Cop in America doing a bad job, again

In reaction to things like this happening.

Not saying I agree it’s the best course of action, but if people are blindly going after anyone just because they’re an officer, I can see why management would want to protect their people.

It's a bit early to say that this happened because their uniform identifies them by name.

Even the chief says it's common knowledge that the officers involved live there, so maybe they are well known in the community? The simplest solution is to request a private number from your phone company (if you still have a landline) and then your name and address doesn't show up in the book. Or only have cell phones then you won't show up anywhere at all. Don't post pictures of your residence on Facebook, etc. Blaming name tags is a bit rich, imo. They're there for transparency and so citizens can feel like they have some recourse in the event an officer treats them unfairly. Getting rid of them is a bit like turning off the body camera in that it removes accountability.

But if we are spectating maybe one or both are involved in something that led to this beyond an unpleasant traffic stop or arrest? Not necessarily something illegal, but even an affair or other personal interaction could be the reason behind this. As we know there are loads of nutters in the states who go off on one because "you're disrespectin' me!". For all we know right now the shooters could have targeted the wrong house.
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In reaction to things like this happening.

Not saying I agree it’s the best course of action, but if people are blindly going after anyone just because they’re an officer, I can see why management would want to protect their people.
In reaction to things like this happening.

Not saying I agree it’s the best course of action, but if people are blindly going after anyone just because they’re an officer, I can see why management would want to protect their people.
My question was how does this help ‘public’ safety? It doesn’t. It creates conditions for allowing police to get away with shit more easily.
It's a bit early to say that this happened because their uniform identifies them by name.

Even the chief says it's common knowledge that the officers involved live there, so maybe they are well known in the community? The simplest solution is to request a private number from your phone company (if you still have a landline) and then your name and address doesn't show up in the book. Or only have cell phones then you won't show up anywhere at all. Don't post pictures of your residence on Facebook, etc. Blaming name tags is a bit rich, imo. They're there for transparency and so citizens can feel like they have some recourse in the event an officer treats them unfairly. Getting rid of them is a bit like turning off the body camera in that it removes accountability.

But if we are spectating maybe one or both are involved in something that led to this beyond an unpleasant traffic stop or arrest? Not necessarily something illegal, but even an affair or other personal interaction could be the reason behind this. As we know there are loads of nutters in the states who go off on one because "you're disrespectin' me!". For all we know right now the shooters could have targeted the wrong house.

Sure, there’s lots of possible reasons. I was just pointing out what the reasons they suggested for it were, not what I believed should be done or that I thought it was the best course of action.
And my response addressed a possible reason. I didn’t say it was done for public safety. And I don’t believe they framed it as such either.
Doesn’t really matter how they frame it, it’s obvious for what the ultimate intent is regardless of its quaint packaging.
Doesn’t really matter how they frame it, it’s obvious for what the ultimate intent is regardless of its quaint packaging.

I was just answering a question you posed in which you asked how it was for public Safety even though I don’t believe anyone involved specified that it was for that purpose.
I was just answering a question you posed in which you asked how it was for public Safety even though I don’t believe anyone involved specified that it was for that purpose.
It’s obviously not for public safety, it’s for hardening the thin blue line & reducing transparency.
But youre answering a question you posed based upon something only you suggested it was for.
My post about public safety was totally sarcastic as were the similar replies in the Twitter thread. I didn’t ask about police safety. This is a move to shield police, it is not a move to protect society at large. That is patently obvious. It is only done to remove the transparency that has been hard fought for. As @WI_Red states, it’s to limit the clarity on the inevitable next time the police commit an atrocity on a citizen.
My post about public safety was totally sarcastic as were the similar replies in the Twitter thread. I didn’t ask about police safety. This is a move to shield police, it is not a move to protect society at large. That is patently obvious. It is only done to remove the transparency that has been hard fought for. As @WI_Red states, it’s to limit the clarity on the inevitable next time the police commit an atrocity on a citizen.

Badge numbers are still being worn, which are assigned to a specific officer. And they’re saying it’s to avoid officers being tracked down off duty, you’re saying it’s to protect them for atrocities committed.

I’m not stating outright that they are fair game to be assaulted, I’m just stating that I don’t give a much of a shit if they are.

The whole system is corrupt, I don’t think that can be argued. The system is corrupt due to the actions of the members, even if they are in the minority. That kind of stain washes over the entire system. To think otherwise is laughably foolish. That’s why I can’t give too much of a feck if shit like this happens.

Keeping in mind that this is your stance, that minority actions mean you don’t care if the rest are assaulted in any way, why wouldn’t a department do something to limit their officers exposure to people off duty?
Badge numbers are still being worn, which are assigned to a specific officer. And they’re saying it’s to avoid officers being tracked down off duty, you’re saying it’s to protect them for atrocities committed.

Keeping in mind that this is your stance, that minority actions mean you don’t care if the rest are assaulted in any way, why wouldn’t a department do something to limit their officers exposure to people off duty?
I don’t have the hard data in front of me, but I would strongly assume that incidents like firing indiscriminately into a cop’s house number far less than events of police misdeeds on society. So, I guess I do not care that much about minority actions. That’s why I said ‘society at large;’ there’s always going to be instances of shocking events that can be emotive, but the sheer number of police atrocities means to me that we need to increase transparency, not lessen it. But, that’s just the numbers talking here.
I don’t have the hard data in front of me, but I would strongly assume that incidents like firing indiscriminately into a cop’s house number far less than events of police misdeeds on society. So, I guess I do not care that much about minority actions. That’s why I said ‘society at large;’ there’s always going to be instances of shocking events that can be emotive, but the sheer number of police atrocities means to me that we need to increase transparency, not lessen it. But, that’s just the numbers talking here.

