City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Yes and I’d have sympathy with those for whom this is *genuinely* about fairness and consistent respect for the rules. But I have less sympathy for those who hide behind that reasoning when this is just about your rivals going through a period of success whilst your team stagnates.

I think you would be surprised how many Utd fans are genuinely just really turned off by how City have got to where they are rather than just looking for an excuse for our annoyance. There is no excuse needed, if it was just that we were annoyed by City being great that would be a totally logical feeling for a Utd fan to have.

Yes and I’d have sympathy with those for whom this is *genuinely* about fairness and consistent respect for the rules. But I have less sympathy for those who hide behind that reasoning when this is just about your rivals going through a period of success whilst your team stagnates.

But for all clubs in this country they stagnate more than they are successful? That is the beauty of football. I genuinely don’t see that anyone in here believes that the minute City are relegated, United will become dominant. The two have zero correlation.

There’s a reason why people don’t acknowledge what Ben Johnson achieved or Lance Armstrong. The same reason why the majority of United fans don’t care what City win, just that they win, if it stops Liverpool winning.

Outside of that though, like most rational people, surely you just want to see cheaters punished? And success be achieved rightfully and fairly. You’d have to question why anybody would be against such a premise. It isnt rational.
But for all clubs in this country they stagnate more than they are successful? That is the beauty of football. I genuinely don’t see that anyone in here believes that the minute City are relegated, United will become dominant. The two have zero correlation.

There’s a reason why people don’t acknowledge what Ben Johnson achieved or Lance Armstrong. The same reason why the majority of United fans don’t care what City win, just that they win, if it stops Liverpool winning.

Outside of that though, like most rational people, surely you just want to see cheaters punished? And success be achieved rightfully and fairly. You’d have to question why anybody would be against such a premise. It isnt rational.

Of the 3 clubs who can, I would rather Arsenal won the league this year, followed by Liverpool, followed by City, so yes, to an extent I’d prefer to see a club doing it under their own steam. And a club who hasn’t done it for a while. And when it comes to the matches in Europe I’ll probably make more effort to watch almost all other English clubs than I will to watch City. I just don’t draw the same line as you when it comes to assessing competitiveness. If City have a 20 year period from 2013-2033 like Utd did from 1993-2013 I’d definitely find it boring and want it to stop*. Whether they got their money from selling noodles in Taiwan or profits from a state business would be neither here nor there for me. But I appreciate I might be a minority on this board with that view!

*however I don’t see that happening, I think that Pep is their Alex Ferguson and when he goes, probably next summer, they’ll stop dominating as much,
Of the 3 clubs who can, I would rather Arsenal won the league this year, followed by Liverpool, followed by City, so yes, to an extent I’d prefer to see a club doing it under their own steam. And a club who hasn’t done it for a while. And when it comes to the matches in Europe I’ll probably make more effort to watch almost all other English clubs than I will to watch City. I just don’t draw the same line as you when it comes to assessing competitiveness. If City have a 20 year period from 2013-2033 like Utd did from 1993-2013 I’d definitely find it boring and want it to stop*. Whether they got their money from selling noodles in Taiwan or profits from a state business would be neither here nor there for me. But I appreciate I might be a minority on this board with that view!

*however I don’t see that happening, I think that Pep is their Alex Ferguson and when he goes, probably next summer, they’ll stop dominating as much,
And there lies the root of your rationale. You see the thing is is that you’re happy to wrap everything up in the same bundle and ignore financial doping, because to you it’s the thing that made it stop.

To United fans it’s not about making it stop. In fact if City go away suddenly then Liverpool may well overtake our total of 20 league titles.

But in all honesty who reads that a football club have signed up to rules that everyone is adhering to, has 115 charges of breaching those rules, refuses to cooperate with the governing body, externally it’s owners and directors are running a racket job with governments and councilors….and equates all of that with selling noodles in Taiwan.

If you can see it, it’s bizarre.
And there lies the root of your rationale. You see the thing is is that you’re happy to wrap everything up in the same bundle and ignore financial doping, because to you it’s the thing that made it stop.

To United fans it’s not about making it stop. In fact if City go away suddenly then Liverpool may well overtake our total of 20 league titles.

But in all honesty who reads that a football club have signed up to rules that everyone is adhering to, has 115 charges of breaching those rules, refuses to cooperate with the governing body, externally it’s owners and directors are running a racket job with governments and councilors….and equates all of that with selling noodles in Taiwan.

If you can see it, it’s bizarre.

I suppose I’m taking the 115 charges thing with a pinch of salt. They may be the same charge repeated 115 times, or they may be all different. For what it’s worth, regardless of how many of them are actually proven (or not) and what the punishment is (or isn’t), I’m not debating whether or not they’ve spent more than they’ve earned. Basic maths tells me there is no other explanation. But these rules didn’t exist at all for the first 100 years of football, I don’t see it as being essential to the integrity of the game or anything. If you took out the teams bought by Jack Walker and Abramovic Utd would have won 17 out of 20, or something ridiculous.

