Club Sale | It’s done!

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Nothing in the footballing guidelines FA / PL / UEFA / FIFA codifies this. And I do believe this needs to be specifically called out. Football clubs are not your standard for-profit entities.

Not proposing any rule changes, just a simple acknowledgement that football clubs are community assets and have a responsibility to do right by the community is enough. The rule making can come afterwards.
I’d like to think that the new independent regulator would get some powers around this and takeovers/owners because current fit and proper tests are a joke. I won’t be holding my breath however.
I have a bad feeling about this. That rumour about how Glazers will wait June is scary shit.
Ineos in June scenario. It can't finish worse than that.

INEOS in June is 100000% better than Glazers remaining at all.

As I have said previously I am Qatar in but the whole state backed thing has skewed peopled perception of how business works.

INEOS I have no doubt would be a damn site better for us than the Glazers ever have been.
And we’re still left with the question of wtf does that matter in regards to human rights violations? Mention it until you’re blue in the face but that won’t make it less absurd. There is no moral hierarchy decided by the source of the money.
Materially it doesn't but I'm not sure what it is you’re getting at. If the state of Qatar, Russian oligarchs etc have been able to buy up significant swathes of property in London without any resistance, then the responsibility for that rests on government and/or local voters.
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Materially it doesn't but I'm not sure what is your getting at. If the state of Qatar, Russian oligarchs etc have been able to buy up significant swathes of property in London without any resistance, then the responsibility for that rests on government and/or local voters.
Sorry I was under the impression human rights violations were at the crux of the issue
Sorry I was under the impression human rights violations were at the crux of the issue
Others can speak for themselves I suppose...but in summary it seems to me that people are raising concerns and criticising the prospect of state ownership because they don't want their support and feeling for the club affected or tainted in any way.

This is because state ownership in the first instance represents i) a form of doping (albeit financial) and this applies no matter which state is involved, and ii) that this particular case carries distinct, difficult and obvious moral baggage.
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All this while using your iphone that was made in a Chinese sweat shop while wearing your sports gear made by 12 year old Indian kids. While filling your car up with petrol sourced from the middle east and shopping at debenhams - while drinking coffee from Starbucks, while shopping at Sainsburys.

What does any of this (most of which doesn't even apply to me personally) have to do with my post?

I’m saying if the objections are due to human rights violations, those human rights violations exist independently of where the money is coming from. To say otherwise is just an evasion of the fact that oil states are tied to so many things in our daily lives. Whatever you decide to do and how you’ll feel if the sale goes through is 100% your prerogative of course and nobody can tell you you’re wrong. My responses are to posters claiming a moral high ground over posters that are excited about the takeover, or the ones that have accepted there’s nothing they can do about it and will continue their support of the club to the same degree that it was over previous owners.

Well ok I get what you're saying mate, me personally I'm against Qatar owning United and I was against Qatar hosting the World Cup but not exactly for the same reasons. I simply oppose state ownership in football, it shouldn't be allowed. Where as I know Qatar owning United won't directly lead to any migrants being exploited and having to work in appalling conditions to build infrastructure and no one will be made to feel unwelcome at OT because of draconian discrimination laws. Which were my main reasons for me opposing the WC being in Qatar and not watching any of it.

Qatar owning United won't stop me supporting the club as although they are worse than the Glazers in my eyes the club is too big a part of my life to stop. I don't agree with the Glazers owning United either but there isn't much I can do about who buys United now. I bought shares for years between 2000 and 2005 in the hope of the club being fan owned one day but sadly not enough United fans did buy shares back then and now fan ownership now seems a pipe dream. For the best part of 20 years I've been hoping the the Glazers would sell up/feck off and I'll hope for the same with Qatar if they do takeover while still supporting the club.

