Club Sale | It’s done!

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Completely viable if the Super League ends up happening, which is an outcome the Glazer brothers are bullish on.

Right, but it's already at a 50% inflated value for Jassim's bid because he wants control of the club and needs all the Glazers to sell. When they only own 20% and they aren't class B shares then they hold far less value, the same way the other 31% right now outside Glazer control isn't being sold for the same amount as the Glazers shares are selling.

Even with a super league within 5 years which seems unlikely, they'd have to gain such an increase in value that it takes their 20% past the inflated value being offered right now, and past the potential returns that having that much liquid cash would generate.

It sounds like nonsense, a story concocted to get people to panic, and to get Qatar to cough up more money
Let's fecking hope so as this club needs major, major investment in the coming years to become competitive on all fronts again
Why would Ineos invest their own money into the club if they only own half of it? Wouldn't that just be giving away their money to the other 50 percent of shareholders?
If Jassim won't overpay then he won't overpay and he won't overpay for other clubs based on what they're worth so other clubs will need to accept a bid that Jassim thinks is reasonable.

Spurs not Liverpool are worth 5.5 billion, far from it.
That makes it much easier for him to buy them though. And they’ll be thankful and desperate for it.
If the bid details that have emerged this week are true, I don't think the real battle will be Qatar vs INEOS, but rather Joel and Avram vs the other siblings.

The INEOS bid would be more attractive to Joel & Avram, but the others who just want a pay day now would surely prefer the Qatar bid.

How do the 6 come to an agreement that suits all their respective interests? Who knows...
A fight to the death?

Would solve a lot of the quibbles on money / who gets what
Right, but it's already at a 50% inflated value for Jassim's bid because he wants control of the club and needs all the Glazers to sell. When they only own 20% and they aren't class B shares then they hold far less value, the same way the other 31% right now outside Glazer control isn't being sold for the same amount as the Glazers shares are selling.

Even with a super league within 5 years which seems unlikely, they'd have to gain such an increase in value that it takes their 20% past the inflated value being offered right now, and past the potential returns that having that much liquid cash would generate.

It sounds like nonsense, a story concocted to get people to panic, and to get Qatar to cough up more money
The only "sensible" reason I can think of for Jim making such a bid is he only cares about his legacy and being remembered as owner of United.
People need to stop reacting to every tweet like it's the gospel truth. They don't have a bleeding clue what's going on. They are all just wanting to be a part of the story
That makes it much easier for him to buy them though. And they’ll be thankful and desperate for it.
It's easier for him to buy because they cost less money. If the owners aren't greedy and accept what the club is worth they'll be fine but I don't think Jassim will pay over the odds for these clubs. He could pay over the odds for United but won't.
Again moron isn't fair. He hasn't thrown money at Nice to try and take down PSG has he? Had he done that and still failed then moron might be fair.

Nice are at 10th place mate. They are competing with PSG as much as I am competing against tyson fury or Lausanne are competing with young boys. Both clubs were better off without ineos. So yeah he is a moron football wise. He will fit with the Glazers just fine. He'll they might teach him a thing or two
Given Ratcliffe has publicly stated he has approached the Glazers before regarding a sale and they were not interested, his interest predates his attempts to buy Chelsea. It might also explain to some extent why he hasn't thrown stupid money at his other clubs as that would restrict his ability to invest in a future marquee club, which clearly it has always been his intention to buy.
Why though? Jim won't be buying it and not having control so Joel and avi would be left as minority shareholders, which means the entire reason for them to remain would be financial, and keeping these shares with the intention of selling them later for an inflated value.

This means that Joel and avi have to think that rather than receiving like 600m cash, that should be able to generate about 10% returns annually if they just chucked it in an investment fund, which means after 5 years it would be worth nearly a billion. So in order for this to make sense, Joel and avi would have to think that within 5 years, being run by Jim and keeping on the same debt, and selling class a shares rather than the controlling shares, there would need to be about a 60% increase on the value of the club.

For joel and avi to stay if they control the club is one thing, staying as minority investors makes no sense, shares in a football club that are already being sold at an inflated value aren't a great investment compared to the rest of the market. When they hold class b shares and they're all needed for a full takeover, those shares are more valuable than if they try to sell them in a few years time to someone else who isn't trying to own the club

Well, they do seem believe the club will be worth a lot more down the road. It was reported many, many times those two don't want to leave. Probably expecting the Super League or some other shenanigans. They are also probably betting on Ratcliffe kicking it sooner rather than later, which could have INEOS sell the club. Ratcliffe's offer is the perfect deal for them. Jassim either pays up or jogs on.
Compromise. The other four get paid somewhat less, but Joel and Avram unblock the deal, and then stay on.

The difference in the bids doesn't seem to be overwhelmingly large, but just enough to tip the scales in Qatar's favor. By allying himself with Joel and Avram, Ratcliffe has tipped the scales his way.

Qatar will not own the club. Simple as.
But why would the compromise? It’s of no benefit to them?
Based on the news that the Glazers would not accept anything under 6 billions. From the sound of things, BOTH Qatar and INEOS wouldn't reach that number. But INEOS would let the Glazers continue leeching us. So guess who is on the front foot now?
Not really good with reading negotiations hey.

