Complete Mental Obliteration V2

Hmmmmm....first you draw your inspiration from Dewey....itself something that will get the mods finger twitching over the banning you are questioning his banning. I fear for your future TB...honestly I do.
I don't care why he got banned

i am not questioning his banning.
All i am saying is if that was the reason then its wrong
Alright, didn't take long to think of it, so there might be a few holes in it. But here: we're not getting banned you utter weapon.
hmm ok
By the way laim, in the first version you really don't look retarded.
What happen then?
hmm ok
By the way laim, in the first version you really don't look retarded.
What happen then?

Ha ha! What a terrific joke!

I think in the next CMO, at least one of the two contestants will be made to look an idiot. Otherwise the thread isn't funny, and would be therefore, pointless.

As it happens, I just seem to have bad plans when placed in hypothetical scenarios.
Yes. Liam will teach TB how to tie his shoelaces or something.

They will both be found hanging dead from a beam.
You've received a phone call. It's only America. Obama is on the phone, and he starts to rap at you from every angle - of course he doesn't you absolute racist, he's asking for your help, in a completely normal manner. The space war is back on, it's not about reaching the moon anymore, they want you to build America, on the moon, even by force if neccesary. You have been requested (you will not say no), to head up a small team of the brightest minds America has to offer, as well as a squadron of 50 crack commandos (not drug addicts) to protect you/defeat others.

What plans have you got to secure your compound, and stabalize it for growth and Americanization? Your team is full of bright minds, and the coldest killers, and they will do your bidding, money is not a problem, you just have to outline the materials you would need, what you want to achieve in the sense of making it like the USA, how you would make it safe, and what you would do to protect it from enemy nations, who do not want the moon to become Mini-moon America.
As an American, I look forward to seeing how others view my nation, I am prepared to be educated, shocked, stunned, entertained and thoroughly offended,all of which are good things.....I can't wait.

Thank You, Hectic.
Defy us Liam, build America on the Moon and you too can clutch the stars.