Club Sale | It’s done!

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Yeah that is the big worry. They’re briefing they’ll give him whatever he wants…hopefully that isn’t just PR. If he does know football he won’t be getting rid of ETH.
I think the ETH fear is misguided.
1) New owners don’t just come and sack managers. Hughes was given time & mone, Bruce (crap as he is) was given time. Roman didn’t sack Claudio straight away it’s only because Mourinho became the golden boy.

2) Sometimes there’s a “must have manager” for City it was Pep, Mourinho in 03/04. Klopp when he was at Dortmund, Naglesmann before joining Bayern. If ETH wasn’t at United and the takeover happened, who would be the current “must have manager” for a big club, it’d ETH and he’s already here.
What’s interesting as well about all of this is beIN Sports

They’ve have inside information on all the Premier League TV bidders in their regions during auctions
I think the ETH fear is misguided.
1) New owners don’t just come and sack managers. Hughes was given time & mone, Bruce (crap as he is) was given time. Roman didn’t sack Claudio straight away it’s only because Mourinho became the golden boy.

2) Sometimes there’s a “must have manager” for City it was Pep, Mourinho in 03/04. Klopp when he was at Dortmund, Naglesmann before joining Bayern. If ETH wasn’t at United and the takeover happened, who would be the current “must have manager” for a big club, it’d ETH and he’s already here.

You make very good points here about the manager situation. The only one I worry about is Zidane still being on the market
So everyone wanted us to be ‘fan owned’ for years, but not a fan from Qatar.

I’m not an expert on the politics, but the Sheikh in question is British made I understand? I’m not sure how long he lived here, but apparently he did and studied here. I do wonder if a Qatari reared in the west would personally be in support of beheading and the like. I’m not even attempting to be a denier, I don’t know the facts - but it would seem unlikely no?

I appreciate that he is a Sheikh so we could in theory say well of he doesn’t agree with it why doesn’t he just change all the laws in Qatar himself, but that would seem a bit far-fetched to me.
Not British made but greatly British influenced during his young ages probably? Manutd is part of the influence as it seems.
I always just thought he was a fan of the PL from a far, but this gives a totally different perspective.

He probably understands English culture better than the Glazers.

Probably gonna end up looking stupid but would think someone with such a strong military background is gonna endorse Erik's discipline
This forum is undoubtedly one of the worst I've come across for an online community when it comes to religious views. People can't respectively have a conversation without having to superimpose their own ideological perspectives. The mods certainly need to run a tighter ship especially in the general section.

THIS forum is one of the worst for religious views? Bloody hell, which magical internet sites are you on?

This forum is overall incredibly tolerant.
I think the ETH fear is misguided.
1) New owners don’t just come and sack managers. Hughes was given time & mone, Bruce (crap as he is) was given time. Roman didn’t sack Claudio straight away it’s only because Mourinho became the golden boy.

2) Sometimes there’s a “must have manager” for City it was Pep, Mourinho in 03/04. Klopp when he was at Dortmund, Naglesmann before joining Bayern. If ETH wasn’t at United and the takeover happened, who would be the current “must have manager” for a big club, it’d ETH and he’s already here.

The only person who might be fearful for his job is Arnold. But as we are in ta positive trajectory I suspect there won't be any changes in the short term.
He will be asked to present his plans going forward for United in front of the new owners, under different budgetary scenarios
Not British made but greatly British influenced during his young ages probably? Manutd is part of the influence as it seems.

Okay so if a ‘westernised’ rich Qatari fan wants to buy the club, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to suggest that he is likely not amongst the most intolerant of Qataris?

What is his role in the regime? Does he sit at the very top? Even if he does tbh, I think an expectation that he must go Prince Harry renegade style is a bit of a stretch. These things don’t just change like that, and it’s likely an incremental process rather than one man overturning everything the country stands for.
He was at Harrow before Sandhurst.

Had forgotten that,probably used to wear Utd shirts as well. The trouble is the image of his country has put many people off already.

Yes I never believed even a few years ago we would potentially be state owned,however am prepared to give them a chance to show we what they can do with this club.
The only person who might be fearful for his job is Arnold. But as we are in ta positive trajectory I suspect there won't be any changes in the short term.
He will be asked to present his plans going forward for United in front of the new owners, under different budgetary scenarios

Yeah if you believe that article yesterday everyone working behind the scenes will be given a chance to prove themselves. IF they don't buy into Murtough's plans then fully expect us to appoint a Mitchell/Edwards pretty quickly.
Your attempt at understanding my point is nonsensical
Your point is based on the assumption that people who stop supporting the club are doing so to cleanse themselves and/or to feel superior. Some may be doing that but most will be doing simply what feels right to them.
This isn't the thread for this type of discussion though as has been said clearly.
Had forgotten that,probably used to wear Utd shirts as well. The trouble is the image of his country has put many people off already.

Yes I never believed even a few years ago we would potentially be state owned,however am prepared to give them a chance to show we what they can do with this club.

Rumour has it at Harrow he had a Denis Irwin bed spread.
Okay so if a ‘westernised’ rich Qatari fan wants to buy the club, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to suggest that he is likely not amongst the most intolerant of Qataris?

What is his role in the regime? Does he sit at the very top? Even if he does tbh, I think an expectation that he must go Prince Harry renegade style is a bit of a stretch. These things don’t just change like that, and it’s likely an incremental process rather than one man overturning everything the country stands for.
Qatar has acted as an intermediary role between western and Iran, taliban, etc. They also are thought backing Arab Spring movement. Very complicated I would say. I don’t know why people think they are the worst to own manutd. Actually no one knows ahead if an incoming new owner is good or bad.
I’ve said it before. I guarantee Qatar did their research into this whole United bid. They’ve probably got opinions here, there and everywhere from lawyers, governing bodies and experts in the field on carrying this out. That’s why they seem so confident enough to just let it flow to the press, because they know they’re going to win. There’s nothing unexpected going to come up to make them look silly and deny them.

