Club Sale | It’s done!

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One thing I was considering tonight.

If Qatar buys us and we go private (or anyone else that has the same ambition), how good would it be to see the club engage fans and spend time on dialogue (if what Qatar have promised is honoured), instead of presenting quarterly to analysts and yapping about engagement and tiktoks and Instagram posts.

How refreshing would that be? I just hope we don't get Robben'd again.
People don’t understand that if there is a partial investment where Joel and Avram stay, the next plausible time they would sell off their shares/full buyout is in 5 to 10 years time. The only reason they would stay is if they feel that the value of Man Utd will increase significantly within that time frame.

I almost guarantee they will not see that desired level of growth until another 10 years has passed, as they would not be investing a penny to accelerate that growth.

Basically, it is now or never.
This has gone very quiet.

The deadline for final round bids is next Friday. Does anybody seriously expect an announcement that a preferred bidder has been chosen to buy the club outright after that stage, ie. within the next week or so?

Not a hope in hell imo. I'd be shocked.

What will happen is that 3rd round bids will be submitted. We will hear nothing back about them for a while apart from a few leaked briefings which suggest that the bids didn't go far enough and the Glazers will likely accept minority investment. And then it will be confirmed at the end of the season so fans can't immediately protest at games and most will be bought off with a few shiny signings during the window.

I agree. I think this is what will happen as well. They will slow it down until late May when only Chelsea and Fulham are left. Even if there are large protests it will quickly be over and forgotten by the end of the transfer window after the latest marquee signing. The Glazers know how to handle the supporters.
Deadline for initial indicative offers was 17 Feb. Deadline for first proper bids was 22 March (although actual bids went in 23/24 March).
2 months and 4 days


I'm sure I'm echoing the thoughts of many but that seems like ages, even for a deal of this size.

Regardless of what you think of the outcome of the Chelsea takeover, it was nice to have more rigid deadline because of the forced nature of the sale.

I just checked the Chelsea same timeline. Roman announced his intention to sell on 2nd March and it was announced that Clearlake had won the bidding on 7th May (too another few weeks after that for the Government to sign off).
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Like that will even have any effects. Boycott EVERYTHING from the match, the merchandise, the sponsors...etc AND sustain it for a longer period of time. Then may be the Glazers will take it a bit more seriously.
It does have some effect. It's well documented a few of the Glazer siblings are sick and tired and just want to sell. These protests if executed well will be picked up by the media, regardless of its missing 18 minutes or 80.
Actually, what Avram and Joel are hellbent on doing is extracting as much money as possible from Jim Radcliffe or Sheikh Jassim.

The viability of third party investment rests solely on the intentions of the other 4 Glazer siblings.

If they are willing to stay then investment in the club is a possibility. It would require giving up about 33% of the club for the £2bn that would be needed to redevelop Old Trafford and Carrington. To make it worthwhile to the Glazers it would have to result in a 50% increase in the value of the club otherwise they lose out. That is a long term bet that is by no means guaranteed to pay off and even if it does the additional returns probably aren't worth the wait.

As appears more likely, if the other 4 Glazer siblings insist on selling up there is no realistic way the other 2 can remain in charge. Darcie, Bryan, Kevin and Edward collectively own about 43% of United. At the Glazers £6bn valuation it would take approx £2.5bn to buy them out, plus the £2bn needed for Old Trafford and Carrington that's £4.5 bn, more than the current market cap. No one is going to provide that and leave the Glazers with enough stock to remain in charge. Nor is it realistic for Avram and Joel to borrow the £2.5bn needed to buy out the other 4 siblings. Even at low rates of interest, including the debt already on the club, they'd need to find over £100m a year in interest payments alone, and then find £2bn for infrastructure, plus keep on investing in the team they've spent 18 years fecking up. It just isn't happening.

The only realistic scenario here is a full sale, the only question is to who and for how much.

God I hope you're right!

I'm sure I'm echoing the thoughts of many but that seems like ages, even for a deal of this size.

Regardless of what you think of the outcome of the Chelsea takeover, it was nice to have more rigid deadline because of the forced nature of the sale.

I just checked the Chelsea same timeline. Roman announced his intention to sell on 2nd March and it was announced that Clearlake had won the bidding on 7th May (too another few weeks after that for the Government to sign off).
Major difference there was the fact the price was established wasn’t it? There was the price plus you had to promise x in investment. That isn’t the case here. The price isn’t set. This entire process is about getting the highest bid.
Major difference there was the fact the price was established wasn’t it? There was the price plus you had to promise x in investment. That isn’t the case here. The price isn’t set. This entire process is about getting the highest bid.

No, price wasn't established. There were certain things any buyers had to agree to (£Xm investment, not to sell in a certain period, no leveraged buys) but there was no set price.
I find if you REALLY want to support the team buying shirts, use the "Chinese club shop" ;) hit these fckers where it hurts.

I'm sure I'm echoing the thoughts of many but that seems like ages, even for a deal of this size.

Regardless of what you think of the outcome of the Chelsea takeover, it was nice to have more rigid deadline because of the forced nature of the sale.

I just checked the Chelsea same timeline. Roman announced his intention to sell on 2nd March and it was announced that Clearlake had won the bidding on 7th May (too another few weeks after that for the Government to sign off).

It certainly feels like it has been a lot longer than two months, even though it hasn't. I think we need to be a bit careful about benchmarking against the Chelsea deal, which was after all a distressed asset. The Glazers do not need to sell (although there are some good reasons why they might want to). Anyway, it seems likely to drag on for a while longer.
The sale of the club was always going to take a long time. This isn't like buying a sandwich from a shop.
Everyone on Twitter are re-twitting this twit

Obviously I support the protests and the cause but a protest 2 days after the deadline seems a little silly? This weekend was the time to make a huge statement - we might even know what’s what by the time this rolls around. I can’t imagine there is too much more discussion necessary at this stage - surely its biggest number takes it now.
Bet people will still say this when it comes to summer.
If this is the last round of bidding, which everyone thinks it will be, I doubt any of the bidders would be sticking around till the summer. That would be almost 2-3 months after this deadline.

My guess is that after this deadline we’ll hear a preferred bidder within a month. Any longer and i think it’ll mean the Glazers are staying (in some form) and they are waiting for the summer to announce - either way I think we’ll know soon after the seasons final game
The Game of Chess will be put into Check or Check Mate by SJ at then end of April, if not he’ll simply stop playing and any chance of the Greedy Parasites getting close to £6bn they want will be gone for good, my guess is SJ will bid £5.6-5.8bn and that will be a take it or leave it offer for reference £5.62bn Is $7bn and 69% is $4.8bn or roughly $800m each if all shares were equal which they are not or nearly
$940m for Joel and $670m Avram,
This thread is so dead. Nice are currently 10th and are freefalling. Massive red flags about INEOS ownership.
Oddly quiet these days. Not many journos reporting stuff these days. Maybe negotiations have stalled or maybe Glazers have a bidder where due-diligence/acceptance by the FA has to be sorted out before moving on? (But we'd hear leaks about that from journos somehow, no?)
This thread is so dead. Nice are currently 10th and are freefalling. Massive red flags about INEOS ownership.

What does one have to do with the other?

How are all the clubs in the City group doing? I assume they are all flying high and top of their respective leagues or can the same owners have different goals with the different clubs they own?
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