Still having said that the comparison of Qatar owning buildings in London and a football club are a bit of a false equivalence. The vast majority of United fans regardless of their stance on this takeover were probably unaware of which buildings and department stores in London are owned by Qatar.
I fail to see why people are opposing Qatar so much. If it was the state of USA offering to buy United, would everyone be so against it?
So everyone should just shut up and accept it then?
No. Not at all. Say what you want. We have no choice no matter what happens. We couldn't stop the Glazers...we won't stop ME money. Just no point being a dick to anyone in here who supports it because we all support someone with ethics issues.
And just to bring things more on topic. For people getting lost in the sauce while trying to keep up to date with everything:

  • The Old Trafford toilets flooded to a very similar level that saw my brother fall and break his bollocks before.
  • If Qatar buy United, then you can be sure David Beckham will have some involvement.
  • Some old woman from Amnesty held up a miniscule yellow card at the match yesterday, but nobody can read what it said.
Overall not nearly enough good juice, considering all the squeezing we've done today.Hopefully there will be more news in the morning from Keegan when he wakes up.
No. Not at all. Say what you want. We have no choice no matter what happens. We couldn't stop the Glazers...we won't stop ME money. Just no point being a dick to anyone in here who supports it because we all support someone with ethics issues.

I've missed a load of pages in this thread so might be out of the loop but disagreeing with a Qatari takeover and making an argument for why they think it's a bad idea isn't being a dick. Neither is calling out people who try to build a strawman to simply dismiss any concerns to avoid having to engage in a real debate.
INEOS or QATAR, we need new owners who have strong-arm methods to make sure we are no longer bullied by referees in the same manner again.
I fail to see why people are opposing Qatar so much. If it was the state of USA offering to buy United, would everyone be so against it?
Only a few people are opposing it and I see it to be normal.

Even Jesus Christ was opposed so there is nothing new here.
I fail to see why people are opposing Qatar so much. If it was the state of USA offering to buy United, would everyone be so against it?
Corporate interest has no less power in the U.S than government. In Qatar they’re just overt about it being one of the same
I fail to see why people are opposing Qatar so much. If it was the state of USA offering to buy United, would everyone be so against it?

Yeah of course. Surely loads of fans would be massively against the fecking US government buying us?
I asked Keegan if there are any updates last night. He never replied back. Will keep you in the loop if he does.
I fail to see why people are opposing Qatar so much. If it was the state of USA offering to buy United, would everyone be so against it?

Considering the US government probably wouldn't chuck billions of tax payer $$ towards rebuilding an English club - yes people would oppose it.
I asked Keegan if there are any updates last night. He never replied back. Will keep you in the loop if he does.

If there were updates he was allowed to publish, he would have done so within 1 second.

I very much doubt we will hear anything this week. There's probably a lot of back and forth between representatives, and sifting through numbers behind the scenes. It will take some time, particularly now that the timetable has been changed. I wouldn't hold my breath.
No. Not at all. Say what you want. We have no choice no matter what happens. We couldn't stop the Glazers...we won't stop ME money. Just no point being a dick to anyone in here who supports it because we all support someone with ethics issues.
Seriously? I haven’t seen anyone being a dick about that in here recently, yet this keeps being posted. If anything people were being dicks about the protesters, which caused me to defend my view, and subsequently get questioned on my hypocrisy.
Nothing in the footballing guidelines FA / PL / UEFA / FIFA codifies this. And I do believe this needs to be specifically called out. Football clubs are not your standard for-profit entities.

Not proposing any rule changes, just a simple acknowledgement that football clubs are community assets and have a responsibility to do right by the community is enough. The rule making can come afterwards.
Football clubs are a community asset without question. However, if that community asset can be improved with more funding whilst securing its future should be a priority. That should hopefully be the minimum basis for the sale of the club.

As a United fan, I want a secure and successful debt-free conclusion to the takeover with the owners (whoever) helping us be the best at football.
The success of PSG, Man City and Newcastle stirs absolutely nothing in me. I barely register them as proper clubs. Being state backed is so inherently anti competitive that it stops being about football.
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