My feeling with them is they have the money to fund a new stadium and new training ground in the long term, on top of funding the first team in the short to medium term.

One of the difficult bits is already done for them in having ETH as manager. They’d be out of their minds to even contemplate getting rid of him right off the bat. Even City gave Mark Hughes time.

I wouldn’t worry about what’s happened at PSG over the years. If anything PSG have now ditched the Galactico route and are now going down the route of being the French Bayern, where homegrown talent is more the focus.
Dublin is far more expensive. A mate of mine has been renting a box room in Dublin for 600 euros. As for property prices it's becoming expensive everywhere hence the need for affordable housing.
That's cheap. One beds here are £900 pm.
Bravo :lol:
I’ve said it before. I guarantee Qatar did their research into this whole United bid. They’ve probably got opinions here, there and everywhere from lawyers, governing bodies and experts in the field on carrying this out. That’s why they seem so confident enough to just let it flow to the press, because they know they’re going to win. There’s nothing unexpected going to come up to make them look silly and deny them.

My feeling with them is they have the money to fund a new stadium and new training ground in the long term, on top of funding the first team in the short to medium term.

One of the difficult bits is already done for them in having ETH as manager. They’d be out of their minds to even contemplate getting rid of him right off the bat. Even City gave Mark Hughes time.

I wouldn’t worry about what’s happened at PSG over the years. If anything PSG have now ditched the Galactico route and are now going down the route of being the French Bayern, where homegrown talent is more the focus.

I wonder how much difference has ETH made to the projected final price than say if United was to be sold a year ago? Half a billion?
Surprised I haven't seen a tweet that says Qatar are monitoring, preparing, deciding, ready to submit an offer. We are already off to a good start.
I don’t know who that is.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if the Qatari’s would look to bring in a marquee big name signing like Mbappe though.
…and signing Mbappe for a non-ridiculous fee most probably. Especially considering the money would be coming out of the same pot! Would be Interesting to see what kind of fee it would be as the fee would have a bearing on FFP.
One of the negatives could be that we turn into PSG. An team full of egos, managers having no authority , players not respecting them and running straight to owners, having no love for the badge, no spirit and chemistry on the pitch etc.

But I hope this negative would turn into a positive for us in the sense that the Qataris have learned their lesson from this kinda failed psg project and now understands what not to do at least and how the ethos and dna of the club are very important to create a team that performs on the pitch than buying bunch of individual stars and hoping to rule football.
Hopefully it gets completed by mid March so that we have few months to prepare for new season transfer window.
I dont think Mbappe will even want to try here. He is Real bound and personally I don't want him either when we have Rashford on the left. Messi on the other hand :)

Realistic options would be Kane and Jude.
Wondering if glazers will sell up at £5billion or if thats not enough for them. Telegraph saying that qataris will make £5billion bid.

I'd guess they will sell to whoever makes the best offer (and gets signed off by the FA).

Given it will all be essentially profit for them I'd be surprised if they decided to keep the club barring theior being no serious offer.

The migrant workers stick has already been debunked many times. So, I'll just leave it there.

However, it's hilarious to the women of our gulf nation to hear you coming with accusations defending them. Women are not being discriminated here, for example I have a sister who's a doctor and other one who's doing great in computer since fields. They're happy living their life while you are here crying out-loud about their rights.

Just stop this ridicules drivel, mate.
Sadly the western media just spin spin spin and people lap it up.

I wonder how many have actually been to the ME and lived there for a period of time.

No country or regime is perfect. But a lot of people clearly have an agenda.

I, and many I know have lived in the region, and it is all entirely true. You have to be deluded to think otherwise. You can say you don't think these issues are important but denying they exist is ridiculous.
So everyone wanted us to be ‘fan owned’ for years, but not a fan from Qatar.

I’m not an expert on the politics, but the Sheikh in question is British made I understand? I’m not sure how long he lived here, but apparently he did and studied here. I do wonder if a Qatari reared in the west would personally be in support of beheading and the like. I’m not even attempting to be a denier, I don’t know the facts - but it would seem unlikely no?

I appreciate that he is a Sheikh so we could in theory say well of he doesn’t agree with it why doesn’t he just change all the laws in Qatar himself, but that would seem a bit far-fetched to me.

Well to start with, beheading isn’t a thing in Qatar. That’s a Saudi thing. It’s only mentioned in here because people think all “towel-head” Arabs are the same.
People need to stop comparing us to City and PSG. They have to work overtime to try and convince the world they are a genuine top tier club and build a worldwide brand. They cook the books and pay ludicrous sums of money in shady underhand deals to get what they want. All United need is investment in infrastructure, facilities and competent management and recruitment. The club is perfectly capable of becoming the very best without any shady business.

The scenario of this take over is epic. We have a legit source of money and can spend crazy sums of money and still meet the FFP. Clearing the debt investing in the infrastructure, stadium and training facilities will be handled swiftly. This is a new dawn and it's scaring the s*it out of our rivals as they know we were shackled by those glazzeres leeches for a long time. not any more ...
I genuinely think we could have won a title with ten hag under the glazers. Think we will definitely will now.
If the Glazers were simply your run of the mill functional owners we’d be a powerhouse without it, but the City/Chelsea false equivalency will persist

I don't know. I think with competent non glazer ownership we would certainly be better and probably consistently finish top 3/4 but we can't compete with City in the market.

That and our infrastructure is just breaking apart.
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