Covid Outbreak at Man Utd

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Oh bloody hell, it wasn't even the wife. It's the wife's best friend :lol:

So some casual comment, has gone through the wife, gone through this poster, and has probably magnified each time!
To be fair people use 'my distant relatives' 'guy I know' etc plenty of times when speaking pro but they aren't ridiculed for it are they.
Astra is shite to the point that I had problems having the second dose as the injection point decided not to use it further because of side effects.
Dude, people in Brazil had a bunch of the Coronavac. That one is even worse.
Oh bloody hell, it wasn't even the wife. It's the wife's best friend :lol:

So some casual comment, has gone through the wife, gone through this poster, and has probably magnified each time!
Its the same or similar argument I've been hearing for a while.
A friend or a friend's friend or cousin works at hospital and he/she heard they're writing all the deaths as covid...

A friend of mine has been saying that last year and he's saying it this year too, someone who he knows works at hospital and heard or even saw that. I dont talk to him about covid anymore.
Tbf it's a non-argument. I haven't heard one intelligent person being pro-injection. Most have done it, like me, just to be able to work and earn money in our profession.

I think both sets aren't too bright to be fair: those who claim that jabs serve some hidden, evil purpose and those who claim they're the dogs bollocks.
Obviously you can, that's when efficacy comes into play.
Oversimplification or not, arguments against getting jabbed are weak and uneducated.
Source - I'm a doctor.
So you mean the 'vaccine' can be both detrimental and helpful? In that case I agree and you don't have to be a doctor to see that.
Oh bloody hell, it wasn't even the wife. It's the wife's best friend :lol:

So some casual comment, has gone through the wife, gone through this poster, and has probably magnified each time!
Part of me hopes that he's someone's second account fishing for replies :lol:
Tbf it's a non-argument. I haven't heard one intelligent person being pro-injection. Most have done it, like me, just to be able to work and earn money in our profession.

I think both sets aren't too bright to be fair: those who claim that jabs serve some hidden, evil purpose and those who claim they're the dogs bollocks.
You are not intelligent.
The Astra Zeneca vaccine may be linked to strokes in certain cases but it's not being used much anymore. Most people will get one of the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer or Moderna, which are not known for this side effect.
So they pushed for and jabbed people with Astra Zeneca which then turned out to cause life-taking damages so they stopped using it. Obviously taking absolutely no responsibility for that.

And they wonder why people are sceptical?

Being open-minded isn't about blindly following one side but trying to understand both sides.
So they pushed for and jabbed people with Astra Zeneca which then turned out to cause life-taking damages so they stopped using it. Obviously taking absolutely no responsibility for that.

And they wonder why people are sceptical?

Being open-minded isn't about blindly following one side but trying to understand both sides.

How much did it increase the chance of stroke? How much does say Pfizer increase the chance of stroke? How much does catching covid increase the chance of stroke?

I can only address you've not bothered to check.
So they pushed for and jabbed people with Astra Zeneca which then turned out to cause life-taking damages so they stopped using it. Obviously taking absolutely no responsibility for that.

And they wonder why people are sceptical?

Being open-minded isn't about blindly following one side but trying to understand both sides.

AZ is different from the mRNA vaccines. People need to understand that if they are skeptical. Also, the incidence of strokes is incredibly low.

Pharmaceutical companies got legal protection from negative outcomes resulting from vaccines in the 1980s due to frivolous lawsuits and this is fairly standard everywhere.
A remarkable generalisation that.

I've had my vaccine, before you decide to have a pop. My wife worked in ITU for 6 years in one of the largest hospitals in the country, she's left now, but her best friend is still there who has now moved into a bed manager position. She's refusing to get the vaccine because of the huge increase in patients being admitted with strokes, the overwhelming majority of which have received the vaccine. This is someone that's been in the thick of it for 2 years, has seen both sides, but she's come to her own decision.

Let's not act like everyone that doesn't happily lap up every vaccine sent our way is some sort of thick shit that should be taken out of the gene pool.

Ah the old "I've had my vaccine so please don't call out my nonsense". Interesting.

If she's been in the thick of it for 2 years, watching people suffer, and she's still against the vaccine, that is very worrying and she should find a job elsewhere. Throughout all walks of life we have to follow advice from people who are experts in their field. They may not always be right, but they've got a far better chance than your average person.

