Coronavirus in football

How many actual positive COVID cases and how many are out due to being unvaccinated, that’s what I’m curious about? Also find it interesting that Liverpool is almost entirely vaccinated. Is that due to leadership or a complete fluke that all of there player thought it was sensible to get it?
Leadership, Allisson's wife is a doctor and Allisson himself is part of some health organization thing. Essentially... They're advising their teammates with real information instead of letting misinformation spread. It's annoying because it's Liverpool, but them and Klopp have done really well in sending a strong message.
Leadership, Allisson's wife is a doctor and Allisson himself is part of some health organization thing. Essentially... They're advising their teammates with real information instead of letting misinformation spread. It's annoying because it's Liverpool, but them and Klopp have done really well in sending a strong message.
As if them being amazing wasn't bad enough, now they are an example to the rest of the footballing world. FFS.
If as a club, you cannot play a game because your unvaccinated players are forced to isolate, you should be made to play with youth players, or officially forfeit the game and the points to the other team.
There should be mandatory vaccinations for footballers if they want to play. Catching the virus and then missing games as a result is a detriment to your teammates, fans and the club paying you - not to mention the whole health and safety aspect.
If as a club, you cannot play a game because your unvaccinated players are forced to isolate, you should be made to play with youth players, or officially forfeit the game and the points to the other team.
It is surprising the PL or the broadcasting companies aren't pushing for this. Why should broadcasters and the clubs who got vaccinated have to suffer financially/fixture congestion for other club's incompetencies.
Was anyone else as shocked as me when you found out that professional footballers were for the most part not vaccinated?
The majority are but 35% unvaccinated did surprise me. Daft idiots.
There should be mandatory vaccinations for footballers if they want to play. Catching the virus and then missing games as a result is a detriment to your teammates, fans and the club paying you - not to mention the whole health and safety aspect.

Yeah not that simple. Human rights and freedom thingy.

Nobody dare to make it mandatory and risk a lawsuit.
Indeed, surely if they have positive cases they should know well in advance, on the morning of the game at the latest?

What would have changed two hours before kick off?
One positive test after training or before the match would mean ALL unvaccinated players would automatically have to sit out the game. But who’s to say you’re gonna get that one positive test?
Pretty sure players medical data isn’t something you can just publish. What if one player has a condition they are embarrassed about that means they couldn’t get the vaccine even though they wish they could?
Don’t need to mention names, just figures. Huge embarrassment for United to be one of the highest etc.
The season should be suspended now and reviewed again early in the New Year. Omicron is becoming more rampant by the day, fans attending will be at risk and consequently put their families at risk.

We will also see repetitions of what happened today with several thousand Burnley fans having set off to Villa before the game was postponed. It also creates an unlevel playing field when there are big inequalities in the number of games played by each team.

We are already behind the curve, and things will get a lot worse before they get better. Let's take a lead and call a halt to the season now and see what the next few weeks bring

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The season should be suspended now and reviewed again early in the New Year. Omicron is becoming more rampant by the day, fans attending will be at risk and consequently put their families at risk.

We will also see repetitions of what happened today with several thousand Burnley fans having set off to Villa before the game was postponed. It also creates an unlevel playing field when there are big inequalities in the number of games played by each team.

We are already behind the curve, and things will get a lot worse before they get better. Let's take a lead and call a halt to the season now and see what the next few weeks bring

Post Reply

100% disagree. What will be different in the new year?
Not really, vaccines apparently don’t decrease the number of cases.

Apologies if that’s wrong, but shouldn’t really make a difference in that situation.
Apparently you can make uniformed and uneducated claims as long as you put apparently in front of your dumb claim.

Apologies for being informed.
Leadership, Allisson's wife is a doctor and Allisson himself is part of some health organization thing. Essentially... They're advising their teammates with real information instead of letting misinformation spread. It's annoying because it's Liverpool, but them and Klopp have done really well in sending a strong message.
Ah, that’s interesting. Just thought it was Klopp’s leadership but it makes even more sense now. How is it though that Leeds, Brentford, and I believe Watford have all the players vaccinated but we and other teams don’t? On the law of averages, I’m sure some of their players didn’t want to get vaccinated yet they didn’t. So how is that? Can we know please so we can get some of our idiots to fall in line. It’s an absolute joke that a few players are being able to hold football to ransom.
Anybody have a link that indicates the symptoms being experienced by the players currently?

