I would not be happy with any owners that have ties to Governments anywhere. Not even if it was the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund.
I'm not gonna claim that I would stop watching matches, but it would likely leave a sour taste with me and make me lose some of the enthusiasm I have for the club.
I'd rather stick to American VC's if that's the only other alternative, as they're the devil we know.
I wouldn't want us to suddenly buy lots of megastars either, we don't need owners that come with a warchest so to speak.
We "just" need owners that can clear out the debt caused by the leveraged buyout, leaving the club with more elbowroom to make moves by itself. To invest some in infrastructre, which increases the value of the club as a property. And then for the most part sit back and let the club cook. Use their network to bring in future business deals for the club, allowing for sponsors that align with their other business dealings (without potentially harming the MUFC brand). suggest where the club goes on tour (but not force) and along those lines.
I know it may be utopian to wish for the above, but I do not want our future success to be associated with countrystates who's values do not align with western values.
They are welcome to use sports to develop their countries like others do, but we don't see developing nations outside of ME states purchase western sports teams to use as PR tools.