I know the mods won't want this thread trashing, but it's important to challenge the antivaxxers, although as I've alluded to already, they won't listen and sit on Facebook all day in their little echo chambers of similarly dense people.

I stand by my original statement. I have yet to see an intelligent antivaxxer, their arguments are invariably deeply flawed and without merit.
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A remarkable generalisation that.

I've had my vaccine, before you decide to have a pop. My wife worked in ITU for 6 years in one of the largest hospitals in the country, she's left now, but her best friend is still there who has now moved into a bed manager position. She's refusing to get the vaccine because of the huge increase in patients being admitted with strokes, the overwhelming majority of which have received the vaccine. This is someone that's been in the thick of it for 2 years, has seen both sides, but she's come to her own decision.

Let's not act like everyone that doesn't happily lap up every vaccine sent our way is some sort of thick shit that should be taken out of the gene pool.
What vaccines did those patients take?

Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson plus many more. Shed more light.
What if you cannot play because you contracted COVID but are also double-jabbed?
That's less of an issue given current rules. You get ill once and then you should be OK.

Now, someone like Greenwood who had Covid but is (apparently) not vaccinated basically is out for 1.5 weeks if he's even close to someone confirmed positive. Given the number of infections expected because of omicron and the likelihood for our and oppo players to get it, he might not play much this season.

Why should we pay him?
Tbf it's a non-argument. I haven't heard one intelligent person being pro-injection. Most have done it, like me, just to be able to work and earn money in our profession.

I think both sets aren't too bright to be fair: those who claim that jabs serve some hidden, evil purpose and those who claim they're the dogs bollocks.
Is that what‘s in them?! No wonder I feel shit after latest jab… (and barking a lot)
Tbf it's a non-argument. I haven't heard one intelligent person being pro-injection. Most have done it, like me, just to be able to work and earn money in our profession.

I think both sets aren't too bright to be fair: those who claim that jabs serve some hidden, evil purpose and those who claim they're the dogs bollocks.

Not the sh!tload of scientists, ie, the most intelligent people in the country, saying it?
This thread is a disgrace, should be just relating to the confirmed players who have it, consequences to upcoming games. The broader questions should be put in the Covid thread. So unnecessary, all the experts v tin hats. Who will win?
So annoying when you are looking for an update, having to scroll through absolute shit.
He got a groin injury at Birmingham which could have him out for half a year or so, so came back here to recover.
Birmingham? FFS, I thought he was still in Germany. Why don't we let these players go instead of giving them long term contracts when they never come good?
Is there any evidence linking the vaccine with strokes? Genuine question as I don’t know.
As far as I'm aware there are studies that show increased rate of stroke reporting after vaccination, but still less than after covid. Meaning vaccination does increase stroke chances, but not as much as having disease. I've been looking into this, because my GF uncle had multiple strokes after vaccination.

Personally, both me and my GF had cognitive issues after vaccination (stuff like memory issues, sleep disorder), although it could be purely coincidental and non related, it's just odd it's happening to us both at the same time, following vaccination.

Am I worried about any long term effects of the vaccine. No. My primary school classmate is in intensive care due to COVID-19 and who knows if he will make it. I'd rather deal with forgetting where I put my keys or not remembering what I'm doing (if it's even caused/related to covid), than if I'm going to live. I'm 36 btw, my classmate too.
Pro Vax (or just not an idiot) but also pro choice. A government shouldn't be mandating a vaccine. People are not the property of the state. However they should be opted out of state provided care (i.e. the NHS) should they decide to not get the vaccine. This applies to all vaccines. We'll see how people's opinions fare when they have to pay the real cost of treatment... Or die.

So following that logic, should smokers not be allowed NHS care if they become unwell from smoking?

Or overweight people be denied NHS treatment if it affects their health?

It’s the same logic and it’s a slippery slope…

If an individual gets an STD through consenting to careless, unprotected sex, do they get ‘opted out’ of state care?

I get that it makes powerless people feel good about themselves to espouse ‘hardline’ policies on the internet, but we should really think about whether this type of attitude is what we want - and also if we’re willing to implement upon all ‘you caused it yourself’ cases of other human beings who are unwell.
So following that logic, should smokers not be allowed NHS care if they become unwell from smoking?

Or overweight people be denied NHS treatment if it affects their health?

It’s the same logic and it’s a slippery slope…

If an individual gets an STD through consenting to careless, unprotected sex, do they get ‘opted out’ of state care?

