Club Sale | It’s done!

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I think you’re seeing what you want to see here mate.

Loads of pro Jassim bid fans view it as a state bid. Seriously.

And obviously pro Jassim posters aren’t going to criticise his bid equally are they?

I wouldn't be alone if that were the case it seems.

Yeah loads of Jassim fans think its a state bid, where have I said they dont?

No I'm just highlighting the double standards from some.

It’s like saying ‘everyone who’s voting remain says Brexit is a bad idea but none of them are equally critical of the other option’… well, no, obviously not.

The 92 Foundation bid is widely viewed as an open and shut case of Sportswashing before its even began. No evidence is needed, no insight is required.

Jim Ratcliffe is proposing to keep the fecking Glazers on, borrow more money to buy Utd, pledging nothing about the serious investment needed in OT - I mean, it’s a complicated and controversial bid, it’s going to be critiqued mate!

He’s been given a very easy time in the UK press regarding his bid though. Probably as he has most of them in his pocket already.

I'm not talking about the British press though as you know.
SJR's bid is a business case. The higher the price the more he has to squeeze the asset to get the finances. The natural end point of that is Glazers 2.0 but it's a long journey.

In the end unless the Qataris decide they're not going to have their pockets picked by the Glazers i don't see how this can end without them owning the club. They're just way richer. They already blew $220 billion on hosting the World Cup for no other reason than to show off. This is nothing.

Yep I've thought the same since this process began. But they'll want to be seen to have negotiated hard to keep the price down.
As I've posted before, since Saudi Arabia started seeking closer ties with the west, women have been given the right to drive, go out alone, restaurants aren't segregated. If we totally rejected Saudi culturally and told them to feck off until they share our values exactly none of these changes would have happened and millions of women in that country would be worse off. So in what way is it more moral to say we want to turn these countries more insular and totally reject any cultural ties, if it means things not improving in these countries?

I've noticed no reply from Wumminator to this, the same as the last few times I've posted, because it doesn't fit his "if you have morals you're against Qatar"
The "evidence" of Jassim and his love for United is probably due to fact he will clear all debt, improve Old Trafford etc .. If he truly is a Utd fan and wants to see us be the best again and do anything he can to get us back to the top them im all for it.

I would rather that than have Sir Jim keep us where we are now which is no where near good enough to challenge for major honours.

I didn't take offense to any of it. Your descriptions both seem pretty silly, but only one of them inconsistent. My impression of you is that you're pretty interested in inconsistency.

On that particular topic consistency isn't something that I expect. If you think that one of the description is silly then fair enough.
I've noticed no reply from Wumminator to this, the same as the last few times I've posted, because it doesn't fit his "if you have morals you're against Qatar"
I think it's a very valid point. Creating stronger bonds and not isolating these countries and their beliefs/cultures is certainly not going to do any harm. The opposite in fact IMO.
I cant find the article but I promise I will search for it mate. Basically it said that the Qataris are eyeing up the surrounding areas of OT as a great source of investment. Its fair to say they will make bank from the surrounding area in terms of property etc especially with the Quays nearby. As such, its fair to say SJ will also reinvest in OT

Fair enough. It's just that there are lots of smoke and mirrors in the whole saga!
They’re killing seven people including a child for a sit in protest.
The fact that the exposure to this is increased is a good thing though no? If we just keep these countries shut away from the rest of the world what chance do we have of any sort of progress?
Think you're seeing what you want to see here. As an observer - not a participant in here - you're a poster I see pop up frequently with anti-SJ-ownership posts. So, naturally you're going to see things the way you want.

As an observer, I'll tell you this: This thread is generally a fecking mess with very little insightful substance. It's basically two 'sides' bickering in an endless loop. The discourse in here has Jose/Ole vibes with people becoming ingrained in a certain stance, and not listening to what the other 'side' has to say.

It warms my heart to know you follow my posting activity so closely Robbie.;)

Seriously though you're saying I'm seeing what I want to see, how so?

