly remembered than Maradona?:lol:
Are you one of those who considered RVN better than Henry? Just curious

Maradona had more career goals than Bati. And RVN was better than Henry and definitely didn't cheat as much !
It's a direct consequence of social media and it's rise globally.

Social media gives people a common, easily accessible platform for Football discussions and debates. Most casuals and even a large number of Football fans don't watch most of the games. They have only seen the highlight clips and stats and numbers but they want to actively participate in these discussions.

This creates a huge market and buzz for 2 types of players: the ones with great stats and the ones with great clips and "tekkers"(like Neymar and Pogba). These 2 types of players get the most attention, hype, love and hate. The other types of players are largely ignored and overlooked.

A lot of Rashford's goodwill is because of PR and because he's a local lad. He's the face of Manchester United for the last few years and it's not easy for the club and the fanbase to admit that they were wrong about him and his potential as a player. The obsession with stats and numbers will only increase in the next few years. It's a bit similar to old-school fans rating players blindly based on team trophies ignoring the context and actual individual ability of the players. The obsession with stats might be annoying but nothing annoys me more than people rating players solely based on collective team trophies!

Agree with most of what you're saying. Fantasy football/gambling probably play a part too.
I honestly couldn’t give much of a shite about footballers at clubs I don’t support. I’ll watch a few matches each season which don’t feature United (as well as international tournaments) but the idea of slavishly following every detail of the career of an individual footballer at a different club will never not be weird to me.
It's not weird at all. If that player happens to be the greatest footballer ever (which Cristiano Ronaldo is clearly not, just for the sake of clarity), then watching them a lot is a joy. I think it's more odd, in this age of blanket television coverage, to just slavishly follow a club and never watch any other team. Odd if you really love the game, that is.
Maradona had more career goals than Bati. And RVN was better than Henry and definitely didn't cheat as much !
Ok maybe I was wrong using maradona/Bati (didnt look up the stats but i trust you are right), but RVN better than Henry? Really? Seriously?
When people look back in history in 100 years now, they will see ronaldo with the most goals in history. Messi will be the best runner up and will not be remembered as fondly. Statistics matter

If statistics matter, does it also matter than Messi has about 100 more assists in his career, which also brings his total goal contributions well above Ronaldo's? Or simply that he ha a better goals/games ratio? Does 8 vs. 5 Balon d'Or's matter? 1 vs. 0 World Cup wins?
Oh he has a petulant narcissistic personality but is unintentionally funny sometimes. Messi has no personality really. Or at least doesn't show much of it.

I never compared his personality to Messi.

But Messi is more down to earth clearly, doesn't have narcissism, vanity and an inferiority complex though.
When people look back in history in 100 years now, they will see ronaldo with the most goals in history. Messi will be the best runner up and will not be remembered as fondly. Statistics matter

Many players have scored more goals than Maradona who can't hold a candle to him.

Maradona vs Pele would never have been a thing if it was only stats + trophies

They will see as that Messi outscored Ronaldo in European leagues+UCL total despite playing 100 less games.
I agree it was probably a sporting failure but by no fault of his own. Juve should’ve known that they didn’t have the finances to facilitate his transfer plus wages and still invest in the team adequately. That’s on them not Ronaldo. He fulfilled his part of the deal when you look at his numbers and also performances in the majority of the big games - especially in his first 2 seasons there. In the CL he was basically scoring all of their goals barring the last season.
Also, what about his game was one-dimensional exactly? He was consistenly in Juve’s top 5 most creative players along with him scoring all the goals. I feel you guys just slap this on to arguments for arguments sake. Halaand is even more one-dimensional than Ronaldo is/was and playing in a team at a significantly higher level than Ronaldo’s Juve were but I don’t see anyone saying he holds them back. The team Ronaldo played with at Juve was nowhere near good enough to win the CL. The closest they could’ve gotten was in his first season when he was still beasting in the competition. After that, no chance. The rest of the team was not up to scratch. They were just good enough to win the league and cup which they did do.
Haaland has had a lot of criticism saying just that though.
Actually the confidence from scoring for fun in the Saudi League might work in his favour as playing in a league with lower intensity and standards. It keeps him more fresh for the only part of his career that still matters, the national team.

Im poor this month so i can only watch the euro games broadcasted on national telly and unfortunately they didnt show Portugal. I get the impression that he looked better than in the 2022 wc. Of course that's hardly an achievement, but he's 39 now.

But he's very far from his peak. He would probably struggle to get into a bottom EPL team if suddenly somehow he would sign for such a squad (which would be a much more dignified way to end his career).