Club Sale | It’s done!

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What's the possibility of Glazers being back to purchase another football club having a shed load of money? We know they were interested in an IPL (Cricket) franchise last year.
The two that are reluctant to sell must think they know something about owning a sports business for profit, and in the UK too, so it has to be a possibility.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but they will not be able to buy another club like they bought us, right?
They wouldn't need to having so much money from the sale of United. A team such as Leeds would have a massive upside in the future.
They wouldn't need to having so much money from the sale of United. A team such as Leeds would have a massive upside in the future.
If they’re playing the long game they should sell to Qatar and buy another club. Qatar then brings in the he stars Jim doesn’t which ups the value of the league thus increasing the value of their new club.
The Glazers taking over/taking up a significant role in Liverpool would be absolutely amazing. Truly the happy ending this story deserves.

Liverpool will have the last laugh if we end up with Joel Glazer and Ratcliffe running United
They will nothing preventing it .

Glazers buy Liverpool cash (United heist).

Take all the profit as fees/consultants etc.

No money for transfers

Get external loans placed on the club to finance transfers.

After a few 'successful' transfer windows you could take back hundreds of millions.

Another option is the stock market trick.

Put the Red Machine on the NYSE.
Class A and B shares, we know the rest, every year sell off a holding for 100 million until you get to 69% and then, despite a genuine affinity to the club, sell.
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If only history had taken a different path, ie SAF hadn’t fallen out with JP McManus over that racehorse.

I know hindsight and all that but what was Fergie thinking taking McManus to court over horse jism, at the time it was obvious it wasn't going to end well and twenty years later here we are. Defintely an over reach on Fergie's part, but it is what it is, hopefully soon we can expunge all trace of them grifters and focus on a new direction for the club, whoever the owners may be.
A lot of those posters have genuine anxiety about Qatar taking over the club. To just dismiss that so you can gloat is pretty low.
I don't give a shit about what you think in all honesty. "Genuine anxiety" :lol: there are worse things in life worthy of real and serious anxiety than football
What's the possibility of Glazers being back to purchase another football club having a shed load of money? We know they were interested in an IPL (Cricket) franchise last year.

Avram (I think?) already owns a cricket club in Dubai now so probably going to invest his money in the region.
If they’re playing the long game they should sell to Qatar and buy another club. Qatar then brings in the he stars Jim doesn’t which ups the value of the league thus increasing the value of their new club.

Good to see at least one pro-Qatar poster being honest about why they want Qatari ownership.
Good to see at least one pro-Qatar poster being honest about why they want Qatari ownership.
Yeah most pro-Qatar posters are claiming they want them for their human rights record but we all know that’s nonsense.
As I’ve missed the last couple of days.. is there any indication over when we’re likely to have a decision?

I saw the mail (Keegan) said “imminent” but has anyone else given a timeframe?
Good to see at least one pro-Qatar poster being honest about why they want Qatari ownership.
The same way Bayern is able to bring in stars, or Barca/Real ? Why should we have the inferiority complex about able to pull in stars, when we are unshackled like the other big clubs?
See it’s easy to not mention the other smaller fake top clubs like PSG/City/Newcastle. We can pull in stars without cheating, you know that right?
As I’ve missed the last couple of days.. is there any indication over when we’re likely to have a decision?

I saw the mail (Keegan) said “imminent” but has anyone else given a timeframe?
Nobody knows the time frame. I doubt the Glazers even do considering there is six of them and they likely need a unanimous decision.
Yeah most pro-Qatar posters are claiming they want them for their human rights record but we all know that’s nonsense.

I want Qatar despite their horrible human rights record because capitalism can't make the club competititve. Only fan ownership or state ownership can do that. I've given up on the idea that premier league football is in any way a moral enterprise - it self evidently isn't.
Yeah most pro-Qatar posters are claiming they want them for their human rights record but we all know that’s nonsense.

There’s been a hell of a lot of dancing around the “sign Mbappé” motivation from the Qatar cheerleaders, that’s for sure. “We’re worried about the debt… Look at Nice… We just want the Glazers gone…” etc etc
Surely Reuters are the ones most informed on this along with maybe that Faisal Islam the BBC Economics Editor or whatever
Most definitely. That's what made it so comical to read the Times article mere hours later still claiming Ratcliffe is the favourite and saying nothing has changed. Truth be damned, these journalists will keep churning out the content and stay loyal to whichever camp is feeding them "information."
The Glazers taking over/taking up a significant role in Liverpool would be absolutely amazing. Truly the happy ending this story deserves.
There's actually been some rumours that the Glazers are the new partners for the scousers, that's why their own looking for funding has been quiet until after the United sale.
Nothing is ever straight forward when it comes to this club is it? It'd be too easy and logical for the Glazers to just take the money from the Qataris and go. They're stalling because, I suspect they probably know there is some cash coming in from somewhere sometime in the future and they'd like the value of that added the sale price now.
There’s been a hell of a lot of dancing around the “sign Mbappé” motivation from the Qatar cheerleaders, that’s for sure. “We’re worried about the debt… Look at Nice… We just want the Glazers gone…” etc etc

What a load of shit this is. I could easily post saying there's a lot of dancing around from the pro jim lot who won't admit they just want a white British owner and then pretend that only I know when people are being honest about their motivations and it would be just as disingenuous as this.
Honestly this is a problem with modern news media in general. Several executives of larger news corporations have made it pretty clear that traditional news isn't financially viable any longer and all news divisions are currently considered a branch of the entertainment industry - with all that entails.

