Just to clear things up, since it seems like people think I'm somehow advocating for covering up police misconduct. I'm obviously not. I just have a very big stick up my arse about speaking in absolutes like all X are Y. This type of reasoning, in any situation, is what's keeping humanity back. Racism, sexism, intollerance, religious intolerance, all world problems stem from these types of generalizations.
It's as if, becoming a cop, instantly makes you a power hungry, overly aggressive bastard. That's obviously a load of bollocks. Bad things happen in pretty much every part of our society; big banks, governments, you're local plummer ripping you off, it's people being cnuts. The problem with cops is that they wield a certain amount of power and with this power comes responsibility (uncle Ben, 1962). Abusing this power is much worse than a plumber abusing his power by charging you too much to fix your toilet.
This obviously means that there should be an impartial watchdog to monitor if the police are doing a good job and should penalize them for this type of horrible things, because ofcourse I agree that assaulting someone like in the video above is terrible. It does however, not mean that all cops that walk the street and sit behind their desk are out there to keep you down, treat you unfairly and beat up innocent people.
*Now I do have a slight reason for this meltdown; 3 of my uncles are cops and so are 2 of my best mates.
**To be fair, reading the posts I don't think I actually disagree on anything with any of you so, erm, yea