I get that it makes powerless people feel good about themselves to espouse ‘hardline’ policies on the internet, but we should really think about whether this type of attitude is what we want - and also if we’re willing to implement upon all ‘you caused it yourself’ cases of other human beings who are unwell.
The difference is I guess that me eating loads of food doesn’t effect anyone else, however me not being vaccinated actively does. Also isn’t there things like sugar tax?

I’m not saying anything about NHS care by they way, just pointing out the difference in your analogy.
That's less of an issue given current rules. You get ill once and then you should be OK.

Now, someone like Greenwood who had Covid but is (apparently) not vaccinated basically is out for 1.5 weeks if he's even close to someone confirmed positive. Given the number of infections expected because of omicron and the likelihood for our and oppo players to get it, he might not play much this season.

Why should we pay him?

I agree about unvaccinated Mason Greenwood (and any other football who'd unvaccinated) and paying him full salary if he's not available to play due to not getting the jab. It's unfair on the club, fans and vaccinated players. If Mason Greenwood (or any other footballer) wants to be an Anti-Vaxxer that's his personal choice but it should have consequences. Especially when that choice impacts on the club, fans and other players. Otherwise if there's no consequences and accepting those consequences for impacting others it's a selfish act.

is it possible to still be vaccine ignorant after almost 2 years of science based evidence that the vaccine is SAFE and getting the jab is best for you and the people around you?!

after 2 years of clinical based trials etc and evidence that the vaccine is safe you are still refusing the jab.. it does come across as anti-vaxxer behaviour. There's no excuse after 2 years and I do think clubs like United should be docking wages as it's a selfish act and not fair for the club, fans and vaccinated players that the unvaccinated take home full salary every week if they are not available to play simply for refusing the vaccine.. potentially costing the club points, money and potentially trophies and Champions League places. Also not fair on the fans who can't see the favourite unvaccinated players playing football for the club (some travelling long distance like that guy off here who travelled from New York to watch this game)

anyway that's a debate for another day. But this can't go on indefinitely.. after giving footballers a very lenient 2 years to get vaccine educated there is no excuse for refusing the jab now especially with all the evidence out there that it's safe. Footballers are very privileged by earning a fortune.. that comes with responsibility.
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im gonna talk about official numbers that come from the CDC (usa) that can give us a glimpse about the United covid outbreak.

according to the CDC, 80% that got omicron were vaccinated. remember that the USA has a lower vaccination rate compared to most countries in europe.

so probably our squad has a high percentaje of vaccinated players and staff and thats why omicron wich is highly contagious got into the squad.

and im not a tin hat. im trying to find a reason why this is happening at United and hopefully the club releases all the data.
I agree about Mason Greenwood and paying him full salary if he's not available to play due to not getting the jab. It's unfair on the club, fans and vaccinated players.

is it possible to still be vaccine ignorant after almost 2 years of science based evidence that the vaccine is SAFE and getting the jab is best for you and the people around you?!

after 2 years of clinical based trials etc and evidence that the vaccine is safe you are still refusing the jab.. it does come across as anti-vaxxer behaviour. There's no excuse after 2 years and I do think clubs like United should be docking wages as it's a selfish act and not fair for the club, fans and vaccinated players that the unvaccinated take home full salary every week if they are not available to play simply for refusing the vaccine.. potentially costing the club points, money and potentially trophies and Champions League places. Also not fair on the fans who can't see the favourite unvaccinated players playing football for the club (some travelling long distance like that guy off here who travelled from New York to watch this game)

anyway that's a debate for another day.
There may be more...

Even putting aside the medical and moral arguments (which I've tried but failed in this thread), it's just good for us as a professional football team to have so much uncertainty over who's available when. I get the whole system this, system that (and I trust Rangnick will get us playing in a cohesive fashion at some point over the next few months) but even there missing your best 11 (or best bench players) will take its toll.
Guess 3 biggest sponsors the scientists in my country have.
The problem enlightened anti-vaxxers have is that their usual 'smart' opinions are ignored because, by and large, they only damage themselves.

The problem with this pandemic is that their less than intelligent arguments and actions affect the rest of society.
As for Zeneca there were cases of teachers (one of the first group to have taken it) in Poland dying or barely making it a few days later while having no illnesses. Mid 30s. I traced it back then as they are my colleagues. They should have treated it more seriously then an not just call every sceptic a nutter and wait till it became too obvious.
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The difference is I guess that me eating loads of food doesn’t effect anyone else, however me not being vaccinated actively does. Also isn’t there things like sugar tax?

