COD 5: World at War

I think that there has basically been a massive shift in taste over the years. For some reason, people look at the FPS and even the TPS to get the staple of their gaming diet. It never used to be like that. Look at previous Sony and Nintendo consoles, this was never the case, and PS2 has sold bucket loads without really having a really good FPS. Wii doesn't have one, and look how it sells. In this case, Wii is bucking the trend. I think the reason up to now has been that it's the gaming hobbiest that wants FPS type games, and up to now, they are the ones buying high end PCs, PS3s, and XB360s. Maybe the new pricing of the XB360 will change this, maybe it won't, we'll just have to wait and see. However, I'm a silly old cnut that will buy an XB360 if R-Type Dimensions doesn't come out on the PS3, but I would not run out and buy the XB360 for Halo.
Finished it on Veteran yesterday. Its a brilliant game on single player, great story and a real sense of satisfaction when you finish it on veteran.

I have two trophies left to get. The blue ribbon (1st in 4 player competitive co-op) and the one on BlackCats where you have to shoot down the 45 zeroes. Anyone got any tips for this one?
Meh, wasn't that in to it. Not a patch on CoD4, they should've kept it modern instead of going back to the old guns.
Great game, got it on the Wii with the Wii gun as well. Just got completely stuck on the Tanks level though.
Finished it on Veteran yesterday. Its a brilliant game on single player, great story and a real sense of satisfaction when you finish it on veteran.

I have two trophies left to get. The blue ribbon (1st in 4 player competitive co-op) and the one on BlackCats where you have to shoot down the 45 zeroes. Anyone got any tips for this one?

Take advantage of your checkpoints. If you don't feel you've killed enough on a particular wave, don't reach the next checkpoint. Just save and quit and then reload it.

These are the totals I got per checkpoint.
17 before I landed on the water.
27 by the time I switch to the second side turret.
35 by the time I switched to the forward gun.
Then you can quite easily get the rest on the final wave.

Be careful not to let it go to the next checkpoint before you've reached this quota per wave, or you will have to start the level again.
Addicted to online at the moment. Does anyone know if more maps are going to be released?
I haven't really played this since the first week, not that impressed...
I think that there has basically been a massive shift in taste over the years. For some reason, people look at the FPS and even the TPS to get the staple of their gaming diet. It never used to be like that. Look at previous Sony and Nintendo consoles, this was never the case, and PS2 has sold bucket loads without really having a really good FPS. Wii doesn't have one, and look how it sells. In this case, Wii is bucking the trend. I think the reason up to now has been that it's the gaming hobbiest that wants FPS type games, and up to now, they are the ones buying high end PCs, PS3s, and XB360s. Maybe the new pricing of the XB360 will change this, maybe it won't, we'll just have to wait and see. However, I'm a silly old cnut that will buy an XB360 if R-Type Dimensions doesn't come out on the PS3, but I would not run out and buy the XB360 for Halo.

Yeah it is weird isn't it, personally myself I really can't find myself playing these games for too long without getting bored. Had COD4 on my PC and I had a good few weeks of gaming then never loaded the game up again. I want to try out COD5 as well but again I think to myself I'm gonna get bored within a few week of this and never play again. I mean look and 6 or 7 of the Top 10 XBOX 360 games are basically just FPS or TPS and myself wouldn't find myself playing on them very often.

Personally I was always a Nintendo man but this Wii concept is interesting and looks fun for kids but not for me if you know what I mean. Though I sill find myself tempted to buy one just to play Mario or Zelda. I remember playing Ocarina of Time on the N64 and thinking to myself there simply can not be a better game than this. I know your a Playstation man Weaste but I also know you would appreciate a good game and if you look at that list of games and in that Top 25 and there are some truly breath taking games. These days it just seems they are churning out the same ol shit but in different surrounds. It seems developers have lost their imagination when it comes to creating games which is a real shame
World at war has sold well on the wii and the Conduit will probably become the highest selling proper game on the wii. They've definately replaced platformers as the staple game on consoles. Wii should have more fps, they'd work well if it wasn't that most fps developers want to have high spec graphics. Portal seems made for the Wii if Valve would develop for the wii.

Personally I was always a Nintendo man but this Wii concept is interesting and looks fun for kids but not for me if you know what I mean. Though I sill find myself tempted to buy one just to play Mario or Zelda.
Take advantage of your checkpoints. If you don't feel you've killed enough on a particular wave, don't reach the next checkpoint. Just save and quit and then reload it.

These are the totals I got per checkpoint.
17 before I landed on the water.
27 by the time I switch to the second side turret.
35 by the time I switched to the forward gun.
Then you can quite easily get the rest on the final wave.

Be careful not to let it go to the next checkpoint before you've reached this quota per wave, or you will have to start the level again.

Good advise mate.

I spent ages on it last night and couldn’t do it. I did try saving before check points too. My problem is the side guns, i cant seem to take out enough of the planes.

I can get 17 in the first run, but then only get a couple on each side.

I wouldn’t mind so much, but i really hate the level.

Very annoying.
Is this game worth trading in COD4 and a bit of money for it?

If your sick of COD 4 and are not bothered playing it anymore then why not.

If not though i wouldn't

No, COD4 is a better game.

Trade in COD4 for Left 4 Dead.

Not particularly. No improvement on COD4 imo, just World war 2

I listened but my bro didn't.

Not played single player or much of it online yet but played the co-op mode with my bro locally, its a good addition.

Just one thing though, which tit made the game so it didn't save your progress in this mode - what a nob. After hours of it and pretty much nearly completing it to have a break and notice your back at square one...
Does the setting really matter? Would it be any less boring if it was set on the Moon or Mars? The gameplay mechanics are the same. Surely, it's first person shooters that have got to saturation point? Yet people keep on buying them, and let platformers for example go to the dogs.

Nail. Head. Hit. I used to love FPS when it was Quake 2, Counter Strike and a few other great games. Now I have to wait awhile for the hype to die down to see if the game is what it cracked up to be. Bioshock, COD4 and Halo 3 are the only real FPS that I've enjoyed in a long time. FC2 gets too repetive, but was fun to begin with.
I am unbelievably shite at this game, anyone want an easy win on t ps3 give us a bell
Cool, i'll add you. Will message you when i see you're online, perhaps a bit of Nazi Zombies sometime? I'm not too bad at that
Got this at Christmas and really getting into it now.

Not that bothered with the SP, i've only played it a little, but i'm loving the MP side of it. War has to be my favourite mode. Its ace.
I must say, this is a superb game, the solo campaign is absolutely brilliant, and I think they have improved on the mulitplayer over COD4.

Well done Treyarch.
haha smurf sorry that was abit of an ignorant post, just from what I played of the multiplayer it was terrible compared to MW. Love zombies though and agree on the singleplayer but cod4 beats it for me.

MW2 is going to be sa-weeeet:cool:
Is this game actually possible to complete on Veteran? fecking hell. I'm down to the last 4 missions, but jesus, 'Blowtorch and Corkscrew' is bloody difficult.

How people think MW2 is more difficult than this on Veteran I don't know.
Is this game actually possible to complete on Veteran? fecking hell. I'm down to the last 4 missions, but jesus, 'Blowtorch and Corkscrew' is bloody difficult.

How people think MW2 is more difficult than this on Veteran I don't know.

Christ! MW2 was piss easy on veteran
Aye, it's mine too. Definitely for the single player campaign, multiplayer I still don't think 4 has been topped, despite my previous comments on this thread.
The section of Heart of The Reich where you are taking out the flak cannons is ridiculously difficult on veteran. I can take out the first 2, but then you are up against endlessly respawning enemies and spamming of grenades.