I'm making an observation, that being that a lot of pro Qatar posters are spending a lot of time putting every negative spin they can think of on the Ineos bid but not putting the same effort into the Jassim bid.

Are you saying that isn't happening?
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There was plenty of criticism of Qatar bid until the reuters stuff broke. Amateur hour, these clowns can't even outbid Ratcliffe, Jim has masterfully outplayed them by allowing the Glazers to stay on, jassim is AI generated, there's been fecking loads of negative spin

From Pro Qatar posters though?
Yep I've thought the same since this process began. But they'll want to be seen to have negotiated hard to keep the price down.

I think it's important to them to seem like business people rather that oil rich playboys who can be ripped off by real capitalists. Whether that's enough to make them walk I doubt.

I have always thought Qatar will win this and I still do.
They’re killing seven people including a child for a sit in protest.

And that's awful. Do you think making these countries more insular culturally will improve things in the long run or make them worse? Like women's rights aren't perfect there but closer cultural ties with the west have started to move things in the right direction. Is your discomfort more important than things (slowly) getting better in these countries?
From Pro Qatar posters though?

Well I don't think there's been any reason to criticise the Qatar bid, they've said they'll clear the debt, invest in the stadium, infrastructure and the team. Any reservations for Qatar are going to be based on non football reasons, obviously
That's basically it. One side has been consistently telling everyone that they are paragons of virtue and Qatar is a uncivilized and medieval place while the other side says that they only care about United getting everything it wants or "deserve" and Ratcliffe is a brexiteer loser.

It would be a lie to claim that either side haven't been criticized.

I think the paragon of virtue bit is in your imagination. People have presumed soneone likes Ineos because they have issues with State ownership? And that's not the case.
So what is your solution then?

Obviously that we totally shut them off from the west culturally until they share our values (ignoring that 60 years ago in the west America had segregation and Britain had homosexuality outlawed), apart from when we're buying their oil snd gas and selling them weapons. That always improves things in oppressive regimes right, making them more insular?
Obviously that we totally shut them off from the west culturally until they share our values (ignoring that 60 years ago in the west America had segregation and Britain had homosexuality outlawed), apart from when we're buying their oil snd gas and selling them weapons. That always improves things in oppressive regimes right, making them more insular?

How did Britain and America get better if they didn’t have a guiding light to teach them?
Aaaand the shark gets jumped.

What if they don’t want Qatar cuz they’re racist? Or xenophobic?

This is a country that voted for Brexit recently. It must be playing a part for a number of those fans.

I wouldnt bother, they don't understand that morals isn't from a singular lense, and they're continuing to argue in a multiple lense paradox "im right".
How did Britain and America get better if they didn’t have a guiding light to teach them?

Well I'd say prolonged periods of multiculturalism likely helped, people with black or gay friends or neighbours become more tolerant over time. In the same way exposure to more tolerant cultures will likely help things there. Maybe things can improve themselves but it would probably take longer than having cultural ties with the west, like I said in the last 5 years women have been granted a lot more rights in Saudi Arabia. Would you trade that for banning the Saudis from investing in western culture because it makes you uncomfortable?
I'm just going to leave the discussion here but the stance you are taking is bizarre and extremely counterproductive IMO.

The more people that are aware of and condemn these sorts of actions surely make the perpetrators less likely to repeat such behavior.

Different cultures mixing can only be a good thing.
What if shunning them and saying they can’t buy our sports team till they change their archaic laws changes things faster! Let’s try that.

Well all evidence suggests it won't, the last 5 years where Saudi Arabia have become closer to the west culturally has resulted in an advancement of women's rights. Making cultures more insular isn't likely to work
Well I'd say prolonged periods of multiculturalism likely helped, people with black or gay friends or neighbours become more tolerant over time. In the same way exposure to more tolerant cultures will likely help things there. Maybe things can improve themselves but it would probably take longer than having cultural ties with the west, like I said in the last 5 years women have been granted a lot more rights in Saudi Arabia. Would you trade that for banning the Saudis from investing in western culture because it makes you uncomfortable?

Let’s get Abromovic back so Russia can learn more from the West.
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