I don't think it's so much clueless reporters, as it is the pressure that comes with the shift from traditional informative news to profitable entertainment content. You see the effects here in this thread even, where people seem genuinly mad that a world record sale of a sporting franchise is taking a long time.

These companies have also stopped being balanced, because it isn't profitable anymore. Because of algorithms and most people just filtering out content they don't like, slanter coverage has become part of the normal, and we end up with the idea that media companies support different camps. While in reality they are looking at what generates engagement (clicks, comments, links, hashtags) and doubling down on that. Truth is if we stopped caring about their nonsense, they would stop publishing it.
Spot-on. The reporters being clueless is just a symptom of the cause. All we can do is hope we are truly near a conclusion.
What a load of shit this is. I could easily post saying there's a lot of dancing around from the pro jim lot who won't admit they just want a white British owner and then pretend that only I know when people are being honest about their motivations and it would be just as disingenuous as this.

If you can find a “we want a white owner” equivalent to the “Qatar will sign the stars” comment I highlighted then you should definitely quote it.
The apparent upsides to the Ratcliffe purchase have always skewed towards the incredible for me.

A billionaire who will load himself with debt, not use our revenues to service it, will throw in a new stadium to boot whist we keep all of our money and he's doing this because it's a "legacy project"

With gullibility like that you can understand why the Tories keep winning elections and why the magic beans trade is roaring.

None of the the promise-land expectations of what a potential Ratcliffe ownership would look like at Manchester United seem realistically true in any way.

I don't think it's a case of ignoring anyone's human rights record. If Ratcliffe was the sole horse in the race it would still be patently clear that his "hey I'm just one of the fans looking to use up my money my club before I retire" projection is clearly bollocks.
I want Qatar despite their horrible human rights record because capitalism can't make the club competititve. Only fan ownership or state ownership can do that. I've given up on the idea that premier league football is in any way a moral enterprise - it self evidently isn't.
Straightforward, but true. Other leagues don't have clubs run as capitalist enterprises, but as respective variants of mutualistic (50+1 ownership), 'aristocratic' ( munificent, or prestige sportswashing if you're being critical), or corporatist (with groups/members electing presidents who then use the club to bolster their own business/social prestige and integrate the club with other businesses/community institutions, whilst also putting money directly into the team, and take decisions). We can argue when and where markets are useful - even most western socialists are 'market socialists' of some stripe - but community institutions just don't work run primarily 'for profit' - which is different from selling stuff to remain solvent/meet FFP - just like things like power or water (which is another discussion).

The UK is particularly idiotic around this, both on clubs and resources, compared to Europe. Even in the US, where privatization is often just as extreme (or more with Healthcare), when it comes to sports-teams, half the league structures are run in a way which acknowledges that 'normal' free market isn't efficient or appropriate in terms of long-term stability or fan 'product'
If you can find a “we want a white owner” equivalent to the “Qatar will sign the stars” comment I highlighted then you should definitely quote it.

I don't need to find a comment like that, because I, like you, possess the magical ability to know what people's true motivations are

(I don't actually think that's what the pro Jim lot want, I'm trying to show you how ridiculous it is to pretend that you know what other people really believe with no evidence to back it up)
They will nothing preventing it .

PL clubs have voted Leveraged Buyouts are capped at 65% of club's value which would ban the Glazer style takeover of MUFC, a buyer will have to show a proof of significant funds and not put the debt from the LBO onto the club itself.

Good to see at least one pro-Qatar poster being honest about why they want Qatari ownership.
I’d suggest you read that post again?
I’m on record here just a few days ago saying I don’t want the money cheat code. Said it many times in fact
PL clubs have voted Leveraged Buyouts are capped at 65% of club's value which would ban the Glazer style takeover of MUFC, a buyer will have to show a proof of significant funds and not put the debt from the LBO onto the club itself.

Fair enough I read somewhere that it was fully leveraged buyout like 90 % debt which were banned .
There’s been a hell of a lot of dancing around the “sign Mbappé” motivation from the Qatar cheerleaders, that’s for sure. “We’re worried about the debt… Look at Nice… We just want the Glazers gone…” etc etc
It’s a myriad of reasons from a myriad of posters. I completely understand why people don’t want Qatar and completely respect those concerns. It does feel like the pro-Ratcliffe side have their head in the sand over the concerns people have about his ownership. I won’t list them because they’ve been raised numerous times but to summarise they’ve been incompetent owners at Nice, are purchasing with debt albeit against the parent company and that raises concerns over future investment in our legacy and decrepit infrastructure. Then you have their motivation. Why do they want to buy United? They wanted to buy Chelsea a year ago so let’s not pretend it’s for footballing reasons. It all points to Glazers mk II. If that is preferable to Qatar that is more than reasonable but it’s worth understanding the concerns that rather than being desperate to frame it as a juvenile and reductive “want Mbappe” position.
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