This does not answer you question, but FYI: Over in the States in the NFL, as of a couple days ago, the league Dr. said 2/3 of players were asymptomatic, the other 1/3 (for the most part) had minor symptoms they might not have even noticed without a positive Covid test. This is anecdotal, but hopefully shows with the vaccination the players are not at much risk at all if vaxed. I think the NFL is like 95% vaxed for the players and 100% for personnel.

A few games have been pushed out a couple days at this point.

If a player has no symptoms he needs two negative tests to come back, this can happen quickly it seems for many.
Yeah not that simple. Human rights and freedom thingy.

Nobody dare to make it mandatory and risk a lawsuit.
Plenty of people are mandated, employers can get a law suit if they don’t reasonably protect their employees in the work place.
That's not what Vaccines do. Vaccines do not stop you from catching the virus. Hence why the vaccinated population is getting infected by Omicron. Players being vaccinated would make no difference on catching the virus or not. Only on their own personal viral immune response in relation to symptoms. The players still test positive and the situation is the same regardless of being vaccinated or not.

Rules are different over how fast you can come back to play in other sports if you are vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Not saying right or wrong, but you can come back quicker.
That's not what Vaccines do. Vaccines do not stop you from catching the virus. Hence why the vaccinated population is getting infected by Omicron. Players being vaccinated would make no difference on catching the virus or not. Only on their own personal viral immune response in relation to symptoms. The players still test positive and the situation is the same regardless of being vaccinated or not.
Vaccines do slightly make you less likely to catch the virus. Much slighter in the case of omnicron. The point is we’re they to be vaccinated, games would not be being cancelled. Games are most likely being cancelled because teams have a lot of unvaccinated players that have to isolate as though they did have the virus, even if they actually tested negative.
Was anyone else as shocked as me when you found out that professional footballers were for the most part not vaccinated?

Sadly, no. I was reading an article a few months back that was talking about the problem of players not being vaccinated. There were a lot of sources talking about how easily a lot of footballers fell down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory nonsense; young players, in particular. When you consider the fact that most of them a very online and have a lot of time on their hands (also, maybe not the sharpest tools in the shed), you can see how it's easy for them to go down this path.

Not to paint them all as dumb-dumbs, of course, because that's not true. A lot of them have shown how smart and socially conscious they are over the past year or so, but unfortunately there are many who like to seek out "alternative facts".

I think Kimmich came out the other day and expressed regret about not getting vaccinated and said he's now going to get the vaccine after he contracted covid. Hopefully, more players will feel the same way, because it's pretty ridiculous.
That's not what Vaccines do. Vaccines do not stop you from catching the virus. Hence why the vaccinated population is getting infected by Omicron. Players being vaccinated would make no difference on catching the virus or not. Only on their own personal viral immune response in relation to symptoms. The players still test positive and the situation is the same regardless of being vaccinated or not.
There is some evidence that vaccinated people are also less likely to infect others if they're infected.

And there's now robust evidence that SARS-CoV-2 transmission from asymptomatic people accounts for at least half of all COVID-19 cases. (

I am amazed people still doubt the usefulness of vaccination (infection risk, severe disease risk, death risk, transmission risk...almost everything) when there are dozens of rigorous scientific studies that have ascertained its benefits across multiple scenarios.
That's not what Vaccines do. Vaccines do not stop you from catching the virus. Hence why the vaccinated population is getting infected by Omicron. Players being vaccinated would make no difference on catching the virus or not. Only on their own personal viral immune response in relation to symptoms. The players still test positive and the situation is the same regardless of being vaccinated or not.
Barely a grain of truth in this post as well. Tiring having to see so much misinformation pushed as common knowledge.
Was anyone else as shocked as me when you found out that professional footballers were for the most part not vaccinated?

Nope. A lot of footballers come across as genuinely stupid people so it doesn’t surprise me that they get caught up in misinformation and conspiracy theories. It’s not often you get a footballer in the top tier who actually comes across as intelligent.
Apparently you can make uniformed and uneducated claims as long as you put apparently in front of your dumb claim.