For what it’s worth, I don’t disagree with you. I’m all for as much information being available as possible. My name is sewn on my uniform, provided when anyone asks, and I’ve had plenty of conversations with people on the way to jail that ended up with my first name being given. We’re all people and deserve to be treated as such. My partner wears a bodycam and we have MVARS in the vehicles used on every stop and contact.

I was just saying I can also understand a department wanting to limit exposure to officers getting contacted at home with their families or wherever else. Whether you believe it purely to be a sinister act, however, then I could understand your skepticism based upon looking at it from the other side.
For what it’s worth, I don’t disagree with you. I’m all for as much information being available as possible. My name is sewn on my uniform, provided when anyone asks, and I’ve had plenty of conversations with people on the way to jail that ended up with my first name being given. We’re all people and deserve to be treated as such. My partner wears a bodycam and we have MVARS in the vehicles used on every stop and contact.

I was just saying I can also understand a department wanting to limit exposure to officers getting contacted at home with their families or wherever else. Whether you believe it purely to be a sinister act, however, then I could understand your skepticism based upon looking at it from the other side.
Completely understand the police wanting to shield their employees’ info for this very reason, but limiting access to essential information in the case of police action of excessive manner is not going to engender public confidence.

You have undoubtedly answered this before on this thread, but where are you located in the states?
Completely understand the police wanting to shield their employees’ info for this very reason, but limiting access to essential information in the case of police action of excessive manner is not going to engender public confidence.

You have undoubtedly answered this before on this thread, but where are you located in the states?

I agree, I believe everyone is at a bit of an impasse here with how to proceed. No doubt that people from both sides want to come forward and figure out the best way for all to proceed, but there’s so much happening it might be too far gone to make work before something more drastic happens.

Northern California. But born and raised in Yorkshire.
I agree, I believe everyone is at a bit of an impasse here with how to proceed. No doubt that people from both sides want to come forward and figure out the best way for all to proceed, but there’s so much happening it might be too far gone to make work before something more drastic happens.

Northern California. But born and raised in Yorkshire.
The needle keeps moving daily on this. I also agree that there will be more drastic, even seismic, events in the near term before the needle rests for a while.

police in this country are absolute scum and total cowards

I find hard to see how to heal these open wounds. Is there even a way back to rebuild trust? What's going on there didn't even happen here under Milosevic rule, I'm serious.
I don't understand how they can get away with that time and time again. Absolutely disgusting.
Come on everyone, where's the context? There's two sides to every story. We need to know what those people did before we condemn the actions of the police.
Come on everyone, where's the context? There's two sides to every story. We need to know what those people did before we condemn the actions of the police.

As a former police I can say that it doesn't matter what they did. When you get control of a situation your right to use force stops. The same way should force not be used unless it's absolutely necessary. I know the policemen are human like the rest of us but if they can't leave their emotions at home, they are really in the wrong profession.
As a former police I can say that it doesn't matter what they did. When you get control of a situation your right to use force stops. The same way should force not be used unless it's absolutely necessary. I know the policemen are human like the rest of us but if they can't leave their emotions at home, they are really in the wrong profession.

I see my sarcasm didn't translate well there at all :lol: This is absolutely abhorrent and completely in keeping with these pigs. Really don't see how things are supposed to heal from this. And to be honest, these pigs don't deserve peaceful healing.
I see my sarcasm didn't translate well there at all :lol: This is absolutely abhorrent and completely in keeping with these pigs. Really don't see how things are supposed to heal from this. And to be honest, these pigs don't deserve peaceful healing.

Haha, ok. Hard to read the sarcasm between the lines sometimes.
Haha, ok. Hard to read the sarcasm between the lines sometimes.

The thing is we actually have a few posters on here who usually come in and say exactly that, but while being entirely serious, so I don't blame you for thinking I could be serious.
The thing is we actually have a few posters on here who usually come in and say exactly that, but while being entirely serious, so I don't blame you for thinking I could be serious.

People who believe in order at any cost I'm guessing? Well they should leave whatever democracy they live in and move to N. Korea. Should be order there.

As I said I was a police officer for a long time but I'm shocked to see what police get away with in the US. They act more like a militia than law enforcement.
The crazy thing with this is the brazen hypocrisy - if the headlines/videos were of this happening in, say, Africa or the Middle-East, the US would be sending troops in to ‘restore democracy’!

Further evidence that, despite the economic and military power, the US is nothing but a failed State.
People who believe in order at any cost I'm guessing? Well they should leave whatever democracy they live in and move to N. Korea. Should be order there.

As I said I was a police officer for a long time but I'm shocked to see what police get away with in the US. They act more like a militia than law enforcement.

It's crazy to me as well. I live in a third world country with a notoriously bent police force and even they don't do the sort of things that I see these US police doing. Added to that, it's not even like people are just claiming the police are doing these things, but it's always recorded on camera, and still they face no consequences and continue to act as they do, all while the taxpayers have to pay for whatever costs come up along the way.
Thought disbanding the police was a ludicrous idea but can't see any other way. It's like the America doesn't even know the primary purpose of a police force.

police in this country are absolute scum and total cowards

If police were treating right-wing protesters this way, somebody would've snapped and fired an AR-15 into a crowd of police. I'm surprised that this hasn't happened yet in the face of this sort of violence from supposed 'law enforcement' officers.
Just caught up with the Linden Cameron situation. “Tell my mom I love her” absolutely heartbreaking words :(

i just saw this vid of a lady being handcuffed and tased for not wearing a mask in an open space
the thing that gets me is not only the stupid brutality of the cop, but the sheepier behavior of the guys watching how the cop was being abusive over nothing
and the hypocrisy of the other cop that arrives later to help the first cop, not wearing a mask