Club Sale | It’s done!

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Those saying our government aren’t in for us as a club , just remember our country is profiting off arms deal being sanctioned by the U.K. to sell to Saudis. There has even been high courts battles over it.
Think this will come down to what the rest of the siblings want assuming they want out completely, that is those that are not Joel and Avram, which is probably why someone described the situation as a "Succession scenario". The outers will want what will give them the most money for their shares, which is probably a full takeover. If Joel and Avram want to buy them out, they'd probably need a humongous amount of money to make it anywhere close to what the other siblings would get out of a full takeover. I don't know what each of their percentages is, but if we assume they are equal, each of the other siblings would get 1bn GBP, if the quoted fee is met. So Joel and Avram would need to come up with almost 4bn to buyout their siblings. No one is loaning them this much money for a minority stake, which is why I suspect Apollo turned them down. Same will likely happen with Elliot.
The Sky fella has already addressed this, The bidder has said that Manchester United will be open for ALL and that he plans to invest heavily in the Manchester United Womens team.

That is good.

Manchester united shouldn't be anything to do with how Qatar do things in their country.

Fair enough if they want to hammer the owners if they bought the club, but the owners and how the club and is run and being a English team as no relevance
what? How could the Qatari bid break contract law if they say develop the hospitality sections of Old Trafford only?
There’s nothing concrete there either.

Surely nothing there can be held against them in court, the contract is between them and the Glazers, unlike the Chelsea sale.
I'm not saying that at all. Any official statement like those released by Qatar and SJR could potentially be considered part of an offer, if the Glazers were to accept. The fact that the Qatari's are including commitments to develop OT and lots of other infrastructure in their document means they are deadly serious about being held to those promises. The fact that SJR has not included anything about that in his official statement and has relied on leaks to the press to vaguely say he will "redevelop" old trafford is weak, and shows he's not committed to the infrastructure side of things (which will be expensive).
Of course it isn’t binding. Yet another made up reason to discredit the SJR bid. This place has gone proper bonkers :lol:

Absolutely insane, anyone buying this club is gonna be investing, you can be sure of that, but my Lord there’s a crusade in here today against INEOS.
People are fecking desperate to be the new Man City. Crazy crazy place.
I'm not saying that at all. Any official statement like those released by Qatar and SJR could potentially be considered part of an offer, if the Glazers were to accept. The fact that the Qatari's are including commitments to develop OT and lots of other infrastructure in their document means they are deadly serious about being held to those promises. The fact that SJR has not included anything about that in his official statement and has relied on leaks to the press to vaguely say he will "redevelop" old trafford is weak, and shows he's not committed to the infrastructure side of things (which will be expensive).

Are they? What have they committed to do with OT and the infrastructure?
New Stadium?
Full refurb of stadium?
New training centre?

Or, a new South Stand?
Or a new roof and upgrades of hospitality?
I'm not saying that at all. Any official statement like those released by Qatar and SJR could potentially be considered part of an offer, if the Glazers were to accept. The fact that the Qatari's are including commitments to develop OT and lots of other infrastructure in their document means they are deadly serious about being held to those promises. The fact that SJR has not included anything about that in his official statement and has relied on leaks to the press to vaguely say he will "redevelop" old trafford is weak, and shows he's not committed to the infrastructure side of things (which will be expensive).
As far as I can see those statements are just that at the moment, PR little different to the briefing of the press. Full on bids with, I imagine, firmer and more detailed commitments will come later in the process.
Even in the Qatari statement, that says nothing more than that they will invest in the stadium & infrastructure, there’s not a shred of solid information there, yet so many of you are lapping it up :lol:

As they sign off “More details of the bid will be released, when appropriate, if and when the bid process develops.” Which in fairness to them, is exactly how it should be, release more concrete details when the bid gets further down the line.

And there’s nothing to stop them or anyone else from backtracking if they complete the takeover. All these statements are just PR, the Glazers aren’t going to impose any conditions about what happens to the club once they’ve sold it.

Someone could claim they’ll build a new stadium whilst bidding and then in few years time say it’s not viable and forget all about it.
Can’t wait to see the meltdown when people come to the realisation that this has already been decided.

it was clear to me when the Glazers were travelling allArab countries , even before we heard about them maybe looking to go.

