Club Sale | It’s done!

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Of course not but you would think that having had death threats you may want to think about the bigger picture. There are crazy people out there.
They live in Florida, they have lived their whole lives amongst crazy people
Surely there has to be some movement next week, whether SJ, Ineos or No Deal. I’ve never seen a bidding process this long without some sort of decision. Makes you wonder how the Glazer’s ever get to eat. By the time they’ve decided what to have for dinner tonight it will be breakfast time tomorrow!
Can you literally find any evidence of this? In the last ten pages for example? 20?

You are literally an example of it. It has been your shtick for a while in this thread.
You literally have posted numerous times in this thread mocking people for having morals. You literally did it twice yesterday.

No! NO! It can’t be that! It can’t be that! People who have MORALS in football should be mocked!
You are literally an example of it. It has been your shtick for a while in this thread.

That is literally not what you said. In both of those quotes I’m replying to people insulting others for being moral police. That is not me saying I’m a paragon of virtue at all is it?
That's basically it. One side has been consistently telling everyone that they are paragons of virtue and Qatar is a uncivilized and medieval place while the other side says that they only care about United getting everything it wants or "deserve" and Ratcliffe is a brexiteer loser.

It would be a lie to claim that either side haven't been criticized.

It’s also fair to add that one side has consistently claimed that the other are basically just muppets screaming ‘announce Mbappe’, rather than acknowledging that these are fans who want the Glazers removed, the debt cleared and stadium properly invested in. That has been a constant throughout.

I don’t see the fans who favour 92 Foundation trying to claim that the others are lesser fans than them or ‘muppets’, or making snide posts about them in the Generals.

It’s this that has contributed greatly to the toxic, binary environment that has developed.
That is literally not what you said. In both of those quotes I’m replying to people insulting others for being moral police. That is not me saying I’m a paragon of virtue at all is it?

Dude, he responded to that post which is an other literal example.

People with morals and people who care about the treatment of women are much more likely to be anti Qatar.

Why do you lie?
Dude, he responded to that post which is an other literal example.

Why do you lie?

That is in a response to literal empirical data showing that people who voted to let Mason Greenwood play for United also wanted Qatar. That is not in any way shape or form saying I’m a paragon of virtue. It’s saying people who want a man suspended for over a year for sexual assault to play for the club are more likely to vote to have Qatari owners.

Trying to “both sides” this is mental.
The article nails it.

The ONLY logical argument people have is “I care less about human rights than I do about United”. That is a logically fair statement. That’s why we keep having arguments because people keep justifying their opinions horrendously

Here's another one where he says the only people in favour of Qatar care less about human rights than they do about united
That is in a response to literal empirical data showing that people who voted to let Mason Greenwood play for United also wanted Qatar. That is not in any way shape or form saying I’m a paragon of virtue. It’s saying people who want a man suspended for over a year for sexual assault to play for the club are more likely to vote to have Qatari owners.

Trying to “both sides” this is mental.

Stop lying or pretending that you didn't say what you said or acted the way you did for weeks. I don't even have an issue with your position, not even with your gentrification motivated anti qatari angle. But don't lie about your position or attitude toward others, it's just sad.
Stop lying or pretending that you didn't say what you say or acted the way you did for weeks. I don't even have an issue with your position, not even with your gentrification motivated anti qatari angle. But don't lie about your position or attitude toward others, it's just sad.

I am literally baffled how you have equated my posts there to any kind of moral crusade. You have found me calling people who support Mason Greenwood immoral and me insulting people who were calling people moral police. You’ve imagined my stance and struggled to find any evidence for it .
I am literally baffled how you have equated my posts there to any kind of moral crusade. You have found me calling people who support Mason Greenwood immoral and me insulting people who were calling people moral police. You’ve imagined my stance and struggled to find any evidence for it .

Sure, if it makes you feel good I'm fine with that.
Here's another one where he says the only people in favour of Qatar care less about human rights than they do about united

Let me make this clear right now. People who don’t want Qatar 100% have better standards of morals. That is absolutely true. I’m not ashamed to say that at all.

All of these quotes that you’ve quoted are absolutely not “I’m an example of moral virtue” at all. To act like people who don’t like Qatar have been lording it over others in this thread to any extent is preposterous.
Let me make this clear right now. People who don’t want Qatar 100% have better standards of morals. That is absolutely true. I’m not ashamed to say that at all.

Aaaand the shark gets jumped.

What if they don’t want Qatar cuz they’re racist? Or xenophobic?