Apologies for being informed.

Uniformed…? Did you ironically mean ‘uninformed’?

And I was simply explaining that having a heavily vaccinated squad wouldn’t necessarily mean less coronavirus cases - rather less serious cases.

My post was in no way suggesting teams would be better to avoid vaccination.

But bravo for wading in and venting your vitriol and spite - hope it made you feel better :)
100% disagree. What will be different in the new year?

You'll allow doctors and nurses and other healthcare workers working tirelessly for the last two years, many succumbing to death themselves, enough time to recover from what will surely be a huge surge in hospital admissions next week onwards. The number of new cases is steadily increasing to ~ 100,000 per day in the UK.

You don't want the NHS to be even more overwhelmed than they already are because hundreds of thousands of folks decided to shout together in jampacked stadiums to watch 22 players playing a ball, do you?

Or at least, the games should be played behind closed doors immediately.
You'll allow doctors and nurses and other healthcare workers working tirelessly for the last two years, many succumbing to death themselves, enough time to recover from what will surely be a huge surge in hospital admissions next week onwards. The number of new cases is steadily increasing to ~ 100,000 per day in the UK.

You don't want the NHS to be even more overwhelmed than they already are because hundreds of thousands of folks decided to shout together in jampacked stadiums to watch 22 players playing a ball, do you?

Or at least, the games should be played behind closed doors immediately.

Agree completely.
Uniformed…? Did you ironically mean ‘uninformed’?

And I was simply explaining that having a heavily vaccinated squad wouldn’t necessarily mean less coronavirus cases - rather less serious cases.

My post was in no way suggesting teams would be better to avoid vaccination.

But bravo for wading in and venting your vitriol and spite - hope it made you feel better :)

Wow, I made a typo. You spout nonsense and then you have the arrogance to talk about 'explaining'.

Vaccines prevent transmission, just to a lesser extent than their main goal of stopping serious illness. Anyone claiming that 30% chance of lower transmission 'wouldn’t necessarily mean less coronavirus cases' is clearly talking nonsense, as you are in a second consecutive post.

Additionally, the rules for unvaccinated players mean they basically cannot play and that makes playing football nigh-on impossible.

I won't apologise to someone who makes empty unsubstantiated claims and then cries about 'vitriol' because you spread misinformation.
Wow, I made a typo. You spout nonsense and then you have the arrogance to talk about 'explaining'.

Vaccines prevent transmission, just to a lesser extent than their main goal of stopping serious illness. Anyone claiming that 30% chance of lower transmission 'wouldn’t necessarily mean less coronavirus cases' is clearly talking nonsense, as you are in a second consecutive post.

Additionally, the rules for unvaccinated players mean they basically cannot play and that makes playing football nigh-on impossible.

I won't apologise to someone who makes empty unsubstantiated claims and then cries about 'vitriol' because you spread misinformation.

Hang on, this was you, like 3 days ago…

I’m echoing your EXACT POINT in that message mate. While you’re now completely contradicting what you said previously!

You’re frantic, calm down, and stop being needlessly rude to people.
Plenty of people are mandated, employers can get a law suit if they don’t reasonably protect their employees in the work place.

Nope. Still cant force them to. They might fire them if they dont comply but cant force them to take the jab.

Most people who needs job just take the jab, as most sane people does. I took mine the first day it's available.

But still. You cant literally tie them up and force them to if they dont want it. And even to fire them would not be a simple thing.

Not that i agree with it
This does not answer you question, but FYI: Over in the States in the NFL, as of a couple days ago, the league Dr. said 2/3 of players were asymptomatic, the other 1/3 (for the most part) had minor symptoms they might not have even noticed without a positive Covid test. This is anecdotal, but hopefully shows with the vaccination the players are not at much risk at all if vaxed. I think the NFL is like 95% vaxed for the players and 100% for personnel.

A few games have been pushed out a couple days at this point.

If a player has no symptoms he needs two negative tests to come back, this can happen quickly it seems for many.
Hang on, this was you, like 3 days ago…

I’m echoing your EXACT POINT in that message mate. While you’re now completely contradicting what you said previously!

