Cop in America doing a bad job, again

Where do you live?

Ireland. The only armed ones are in specially trained units. A recent Taoiseach (Prime Minister) was talking about arming the regular police but the head of the police told him it was a terrible idea. The thinking was that most criminals aren't armed and if the police were it could escalate and mean a lot more guns on the streets. Guns are around but only really used if a gang war breaks out which happens from time to time but it's not too often.
I feel like loads of lads over there join just so they have they chance to feel the "thrill" of murdering someone, legally. Desperate to get the gun out and play real life CoD.
Not sure where to put this. Is a UK cop in Manchester airport: Neither person seems to be resisting.

Not sure where to put this. Is a UK cop in Manchester airport: Neither person seems to be resisting.

Yeah all over social media locally

School holidays lots of Asian families take kids to Pakistan. Seems that was the case here.

Young lad not a "man" it seems, school kid. From what some are saying
What's going on here? Is a black sun whatever that is a racist thing?

The black sun is. The vegvisir not that I'm aware of in itself, although it absolutely true that Norse rune tattoos are sometimes associated with racist ideology. The only thing I can guess is because the people from that area are very white so runes, staves, Norse mytholgoy/paganism and all that stuff attracted them. They've co-opted it.

You know how lots of guys have compass tattoos? The vegvisir has simply become trendy to many who might have got one of those but either wanted to celebrate a Nordic background or just thought vikings and Norse mythology were fecking cool. It's a wayfinder symbol, sometimes referred to as a viking compass. The TV show Vikings played a big part in everything viking related becoming popular in recent years. The symbol is actually much later than the viking age though, created as recently as 1860 and vikings didn't know what the feck a compass was anyway.

I did toy with the idea of getting that as a tattoo myself as the island where my father was born (Saaremaa in Estonia) has a viking ship on it's flag as it traded with vikings, was raided by them and some people went and joined them at various times. Viking longboats have been discovered on the island too. After he died last year I thought of getting a viking ship and vegsivir tat in his memory. It would be remembering him alongside the symbolism that he is guiding me through the vegvisir even though he's no longer here. As Norse paganism wasn't as influential there compared to other places, and considering it's not an authentic symbol from the viking age anyway I decided not to. Still going to get the ship, but I'm working on something else to go with it.
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Imagine calling the police and they come and execute you, for having the audacity to boil water in your home.

America is garbage, sorry.
Warning shots are generally illegal, though I did hear that at least one state was looking at legalisation.

Backing off would be a good shout, or not be stupid and appreciate that the comments were a light hearted bit of banter.

Glad he's being charged as it was a ridiculous escalation, but you never know with juries and the police

Most departments have specific policy on warning shots, which may differ from actual legal allowances of them. Typically departmental policy is more restrictive than the actual law is.
that british copper is surely gonna get charged for that? could have killed him or given him brain damage, and the guy isn't a threat on the floor like that
The black sun is. The vegvisir not that I'm aware of in itself, although it absolutely true that Norse rune tattoos are sometimes associated with racist ideology. The only thing I can guess is because the people from that area are very white so runes, staves, Norse mytholgoy/paganism and all that stuff attracted them. They've co-opted it.
Half right. The ones who co-opted norse symbols were themselves Nordic Nazis. A core part of fascism of all kinds is looking back on the 'glorious past' and explicitly exploiting symbols and terms to evoke it. Norwegian Nazis did that with Norway’s golden age, meaning the viking and high middle ages.
Just watched the footage. America has so many incidents like this, but this one is extreme, if I can put it like that? She said she didn't need anything else after they had searched her garden and found no signs of an intruder. They then invite themselves in to ask her for her ID. Why they would need it in the first place, I don't know. Then they encourage her to take a pot of boiling water off the stove, which she placidly complies with. They step away, she asks why? They say they don't want to be hit with boiling water, even though she hasn't said or done anything to indicate she's a threat. She jokes with them about Jesus, again her voice and movements are completely calm. They say they'll shoot her in the effing face. Then they shoot her in the face a second later.

