This post is riddled with guesswork, I don't understand why but it seems you are pulling it to fit your pre-conceived notions.
So it would allow a "Huge" improvement but you don't really know the cost(s)/ quote(s) to make a huge improvement, so you don't know, furthermore you don't even seem to know the apparent issue with Carrington so how you can say this would be a huge improvement is madness.
I'm not a quantity surveyor, but you look at what is there at Carrington now - one main building, one indoor pitch and a bunch of outdoor fields. There is no way that would cost £250mil, even if you were to bulldoze it all and build it again.
And we know the new Liverpool training facility cost £50mil....
Leicester Citys is said to be the best in the country, including a golf course, cost £100mil...
So yes, it is a based on a bit of guesswork, but also on what has come before.
Ratcliffe offering this £245m is only one step up from nothing as it's a drop in the ocean of what our infrastructure alone requires unfortunately, such is the state we are in, reports indicate fixing the stadium alone could be north of £1b without training investment/ investment in local area, paying off debt, investing in mens and women's teams and it allows the Glazers to stay here longer.
The £1b to fix Old Trafford, would include a capacity uplift. That is significant work.....
This is my favourite piece, this is the same man who changed his bids multiple times but now you know his intentions because of a report? "Let's see how it plays out" is what we said in '05 with the Glazers.
Because it makes logical sense. Tell me why he would buy only 25%, then invest £245m ? Because you know that The Glazers wont be putting in anything.
Why put in the 100% of the investment, when you own only 25% of the asset?
We already know he was ready to pay for 69% of the club but couldn't because of threats of minority shareholder legal action.
I appreciate this comes across condescending and I'm not even necessarily anti Sir Jim, I'll admit based on what was reported, I would have preferred Qatar as I think the club needed larger investment but we may well prove to be successful with Jim. All I am asking is that you and others read this speculation and take it for what it is, rumour. Nothing has been confirmed and it's all guesswork unfortunately, so was the Qatar bid to a degree although they did say publicly first hand about plans for investment.
So you are saying "Let's see how it plays out".
Like we did in 05 ?
This also may "come across condescending", but try doing your research before you try picking apart someone's points. Not hard to look up what other training grounds may cost before trying to ridicule my POV that a new Carrington wouldn't be £245m.
Agree, that there has been a huge amount of speculation, some of it has been BS. It's speculation wasn't going to be discussed, The Caf would have one 5th of the posts that it does.
And re Qatar, you can take that with a pinch of salt too. No serious bidder comes in and makes a statement about what they plan to do next and what they spend.
I come in and put an offer in for your house and tell you im going to spend an extra 100k to renovate it. Next thing you do is put the price up because you know i have 100k extra to spend.
Qatar didn't read the exam question. You are trying to buy the club off The Glazers, not try and win a PR war and get the fans on your side.