Conor Gallagher | AtletiGO?

Maybe Conor believes he can prove everyone wrong and master the system where close control is everything and you have to know where the pass 3 and 4 passes down the line will likely be.

But that is unlikely, which means it will be 2 plus 1 years of going through this, and they will still be trying to sell him.

That seems like a lot of unnecessary stress to put on a locker room.

I suspect what Gallagher believes is that Maresca, not to mention Winstanley and Stewart, might not have jobs in the club next summer.

That's the thing that makes this situation so unique. From the perspective of the sporting directors and manager its easy to see the argument why the player doesn't fit their vision and therefore it would be best for all parties for him to leave on a transfer this summer. But Chelsea has run through five managers in two years and the sporting directors are on thin ice. They can talk all they want about how Maresca is going to implement this new brand of football that will be the foundation for the club's identity going forward, yadda yadda yadda. But its all talk. Everybody - including Gallagher and his agent - know that if results don't come these people are going to lose their jobs - that's how the business works.

For Gallagher I think there's a very good argument for just running down his contract and seeing what happens. Worst case is that he has a year where he doesn't play much, the people at Chelsea stay in charge, and then he gets his choice of clubs next summer, probably on much better contract terms than he is being offered by Atletico now. Best case for him is that all these people get fired and the owners bring in a new manager, and perhaps a new sporting director or Shields just takes that job, with a footballing vision that gives him a chance to play out his prime years at the club he loves and where he wants to be.
Think he's a very limited player but can see why Simeone would want him. Would definitely suit his system.

Honestly don't think it's a loss for Chelsea at all though.
Because it impacts what else we can do in the market. We should all care.
But it’s already happened, unless you have a Time Machine what’s the point stressing about how much Mount cost, better to support the player than constantly whinge about how much he cost.
I care if it impacts ability to get in another CM or CB or we continue to get fleeced. We have a new negotiation team now, so hopefully those days are gone.
It’s already happened though, why do people keep going on about how much Mount cost and his contract situation. It’s not his fault, he has the ability to be a very good player for Utd. Better to support the player than constantly bang on about how much he cost.
Farewell young man. Hope he smashes it in Madrid.


He is a decent to good player, high volume workhorse who can grab a goal and is above average athletically for his position. Technically a bit erratic but he is not at all a bad player if you have more gifted ball players around him to make the play.
Bye Connor, hello 200m of players to farm we don't even need instead.
Good sign by Atletico. I think he is a kind of player Simeone likes.

Absolutely. If I'd been asked before the transfer window to name the club I think Gallagher would be best suited for should he move, my answer would have been Atletico.

I'm disappointed how Chelsea have handled his departure by basically shoving him halfway out the door but on an individual level I think Atletico will prove to be the better fit for Gallagher. And at least now I can still 100% root for him whenever I see him play, which would not have been the case if he'd moved to fecking Spurs or something like that.
They’ll realise how big of a miss he’ll be once the season starts but they’d much rather kick one of their own to the curb to fund the signing of a new shiny toy in Neto when they already have about 10 wingers anyway. Keep doing you Todd.
Well that’s obviously rubbish. If all deals were separate, then Gallagher would have stayed an Athleti player after signing the contracts two days ago. There had to be something in the contract itself that tied the completion of the Omorodion deal to Gallagher.

Pending medical? Unless we’ve been completely misinformed by Romano and others, Gallagher had his his medical last Thursday, signed the paperwork two days ago, and a story even came out about coaches having to already tell Conor to take it down a notch n practice.

Well, at least this isn’t getting awkward.
This would be a shitty way to treat any player but a boyhood Chelsea fan who came up through the academy?

It's shocking from Chelsea.
This would be a shitty way to treat any player but a boyhood Chelsea fan who came up through the academy?

It's shocking from Chelsea.
Well, he could have been snugly entrenched in practices with Aston Villa right now, preparing for CL football, but he said no to that. There were other deals. Athleti is the only one he said yes to. The 200k+, assurances he would start, these are a things WE couldn’t give him.

There are lots of players who come through Chelsea’s academy, that love the team, that we can’t give stuff like that to; it isn’t a fraternity. He was offered a squad level long term contract two years ago.

Heck guys like Leo Castledine and Alfie Gilchrist will eventually have to go, and they wont get landing spots near as nice.

It feels like we’ve been over this …..