I’m not saying anything about NHS care by they way, just pointing out the difference in your analogy.

Lots of medical care and resources is taken up by people who have ‘caused it themselves’.

This then does directly affect others who have far less treatment options, longer waits etc because of this.

Smoking, drinking and obesity massively affect the healthcare system.

The analogy is most definitely relevant to the attitude of ‘if you did it yourself, you opt out’.

If someone takes part in a risky sport purely for their own enjoyment should they get treatment if they injure themselves and there’s someone else who needs treatment for something they did nothing to cause?
The problem enlightened anti-vaxxers have is that their usual 'smart' opinions are ignored because, by and large, they only damage themselves.

The problem with this pandemic is that's t their less than intelligent arguments and actions affect the rest of society.
The problem is that people, as usual, divide themselves into to extreme groups and being deaf towards opposite arguments.

If you say the 'vaccines' aren't as good as they were told to be it doesn't mean you're an anti-vaxxing nutter. It just means you don't think they're great.

Hard to grasp?
I took the Johnsen vaxx, this shit burned me up all night like a mini fever. It didn't help I was feeling pain due to a herniated disc prior to it. Horrible night but it passed at least
How much did it increase the chance of stroke? How much does say Pfizer increase the chance of stroke? How much does catching covid increase the chance of stroke?

I can only address you've not bothered to check.

My partner’s mum is currently on a ventilator after getting Covid. She was caught up in the anti vaccine misinformation, despite being otherwise very intelligent, we just couldn’t get through to her.

If she makes it through, which is 50/50 at the moment, guess what the biggest worry is in recovery…that’s right…a stroke.

So, that’s surviving being put into a coma, being on a ventilator for weeks (potentially) likely having to do months of rehab. And still coming out of it with a bigger chance of a stroke than the AZ vaccine.
I took the Johnsen vaxx, this shit burned me up all night like a mini fever. It didn't help I was feeling pain due to a herniated disc prior to it. Horrible night but it passed at least
Crazy. People's reactions to the vaxx are pretty diverse. I felt nothing.
The problem is that people, as usual, divide themselves into to extreme groups and being deaf towards opposite arguments.

If you say the 'vaccines' aren't as good as they were told to be it doesn't mean you're an anti-vaxxing nutter. It just means you don't think they're great.

Hard to grasp?
It is hard to grasp for you apparently. Vaccines have been effective for what they're designed - reducing hospitalisations. Not preventing infections or anything else.

In fact, before clinical trials came in, 70-80% efficacy against hospitalisations was touted as a great success. We got over 90% for the original virus and now it's lower after several significant mutations but still at 70-80% depending on whether you've had the booster or not.

Your argument is the typical gaslighting of anti-vaxxers. It's not perfect, so the whole premise is false.

Vaccines were never meant to be perfect. Hard to grasp?
A bit of useful stats from the UKHSA ; in the latest 4 weeks of reporting just over 85% of people with covid in UK hospitals were fully vaccinated. 90% of those who died with covid were fully vaccinated. As the vaccines do not confer immunity nor prevent transmission, the case for their usefulness is not looking good. In addition all vaccines including the so-called 'booster' are all based on the original Wuhan virus, their ability to produce anti-bodies against later strains such a omicron is more a matter of 'faith' than anything else.
I don't want any athlete ( or anyone else for that matter) to be mandated to take an experimental vaccine that does not perform well on any measure.
For the record I am vaccinated, but not with a mRNA one which I would never take whatever the threats or motivation.
This is a lie.
Don't really see that it's necessary to start calling Greenwood an anti-vaxxer without any information. Could be any number of reasons he's not on that list of players at training which isn't even 100% accurate.
Anyone would think we were dealing with Ebola -which killed 40% of contacts and there was never any lockdown-or an outbreak of Rabies. It’s a (mild) dose of the flue for most people -the hysteria being generated by the media is nauseating. Either the vaccines work or they don’t, if they don’t then why the push for a 3rd - it’s totally illogical .

What on earth are you on about? The vaccines don't totally stop infection like most other vaccines but they hugely reduce your chances of getting infected, passing it on to others if you do and hugely reduce disease severity. The booster gets better results still.
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