You’re frantic, calm down, and stop being needlessly rude to people.
If you can read, I am not. I am arguing that the primary objective is hospitalisation avoidance but I never said anything about transmission.

However, even if they couldn't prevent transmission whatsoever (this is not true), the rules as they are (and I am not saying they make sense), mean that an unvaccinated player cannot play if he comes into contact with a covid positive person. This effectively means they're out of action and are getting paid for not doing their job.

At the end of the day, how are ordinary people expected to follow restrictions on their day-to-day lives when the most priviliged and supposedly informed (or at least with access to the best medical minds) like footballers (and politicians) think that the rules do not apply to them?
Nope. A lot of footballers come across as genuinely stupid people so it doesn’t surprise me that they get caught up in misinformation and conspiracy theories. It’s not often you get a footballer in the top tier who actually comes across as intelligent.

That may be true, but it doesn't explain the difference between the PL and other top leagues. In Serie A 98% of all players are supposedly fully vaccinated.
Seemingly if you’re not vaccined but are a contact, it’s mandatory 10 day isolation. Not sure if true but would make sense as to why the league’s are decimated.
Sadly, no. I was reading an article a few months back that was talking about the problem of players not being vaccinated. There were a lot of sources talking about how easily a lot of footballers fell down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory nonsense; young players, in particular. When you consider the fact that most of them a very online and have a lot of time on their hands (also, maybe not the sharpest tools in the shed), you can see how it's easy for them to go down this path.

Not to paint them all as dumb-dumbs, of course, because that's not true. A lot of them have shown how smart and socially conscious they are over the past year or so, but unfortunately there are many who like to seek out "alternative facts".

I think Kimmich came out the other day and expressed regret about not getting vaccinated and said he's now going to get the vaccine after he contracted covid. Hopefully, more players will feel the same way, because it's pretty ridiculous.

Kimmich who is a supreme athlete and has now probably damaged his lungs.
That may be true, but it doesn't explain the difference between the PL and other top leagues. In Serie A 98% of all players are supposedly fully vaccinated.

Are the levels of misinformation as high in those spheres as they are in the easily accessible English speaking countries?
Seemingly if you’re not vaccined but are a contact, it’s mandatory 10 day isolation. Not sure if true but would make sense as to why the league’s are decimated.
That is correct.

Now imagine how fkin annoying that currently is when the unvaxxed doctors you work with have a contact and you’re being inundated with more Covid admissions.
Kimmich who is a supreme athlete and has now probably damaged his lungs.

Yep. That's the sad and bonkers thing about it. He's talked about how much it has impacted him in terms of his difficulty to breathe and catch his breath. So fecking dumb and unnecessary. You'd hope it's a lesson for other players who are hesitent to get the vaccine.
Pretty sure players medical data isn’t something you can just publish. What if one player has a condition they are embarrassed about that means they couldn’t get the vaccine even though they wish they could?

You don't have to publish details of course. Just the vaccination status and if they are positive or required to quarantine because of being not vaccinated. It's done here in Germany despite we are famous for valuing private data protection.
In your particular example he can just be noticed player XY isn't vaccinated, because the medical team advice him to not get the jab.

The less vaccination rate in the English football really surprise me. I firmly believe this is one reason why the EPL is hit hardest.
Living here in the Philippines were you can't get vaccinated that easily, it's really an European luxury problem that there are that many anti vaxxers.
Both, Kimmich and Choupo Mouting are battling the consequences of their covid infection and can't even train yet despite having recovered over a week ago.
Maybe the vaccine wouldn't have prevented the infection but definitely the infiltration of water in their lungs. The vaccinated players at Bayern didn't experience these symptoms.
Are the levels of misinformation as high in those spheres as they are in the easily accessible English speaking countries?

You mean that they're less exposed to Facebook nonsense and conspiracy theories?

I honestly have no idea - but it seems unlikely at first glance. Ligue 1, La Liga and the Bundesliga also have 90+ percent (full) vaccination. It really is a striking (and very odd) difference.

Would be interesting to see if there's a correlation between nationality and vaccine hesitancy in the PL.