Add along them wanting to get involved with cricket (similar to the Qataris) .
Wouldn’t surprise me if Sjr put that out just for s**t & giggles. He’s never really been serious . Remember when he said he wouldn’t wait for United to come available forever. Then when we do he half steps with such vagueness.
Heard reports a week before deadline that the result may be anti climatic. What that means i'm not completely sure, but it does feel like the Glazers already know what they want. That doesn't mean it's decided though. And they have plenty of other business interests to take care of, it's normal for htem to be traveling around the world instead of resting on their laurels, hitting F5 every few minutes waiting for the bid results.
Insulting another member
Anyone that isn’t a fecking state is going to have to borrow money and finance a 5bn purchase, 500m debt refinancing and 2bn infrastructure costs. It has been repeated as-nauseum the debt will not be on the club. This argument is getting seriously tedious. I don’t know what planet half of you live in.

Chelsea aren’t loaded with debt? What a stupid fecking take and the nerve that you’re also getting annoyed by it to boot

Oh so we should just roll over and accept the incoming debt? Bring on the debt boys it’s not a problem? Fecking moron
Absolutely insane, anyone buying this club is gonna be investing, you can be sure of that, but my Lord there’s a crusade in here today against INEOS.
People are fecking desperate to be the new Man City. Crazy crazy place.
I think fans are aware of the negatives concerning all different bidders. But we have been suffering too much under the Glazers so some prefer an owner whos main goal is bot ROI and clears the debt.
Chelsea aren’t loaded with debt? What a stupid fecking take and the nerve that you’re also getting annoyed by it to boot

Oh so we should just roll over and accept the incoming debt? Bring on the debt boys it’s not a problem? Fecking moron

I’ve seen some mad takes in here but well done yours is by far the most retarded. Congrats.
None of the bids publicised so far involved ‘incoming debt’.
No need to get abusive.
Big red flags that INEOS and Jim have briefed the press about stadium developments etc. Rather than including it as part of their statement. Gives them an easy way to avoid committing to it.
They don't really need to commit anything though to be fair. The Glazers will take whichever offer makes them the most money, they wouldn't care if they left us with a soul eating Cthulhu as long as the money was in their account before lunch. Getting supporters on board after the fact will be their first real step so if they're changing tactic now it's fine, we're technically in the foreplay stage.
Chelsea aren’t loaded with debt? What a stupid fecking take and the nerve that you’re also getting annoyed by it to boot

Oh so we should just roll over and accept the incoming debt? Bring on the debt boys it’s not a problem? Fecking moron

I’ce seen some mad takes in here but well done yours is by far the most retarded. Congrats.
What the feck are you talking about? Who in the name of all that is holy outside of a state can spend 5bn WITH ZERO FINANCING on a football club? And yes - Clearlake have taken debt on to fund the huge spending they’ve embarked on. It isn’t on the club just like INEOS aren’t going to put any debt on United.
None of the bids publicised so far involved ‘incoming debt’.
No need to get abusive.
I think it's the fact that INEOS said there would be no "additional" debt, leading some to think that they weren't going to clear what we already have
More bids coming in should be a good thing. Guarantees the Glazers feck off. Why are people losing their shit?
So far INEOS statement read like a PR; QIB's statement is more convincing but I don't mind it. All bidders should also offer investing plans to the club. The board's decision should based off that.
Elliot would be by far the worst choice. We would be fecked if they will the bid (or someone financed by them). Would take Sir Jimmy Brexit taxdodger ahead of them every day.
They don't really need to commit anything though to be fair. The Glazers will take whichever offer makes them the most money, they wouldn't care if they left us with a soul eating Cthulhu as long as the money was in their account before lunch. Getting supporters on board after the fact will be their first real step so if they're changing tactic now it's fine, we're technically in the foreplay stage.


But seriously, not only you are correct but if I read it correctly these are preliminary bids, none of them are supposed to make any promises because they now will be given access to the club's finances and from that point each bidder will make a concrete offer and presumably develop their own project based on the informations that they have now access to.
Qatar is still a better bid as things stand.

Based on?

Tell me exactly what we know about their bid? We have been informed that neither will leverage any debt on club. INEOS are now leaking that yes, they will of course invest in stadium & infrastructure.

So what exactly in the Qatar bid is so great that we wanna be the next Man City?

I’m personally gonna wait for further down the line, when concrete promises/visions are laid out from all bidders.
It wasn't because they were Americans, it was because they were the Glazers.
Point me in the direction of any successful European team with American owners who is not suffering now or not suffered in the past?
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