Jim is a business man. He is not here for football operations. We are suffering from almost 20 years of debt, mismanagement, neglect etc. Do people really expect that to change overnight? Before Jim and Amorim, Ragnick was the only person who said it as it is. Open heart surgery is needed to restore the glory days. That takes time, anyone who has worked in change management knows this. From the business side to the football side, the club is rotten to the core. It's embarrassing that a premier league club infrastructure leaks in a press conference, a huge sign of neglect.
Ticket price increases, redundancy, cost cutting, they are all needed. They are not nice but we are living in a period of time where we suffered from high levels of inflation, interest rates are our of control and economic uncertainty glooms over. Football is a busienss these days.
I was shocked to hear we may have run out of cash by the end of 2025. That's the clearest sign of administration. How true is this statement, i don't know, all I can do is reach to his statement.
I've thought over and over again, selling our youth players may be the only way to save our future. 70m for Kobi, yes please. These FFP rules are ridiculous, selling a promising youngster may be the only option we have left.
I'll personally give Jim another year. The summer coming up is key. You can see the changes on the football side already. Recruitment was better in the summer versus what we have seen before the addition of high rated youngsters brings some excitement.
Time is telling, we don't know all of the facts.