This is a country that voted for Brexit recently. It must be playing a part for a number of those fans.
Let me make this clear right now. People who don’t want Qatar 100% have better standards of morals. That is absolutely true. I’m not ashamed to say that at all.

To act like people who don’t like Qatar have been lording it over others in this thread to any extent is preposterous.

Literally in the same post....
Let me make this clear right now. People who don’t want Qatar 100% have better standards of morals. That is absolutely true. I’m not ashamed to say that at all.

All of these quotes that you’ve quoted are absolutely not “I’m an example of moral virtue” at all. To act like people who don’t like Qatar have been lording it over others in this thread to any extent is preposterous.

As I've posted before, since Saudi Arabia started seeking closer ties with the west, women have been given the right to drive, go out alone, restaurants aren't segregated. If we totally rejected Saudi culturally and told them to feck off until they share our values exactly none of these changes would have happened and millions of women in that country would be worse off. So in what way is it more moral to say we want to turn these countries more insular and totally reject any cultural ties, if it means things not improving in these countries?
I'm rooting for the Qataris just for the sheer madness that will ensue from some posters :devil:
How many of the ones who have stated that they will stop supporting the club, will actually do it?

The more time passes the more I see Qatar as inevitable. And for me that’s just what I want and what I think is best for us.
Is it an update from Jim? Is it an update from Jassim?

No, it's just Wumminator spouting bollocks yet again.
It's the sheer nonsense of them going on and on about Nice as their excuse to not want the guy.

Everyone of the other clubs owned by City's owners are doing terrible but hey I'm sure City's fans are ok with that.

I couldn't care less about Nice as it has no bearing whatsoever on how united would fare under Sir Jim.

I mean INEOS Cycling team are the best in the world but again makes no difference to United

It's just jump on something and use it as a bat to beat him with.

It's up there with the fantasy of him keeping the Glazers on and letting them have the same day on things they have had since they took the club over
Both of CFG's most high profile clubs have won their national leagues in the very recent past but don't let facts get in the way
Let me make this clear right now. People who don’t want Qatar 100% have better standards of morals. That is absolutely true. I’m not ashamed to say that at all.

All of these quotes that you’ve quoted are absolutely not “I’m an example of moral virtue” at all. To act like people who don’t like Qatar have been lording it over others in this thread to any extent is preposterous.
Unfortunately there are no ethical billionaires mate: fossil,workers being hospitalized in Belgium.

“Ineos is a major fossil fuels user and has been involved in several environmental controversies over the years, from an oil leak in Norway to chemical leaks in France to a release of toxic gas which led to workers being hospitalized in Belgium”

One is Sportswashing, one is Greenwashing.
On the subject of the Qatari's, there are two questions that I am currently considering-;

1) What is the link between SJ and the Qatari rulers? Are we 100% sure that there is one?

2) On the subject of morality and ethics, what, if anything, can the United fanbase do to hold the Qatari's to account, if they are successful? Reading in the news today about the Saudi's and their condemnation of seven protesters made me think - we can't stop the Qatari's taking over, and of course we're divided on whether we would even want to stop them, but we CAN hold them to account.

Unlike fans of other state-owned clubs, who seem to brush-off, deny or ignore the atrocities their owners commit, perhaps we could do whatever we can to highlight injustices and thereby shine the spotlight on the owners?

Think about it...United are not City or Newcastle...with respect, two teams with (previously) largely domestic fanbases and sponsors. We are a global brand, supported by hundreds of millions worldwide. Imagine the heat we could put on the Qatari's to force positive change.

If the LUHG campaign is anything to go by, United fans can mobilise on social media and with boots on the ground. IF Qatar buy the club, we have a huge opportunity to force positive change through highlighting issues like those we have seen today with the Saudi's.

Of course, the caveat to that is we should make sure we're highlighting human rights issues and not just "things that are different about the Middle East and their culture".

Worth thinking about. If they want 'exposure', let's give it to them. Is there ever a chance they could be getting more than they bargained for with United?

To answer your first question, you have to understand the power structure in these gulf states, one thing that super obvious is that the ruling family in Qatar (Al Thani) with the Emir at its helm hold total power in Qatar, Jassim is a distant cousin of the Emir and a member of the ruling family, and his father was a powerful figure during the reign of the former Emir. Jassim is also known to have grown up with the current Emir (Tamim) and they went to boarding school in the UK, not necessarily in the same time/class/cohort, but they are only 2 years apart in age.