No one actually knows what Glazers will settle for. What they leak to the media is just part of driving up a price.
Given Ratcliffe has publicly stated he has approached the Glazers before regarding a sale and they were not interested, his interest predates his attempts to buy Chelsea. It might also explain to some extent why he hasn't thrown stupid money at his other clubs as that would restrict his ability to invest in a future marquee club, which clearly it has always been his intention to buy.

He has owned lausanne and Nice for quite some time. But sure let's pluck another excuse to defend him
I think back to when fergie made that speech in 2013 and think, the feck has happened to our club? We been bummed financially by the glazers, shits falling apart, had players with feck all passion for the club. Finally, we get a proper gaffer, and the glazers are not done fisting us yet..what a cluster feck. I'm numb thinking about jassim/SJR so often..
I'm finding some joy by mocking all billionaires and contributing drivel. This thread needs more drivel.
But why would the compromise? It’s of no benefit to them?
The benefit is they get their money. They want out now. Joel and Avram are happy to stay in and kick the can down the road. Those two hold all the cards.
Just hope this is finally going to be over with one way or the other tonight and the Glazers are no longer going to be in control.
Nice are at 10th place mate. They are competing with PSG as much as I am competing against tyson fury or Lausanne are competing with young boys. Both clubs were better off without ineos. So yeah he is a moron football wise. He will fit with the Glazers just fine. He'll they might teach him a thing or two

It has no significance on anything to do with Utd. We operate on a different level to Nice.
But why would the compromise? It’s of no benefit to them?

The benefit is that they get the deal done now and get their money. If they don't compromise, Joel and Avram block the deal to stay at the club, and the rest of the siblings can feck off to sell on the open market. This holds double if it's true some of the other siblings' businesses are on hard times and need money now, not in a few years.
At least he bid to us first rather then Chelsea
Apparently the Chelsea bid was never a serious bid to buy them, but just a signal to the glazers that he's interested in buying United.

One of the several bizarre excuses I've read on here for Jimmy boy :lol:
For a club to be openly state owned in fecking France and still not win the CL is a farce. :wenger:

Hardly comparable. They should be doing better in the CL but I think there can be no doubt PSG are doing better than any football club Ratcliffe is invested in. It's not even debatable.
If Ratcliffe was really going to get the deal I hope he'll do better than he previously has. With the Glazers still hanging around taking their dividends out I have my doubt though. This will turn out a proper mess
The benefit is they get their money. They want out now. Joel and Avram are happy to stay in and kick the can down the road. Those two hold all the cards.
Yeah but the reason it’s up for sale is (way back when) the two couldn’t get financing to buy the other out. Avram and Joel were forced to go along with the sale.
Why would they suddenly have leverage now? Isn’t there a clause saying if the rest leave then the two dickheads have a small window to pay off the debt? How can they suddenly hold the club random that will cost others hundreds of millions of pounds?
Apparently the Chelsea bid was never a serious bid to buy them, but just a signal to the glazers that he's interested in buying United.

One of the several bizarre excuses I've read on here for Jimmy boy :lol:

Jim will rub his local musk on the Glazers and they will suddenly become acceptable among fans in the same way a mountain of debt will
Well, they do seem believe the club will be worth a lot more down the road. It was reported many, many times those two don't want to leave. Probably expecting the Super League or some other shenanigans. They are also probably betting on Ratcliffe kicking it sooner rather than later, which could have INEOS sell the club. Ratcliffe's offer is the perfect deal for them. Jassim either pays up or jogs on.

That’s fine if you have control of the business/team and can influence it’s value through investments and commercial deals. They would be trusting their money in a person who could do absolutely anything with the club, it would be a massive gamble on the glazer bros part.
I really don't get what the Glazer's are doing if they don't sell

How do they really expect to get more if the club doesn't become more successful? The only way it will is if they pump money into it and even then it's a gamble cos of all the competition
For a club to be openly state owned in fecking France and still not win the CL is a farce. :wenger:
Totally agree. I always think of psg as a joke. Best players in the world and still haven't won it. Bit of a failure. The league isn't upto much so it's no particular achievement to keep winning it..
Yeah but the reason it’s up for sale is (way back when) the two couldn’t get financing to buy the other out. Avram and Joel were forced to go along with the sale.
Why would they suddenly have leverage now? Isn’t there a clause saying if the rest leave then the two dickheads have a small window to pay off the debt? How can they suddenly hold the club random that will cost others hundreds of millions of pounds?
Wasn't aware of that clause but if it's true and the others have a way out, then it does shift the power dynamics in their favor. Feels like this whole thing is one big game of chicken between the siblings.
Apparently the Chelsea bid was never a serious bid to buy them, but just a signal to the glazers that he's interested in buying United.

One of the several bizarre excuses I've read on here for Jimmy boy :lol:

You realise that excuse comes from the pro Qatar camp? It was used as a stick the beat Ratcliffe early on, claiming he was a chancer, a bluffer.
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