So this is what mental obliteration really isSeems like he is going to vaishnodevi![]()
First off, let's clear this up. TheBest wins this round.
It's not a great answer, down to a few things. Closing your door tightly isn't exactly the greatest of protections. You've gone the opposite route from Liam who thinks there is nothing he can block doors with, and decided not to use anything for no reason. Leaving at 3am isn't going to make a difference, and just be harder for you to navigate the roads, especially as there would be abandoned vehicles, wreckage's and bodies everywhere.
The rest is optimistic and reliant on you being able to get to this destination, which in itself is a struggle, and probably unlikely, but still a possibility. You've thought ahead and if you do make it to this uninhibited mountain garden of eden paradise, you have a water source and food supply, but I doubt you have the remotest ability of catching live prey. Also you've skipped the whole how will I survive concern and dived into how will I save mankind, which is brave. Already anticipating the demise of the entire world, you take on the impossible task of repopulating mankind, with your ever faithful silent non-zombified bitch. I like that.
Why is it a better plan than Liams? Well, in one attempt, TB managed to outline a scenario which was very dangerous, but possible, and slightly plausible. Liam's plan, well, multiple plans steadily declined into a contest of how can he kill himself quickest. From the first plan which was basically calming going to the airport, flying around the world, arming England with thousands of guns and a shit load of other stuff that would be impossible. To later taking on urban survival by forming a circle of chainsaw protection ring. Finally, after thinking it through and realizing the errors of the past, he settled with finding safety and solace in the sea, where he would float and outlast the zombies. Liam would have drowned before night had come.
You can get a car Liam. Cars, like everything else, do not evaporate. You don't have to own the car, or register insurance. It's yours to steal, no-one will care. Why? Because they are zombies.
One problem though. This is the trip he is planning which is approximately 1300km through the densely populated northern India. He will be finding it difficult to travel out of Delhi itself, which as one knows is the capital hence thickly populated.
feck feck feckHow on earth do you think you will survive in vaishnodevi, TB!? It should be covered in zombies by the time you get there!!
Its populated only around vaishnodeviWhy would you not stop before you reach vaishnodevi? If it's so populated as people say, then surely you would be better off if you tried to reach another city? Or even stop before you get to vaishnodevi?
Its populated only around vaishnodevi
I'm going to be very far from there.
I'm not going to be in anyother city because i haven't been to a place which i think could be very safe and i'm sure this place could be very safe
What the feck
I just told i'm not going to vaishniodevi
I'll stop midway
Sorry I'm late for the question. But I have a good one.
You are trapped in the desert, you were stripped naked, you have little water, just enough water to get to the nearest civilisation without dieing from dehydration or sun-stroke. You can get to this village because you have a map on a piece of cloth. However, you also have a very, very bad cut on your knee, it is bleeding badly. Infact, if you don't immediately cover it from the sand it will get worse, the bleeding will continue, infection will set in and you will be immobile. If you place the cloth on the wound, the blood will wash away the faint ink. What do you do?
i think it's only fair to point out to laim that the amount of water he has will not be enough for him to swim in for hours upon end whilst he awaits rescue.
i think it's only fair to point out to laim that the amount of water he has will not be enough for him to swim in for hours upon end whilst he awaits rescue.
Look at the map as you apply it.
Or, cover with your hand whilst you read the map and then use the cloth.
Either way, it's pointless since you don't have a fecking compass!
Are you involved in this competition?
Look at the map as you apply it.
Or, cover with your hand whilst you read the map and then use the cloth.
Either way, it's pointless since you don't have a fecking compass!
Well. Thank you for clearing that up.
But I think this is an easy question, anyway, he's up first.
If you have a huge fecking sun soaring over you, then it's not pointless without a compass..![]()
I only read the OP and it didn't really make sense - The thread is 18 pages long - If I read them all, it may well have done so. So, I just thought I'd "get involved"
This time TB has to answer first I think. Good question AdZz.
TB - before you make any Indian desert region specific references, note that I will be providing maps here as required so everyone can better understand your plans or find flaws in them.
I expect someone from the UK to do similar for Liam if required.
Do all deserts, at all times, have the sun visible? Could you not be in an artic desert, during there winter, when they get like no sunlight?
Only Liam and TheBest get to answer, after that we mock them and provide insight!
Ahh, fair play.
Sorry for answering, and if I spoilt the question somewhat. But I'm probably just as wrong and as stupid as Liam anyway, so no harm done.![]()
Ahh, fair play.
Sorry for answering, and if I spoilt the question somewhat. But I'm probably just as wrong and as stupid as Liam anyway, so no harm done.![]()