Unfortunately, there is no real solution here. The fans want someone to buy the club without receiving anything in return, beyond price appreciation (or depreciation). When financially-motivated investors, such as the Americans, come up, fans understandably dont want. When sovereign wealth funds come up, from countries with a branding problem, fans understandably do not want.
So we are left with just wanting a potential private sugar daddy with massive pockets, who won't want to take any dividends. If it was a cheaper club, that might be reasonable,, but at the prices now discussed, impossible for all but the top 3-5 wealthieat individuals in the world (almost all of whom would have to sell big cap tech assets that are now at distressed prices in order to raise cash).
I dont see a solution beyond having a whip round the global fan base for fans to buy the club ourselves - maybe 3 pound apiece. But that clearly comes with its own issues. Should I post in a new thread?