The Emir of Qatar has basically a final say in all matters, including who holds positions of power in public and private sector (most of major corporations are either wholly owned by the state or majority owned by the state or it's investment arm QIA), Jassim is a chairman of one of the biggest banks in Qatar, he is appointed there with the Emir's blessings, so in terms of links/connections to the royal family, he is very much connected.

As for if the bid is a state bid with Jassim as the face/figurehead, that can be debated, but in my humble view, it is most likely something that Jassim most likely wants to do on his own, but it requires at the very least the Emir's implied approval/tacit approval, if the Emir objects to it, Jassim would defer to his ruler, even if Jassim was using his own money/family's money.
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That's basically it. One side has been consistently telling everyone that they are paragons of virtue and Qatar is a uncivilized and medieval place while the other side says that they only care about United getting everything it wants or "deserve" and Ratcliffe is a brexiteer loser.

It would be a lie to claim that either side haven't been criticized.

If they only care about United, then Brexit should be irrelevant, no? The Brexit stuff is a moral argument, I think you should be gracious and call them paragons of virtue as well. It's just that they have different moral values.
To answer your first question, you have to understand the power structure in these gulf states, one thing that super obvious is that the ruling family in Qatar (Al Thani) with the Emir at its helm hold total power in Qatar, Jassim is a distant cousin of the Emir and a member of the ruling family, and his father was a powerful figure during the reign of the former Emir. Jassim is also known to have grown up with the current Emir (Tamim) and they went to boarding school in the UK, not necessarily in the same time/class/cohort, but they are only 2 years apart in age.

The Emir of Qatar has basically a final say in all matters, including who holds positions of power in public and private sector (most of major corporations are either wholly owned by the state or majority owned by the state or it's investment arm QIA), Jassim is a chairman of one of the biggest banks in Qatar, he is appointed there with the Emir's blessings, so in terms of links/connections to the royal family, he is very much connected.

As for if the bid is a state bid with Jassim as the face/figurehead, that can be debated, but in my humble view, it is most likely something that Jassim most likely wants to do on his own, but it requires at the very least the Emir's implied approval/tacit approval, if the Emir objects to it, Jassim would defer to his ruler, even if Jassim was using his own money/family's money.

Well said, I agree.
To answer your first question, you have to understand the power structure in these gulf states, one thing that super obvious is that the ruling family in Qatar (Al Thani) with the Emir at its helm hold total power in Qatar, Jassim is a distant cousin of the Emir and a member of the ruling family, and his father was a powerful figure during the reign of the former Emir. Jassim is also known to have grown up with the current Emir (Tamim) and they went to boarding school in the UK, not necessarily in the same time/class/cohort, but they are only 2 years apart in age.

The Emir of Qatar has basically a final say in all matters, including who holds positions of power in public and private sector (most of major corporations are either wholly owned by the state or majority owned by the state or it's investment arm QIA), Jassim is a chairman of one of the biggest banks in Qatar, he is appointed there with the Emir's blessings, so in terms of links/connections to the royal family, he is very much connected.

As for if the bid is a state bid with Jassim as the face/figurehead, that can be debated, but in my humble view, it is most likely something that Jassim most likely wants to do on his own, but it requires at the very least the Emir's implied approval/tacit approval, if the Emir objects to it, Jassim would defer to his ruler, even if Jassim was using his own money/family's money.

He'll have a good understanding of misery and pain then. Sounds like the perfect man for us.
If they only care about United, then Brexit should be irrelevant, no? The Brexit stuff is a moral argument, I think you should be gracious and call them paragons of virtue as well. It's just that they have different moral values.

It's interesting that one side took offense to a post that painted negatively both sides.
It's interesting that one side took offense to a post that painted negatively both sides.

I didn't take offense to any of it. Your descriptions both seem pretty silly, but only one of them inconsistent. My impression of you is that you're pretty interested in inconsistency.
I didn't take offense to any of it. Your descriptions both seem pretty silly, but only one of them inconsistent. My impression of you is that you're pretty interested in inconsistency.

To be fair, whereas you have sometime been slightly overly critical of people who support Qatar, JPRouve has been in here consistently insulting those who have tried to present ethical considerations and has literally multiple times indicated he hates people who don’t want Qatar to take over.
To be fair, whereas you have sometime been slightly overly critical of people who support Qatar, JPRouve has been in here consistently insulting those who have tried to present ethical considerations and has literally multiple times indicated he hates people who don’t want Qatar to take over.

That's interesting. I indicated that I hate people based on the idea that they don't want Qatar?
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