I binged this over the weekend. It is a definite must watch for the original's fans. Reviews are also right, I am not a fan of all these rehashes as a form of nostalgia porn but I did enjoy this. The show walks a fine line between not talking itself too seriously and devolving into a full on parody. The fact it is a 25-30 mins dramedy with a light hearted tone is a relief and makes it as watchable as it was. May be 1 episode too long at worst.
Johnny's character is the central figure for the series this time. They kinda tease viewers with the notion that he was after all not the villain of the original movie ( a viewpoint popularised by Barney in HIMYM) but thankfully don't commit to that rehash in anyway. Though funnily enough, some people on internet believe that this series proved the same.
Things that work -
- Johnny's characterisation is the most important bit and they had to get it right for the series to work. If they had gone down a full on redeux route of framing him as a more sympathetic character then that would have killed the series. Continuing him as a 2 note villain would not have worked either. The origin story behind his villainous character in the movie is simple and effective - bad influence of step father and his sensei, not Sopranos level stuff but it does not need to be. He is still a screw up and prone to racist and sexist remarks. So whenever he becomes too root-able, they ground him with some of his other antics. Overall, he is the character most would root for which was the point given the ending.
- Most of the teenage characters are well depicted. The series nails the impact and scope of cyber bullying on youngsters in the age of social media.
- The series does not go down the full remake route ala the SW- ANH or some other remakes. Instead it gives some sub arcs of similar flavours to the younger characters. Daniel's daughter, Sam, looks like a stand in for Ali character but there is scope for more. Similarly Robby's starts off as a possible stand in for Johnny but by the end the roles are flipped and he is pretty much a clear stand in for Daniel character for now. Miguel's arc is the best though the ending for the same is somewhat poorly handled.
Things that don't -
- Robby's character. First of all, the actor is terrible. You really needed a bankable actor to carry that part. He had the third or fourth most important part in the series. The sequence in the last episode with the one handed kick was very poorly depicted too. I could never just get too much invested in his arc. It was also the most predictable one out of the lot. The daughter's arc was much more interesting one for me. I guess they are saving her as a karate competitor for second season.
- Transformation of Miguel and other outcasts into becoming the bullies they fought against was somewhat hurried. Needed some more breathing time between them being timid and hyper aggressive. You could argue it was done to depict how Johnny himself does not sees it materialise. But still, it was jarring to see Miguel being on the wrong side in that last fight. If show wanted viewers at that point to root for Robby then they did a poor job IMO, I was still rooting for Miguel

and on first look on internet, as were others.
- Finally, the twist ending of original villain coming back was not a good sign for me. So much of this series worked because it was intent on depicting everyone as a shade of grey rather than black or white. I really can't see the original bad coach being anything more than a 2D villain. I am also not really looking forward to a forced love triangle between 3 teenagers. May be the series will surprise me again in the second season it should get.