But it would be disingenous to put climate change mainly on Trump. The scope of problem is the whole mankind, not any single individual.
Will Trump contribute to faster falldown? Yes, certainly. Would it have been much better with anyone else, not Biden/Harris, but anyone? Probably not. The scope of issues is simply so big that nothing and nobody can change things so drastically. Whole economy is built on extreme consumption and cutting back on it means people will be left to starve. We are talking in hundreds of millions, possibly billions.
There are two possible pathways humanity can take willingly* (big asterisk that is). One is continuing business as usual, with green energy replacing oil, which is neither going to be fast enough, nor efficient enough. And green energy is not as green as green companie will make you believe.
Second is degrowth, which i just can't comprehend. I mean, I can, but i don't see it being anything other than extrremely painful and deadly for massive number of people.
Third option is the unwilling degrowth, forced upon us by Earth itself. No need to explain what this means.
Fourth, best case scenario, climate change is bullshit. Well, not bullshit, but humans are more resilient than we thought. We adapt and go on. Of course, highly unlikely. Because we are already seeing plethora of evidence just how real climate change is.