City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Been reported that it’s secret. We won’t know.
Feels bad that doesn’t it? I’m picturing envelopes stacking on the table and eventually there will be enough
It has as much chance of remaining a secret as Rishi had of watching Malcolm in the Middle. There will be more leaks than a United Utilities brand colander.
Never want people killed.
But you know where I am coming from.

With what these people have done to your club, it may never recover.
When pushed, they hide behind Islam when they do not even practice the teachings of that faith.

The government will do nothing about these people buying our clubs.
Our economy is screwed.
Only the fans can stop this. Whatever the rivalry we must stand together.

For sure man. I don't know much about the economy as I'm living in Ireland last 35 years but I do think football needs a cleaning.
Feels bad that doesn’t it? I’m picturing envelopes stacking on the table and eventually there will be enough

The entire case was supposed to be confidential but it leaked out. The result of the case will leak out definitely.
The entire case was supposed to be confidential but it leaked out. The result of the case will leak out definitely.
There’s huge money on the table for any leaker as this is one of the biggest scoops football in this country has known.

The scrambling behind the scenes and dodginess of this whole, sordid affair must be epic.
We'll soon know as City will be going on a spending spree like we've never seen before if they win!

Well they are apparently going to activate Bruno Guimarães' release clause which is roughly 100m (not sure if £ or €) so doesnt look like they are too bothered by anything going on around them.
To be quite honest, every single conga dancing, banana waving, gloat merchant in that fanbase, who vehemently defends the owners and shuts every 115 discussion down with "cry" or waffle about grass length, deserves everything that they get.
100% this. I've never seen a more rotten set of fans than these awful little City glory hunters. The way they squeal with delight about their latest illegal Premier League victory while simultaneously claiming to be the victims of the "red cartel" is just revolting.

I get that banter is a part of football rivalry. But this "football club" seems to attract some genuinely nasty, vile people who only seem to get pleasure out of the frustration of others. I can't tell you how many times I've seen City fans on reddit etc spewing out bile such as "I'm glad our club is upsetting so many people by winning all the time" and "LOL Pep has got you all so triggered" and stalking your profile and harassing you if you dare disagree with them.

I'm sure there are many genuine City supporters who have been fans since before the takeover and are decent folks. But I'd love to see all these horrible little "Cope" squealing glory hunters silenced.
100% this. I've never seen a more rotten set of fans than these awful little City glory hunters. The way they squeal with delight about their latest illegal Premier League victory while simultaneously claiming to be the victims of the "red cartel" is just revolting.

I get that banter is a part of football rivalry. But this "football club" seems to attract some genuinely nasty, vile people who only seem to get pleasure out of the frustration of others. I can't tell you how many times I've seen City fans on reddit etc spewing out bile such as "I'm glad our club is upsetting so many people by winning all the time" and "LOL Pep has got you all so triggered" and stalking your profile and harassing you if you dare disagree with them.

I'm sure there are many genuine City supporters who have been fans since before the takeover and are decent folks. But I'd love to see all these horrible little "Cope" squealing glory hunters silenced.

City are owned by trolls, run by trolls and are followed by trolls
If city lose the case, does it affect anything or is it just a free hit

City bringing this case is practically an admittance that many of the 115 charges are valid. If they lose this case there is even less chance than before that they win the main case.
Well the 2 weeks is up is't it?

It speaks volumes for how little anyone cares about City that this has barely had a mention since the initial outcry.

I know people have said they won't announce anything, but I can't see how they can keep a lid on the outcome.
Why is this allowed to be a private hearing? Big implications.

You'll soon know about it if City win as they'll start announcing eleventy billion sponsorships from their own companies and tabelling 300m bids for Vinicus Junior.
It’s unlikely to have been a win for Abu Dhabi. Silence sometimes speaks volumes.
It’s unlikely to have been a win for Abu Dhabi. Silence sometimes speaks volumes.
It’s unlikely to have been a win for the PL. Silence sometimes speaks volumes.
So has there been any change in their transfer activities due to the court case, and the impending charges?

Or are they just going to casually ignore the rules and outspend everyone with under the table payments like they do every year?
Why is this Rui Pinto guy in witness protection?

Is it solely related to his football whistleblowing?
There already are a ton of emails that prove City are criminals. These leaks accomplish nothing.
He isn't.

Isn't in witness protection?

It's being reported that he is.

The Portuguese, 35, has been in witness protection since 2020 following his previous revelations and plans on releasing the documents relating to City

Pinto was arrested in Hungary in January 2019, though he was later freed from house arrest and put under witness protection.

Is he no longer in witness protection?
Maybe he is.

I just didn't see how he could've making these kinda statements using his real name if he's in witness protection.

Perhaps I've watched too many Mafia films! In my mind when someone goes into witness protection, they change their name and disappear, not carry on very publicly doing what they did before they were convicted.
It will be interesting to see how the (prospective) new gov of different color treats this matter and the geopolitics involved. Not sure they would kill the golden goose with strangling regulation, yet something they are gonna do imho.