No escalation from the victim whatsoever. The cops go from 0-100 in a heartbeat and just murder her in her own home. What the hell is wrong with these animals?
Imagine calling the cops to your home because you're afraid someone is intruding your home, only to get a bullet through your head from the policemen you requested for.

America is truly crazy.
Supposedly this was his 6th law enforcement department he worked for. 3 were as part time (don’t know what that is or how that’s possible). Been questionably discharged from the military and has been arrested multiple times for DUI. He shouldn’t have been a cop period. Shocking that they didn’t see (or ignored) the very obvious red flags in his background. 3rd department in 4 years. I know most agencies are having recruitment/retention issues, but come on.
Supposedly this was his 6th law enforcement department he worked for. 3 were as part time (don’t know what that is or how that’s possible). Been questionably discharged from the military and has been arrested multiple times for DUI. He shouldn’t have been a cop period. Shocking that they didn’t see (or ignored) the very obvious red flags in his background. 3rd department in 4 years. I know most agencies are having recruitment/retention issues, but come on.
I'd hazard a guess this is related to the way jurisdictions don't share information, I've seen posts here in the past mentioning this, a cop can just move to the next county and they're non the wiser, it's madness of course but this is a country when virtually every Tom, Dick and Harry can walk in to a supermarket and come out with a gun!
I'd hazard a guess this is related to the way jurisdictions don't share information, I've seen posts here in the past mentioning this, a cop can just move to the next county and they're non the wiser, it's madness of course but this is a country when virtually every Tom, Dick and Harry can walk in to a supermarket and come out with a gun!
Each state governs its law enforcement agencies and standards. You go through a background investigation, even if you’re already a sworn officer. It might be more expedited, but I don’t believe for a second that his department did not ask his former ones of his disciplinary records. I’d guess they were desperate for officers, like most departments everywhere, and just hired him anyway.
I'd hazard a guess this is related to the way jurisdictions don't share information, I've seen posts here in the past mentioning this, a cop can just move to the next county and they're non the wiser, it's madness of course but this is a country when virtually every Tom, Dick and Harry can walk in to a supermarket and come out with a gun!

You’d think it would be a better process but unfortunately not. We just switched from doing all our backgrounds in house, which granted would take longer (9-18 months from applying to academy) but they would be extensive and disqualify a lot of people. Now we’re short, as are most departments, so they switched to an outside third party background agency which can do them a lot quicker, but we’re seeing a real drop in quality of officers that come to the road.
I don't think leg or arm shots are a thing for armed police. Aren't they always supposed to aim for the centre of mass? The idea being that if you're in a situation where you're in so much danger that you to need to shoot someone then winging them will never protect you fully.

Yes this is true.

Centre of mass isn't always lethal, can incapacitate, and (in theory) makes it harder to miss and potentially hit someone/something behind the target.

For anyone who has never shot a handgun before - and this should go without saying - it's hard to hit stationary targets at distance (10m +), never mind if you or the target is on the move. It's not like the movies.

A millimetre or two off at the point of shooting can equate to a surprising distance over a 10m.
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Yes this is true.

Centre of mass isn't always lethal, can incapacitate, and (in theory) makes it harder to miss and potentially hit someone/something behind the target.

For anyone who has never shot a handgun before - and this ahould go without saying - but it's hard to hit stationary targets at distance (10m +), never mind if you or the target is on the move. It's not like the movies.

A millimetre or two off at the point of shooting can equate to a surprising distance over a 10m.

Wait, are you saying i cant shot the tires of anothers person car at 150 km/h speeding in a highway?

I was already pissed off about this video before I found out that the little kid is autistic. Imagine seeing your dad thrown to the ground and then the guy who has frightened the shit out of you then tries to tell you everything is alright.

"Fine, keep crying..."

Definitely an authoritarian asshat. Also, when I see fat feck LEOs such as this guy I shake my head in disbelief that so many departments lack fitness and appearance standards, let alone anger management and discipline issues.
