Classic Photos


Could someone PLEASE do this one for me.

(Colored shirt, rest grey-scale)

done this one
but photobucket is down....
I used the lasso tool to map Henry's outline, selected it's inverse and desatured it. It was pretty simple..

I find that its easiest if you place the desaturated image on top of the colored one and then just use the eraser tool to color the the desired area/person.
Same Stob. I remember seeing a brilliant one a while ago of him taking on the last man in THAT goal.
Can't find it for the life of me now.
I always find the lasso tool to be a pain - I guess I'm not using it properly, but it often seems to struggle to accurately follow the outline that I want it to.

Any advice?

Nope, none.. sorry.

can anyone do this for me?


and it would be nice if the 'getty images' can be removed, i think it wouldn't be too much of a trouble right?

done this one to but it doesn't looks good,and i cant get the getty out
If this thread doesn't make it into the "best of" i dunno what...

BTW: Can someone get rid of that annoying getty images logo in the GB7 picture?
Pages full of great photos of the lord and savior himself...;)