I do agree that I’m ‘wrapping everything up in the same bundle’, it’s not something that I’ve ever sought to deny. From my perspective I want to see a premier league with as many potential winners as possible, and with as much variation as possible. That’s what makes it exciting for me. It was boring when Utd were so dominant and I think we’re not far off the time where it’ll become boring that City are so dominant. I accept that one bought success through oil riches and one through legitimate income, but strictly speaking from the point of view of a watcher looking for excitement, the source of the money is not relevant. All I see, and all I’m interested in, is the end product. The absolute worst scenario for me would be a Bayern Munich situation, and I think that’s where we were headed without rich owners putting their own money in.
Tell me honestly that you would engage with that chap’s angry ranting! More fool you if you would. I’ve tried to respond to every post on here, whether I agree with it or not, and I’ve remained polite. I’ll engage on that basis with absolutely anyone, but I draw the line at posters with zero emotional regulation, posters who can apparently effortlessly spot the bias in other people’s arguments, but don’t have the basic self awareness needed to recognise it in themselves. I think I’ll pass!
It didn't come across as angry to me. They took multiple paragraphs to explain how they feel, and to be fair, I agree with what they're saying. If anything, City have done United a favour, as they've prevented Liverpool dominating the last decade, but they've also stood in the way of other established clubs who haven't had the benefit of being the playing of the rulers of an oil state, and shut them out of contention while not playing by the same rules.
I suppose I’m taking the 115 charges thing with a pinch of salt. They may be the same charge repeated 115 times, or they may be all different. For what it’s worth, regardless of how many of them are actually proven (or not) and what the punishment is (or isn’t), I’m not debating whether or not they’ve spent more than they’ve earned. Basic maths tells me there is no other explanation. But these rules didn’t exist at all for the first 100 years of football, I don’t see it as being essential to the integrity of the game or anything. If you took out the teams bought by Jack Walker and Abramovic Utd would have won 17 out of 20, or something ridiculous.

I do agree that I’m ‘wrapping everything up in the same bundle’, it’s not something that I’ve ever sought to deny. From my perspective I want to see a premier league with as many potential winners as possible, and with as much variation as possible. That’s what makes it exciting for me. It was boring when Utd were so dominant and I think we’re not far off the time where it’ll become boring that City are so dominant. I accept that one bought success through oil riches and one through legitimate income, but strictly speaking from the point of view of a watcher looking for excitement, the source of the money is not relevant. All I see, and all I’m interested in, is the end product. The absolute worst scenario for me would be a Bayern Munich situation, and I think that’s where we were headed without rich owners putting their own money in.

I think they should just have a lottery at the start of every season and declare a winner, but then the winner isn't allowed to win it the next season.

Gives it more variation and makes it more interesting for the neutral fan that isn't really interested anyway.
I think they should just have a lottery at the start of every season and declare a winner, but then the winner isn't allowed to win it the next season.

Gives it more variation and makes it more interesting for the neutral fan that isn't really interested anyway.

Or better yet, make winning contingent on who is the best managed and coached team. Not on who won stuff in the 80s and has a crazy advantage due to that, or who has a oligarch as an owner.

Crazy right?
I'm pretty sure @NicolaSacco has made the argument a few times. I get the sentiment well enough, even if i think its a weak argument. The idea United were an unstoppable juggernaut that could only be stopped by City just doesn't hold up to any kind of scrutiny. I suppose Arsenal, Liverpool or Spurs winning leagues isn't exactly a fairy tale ending for underdogs but they look a hell of a lot easier, for a much wider range of clubs to catch up with than a doped up City.
Still, he's kind of right and some kind of across the board salary cap is probably the fairest way forward
Of the 3 clubs who can, I would rather Arsenal won the league this year, followed by Liverpool, followed by City, so yes, to an extent I’d prefer to see a club doing it under their own steam. And a club who hasn’t done it for a while. And when it comes to the matches in Europe I’ll probably make more effort to watch almost all other English clubs than I will to watch City. I just don’t draw the same line as you when it comes to assessing competitiveness. If City have a 20 year period from 2013-2033 like Utd did from 1993-2013 I’d definitely find it boring and want it to stop*. Whether they got their money from selling noodles in Taiwan or profits from a state business would be neither here nor there for me. But I appreciate I might be a minority on this board with that view!

*however I don’t see that happening, I think that Pep is their Alex Ferguson and when he goes, probably next summer, they’ll stop dominating as much,

Do you have more respect for the achievements of a boy born in a council house that gets rich by being very shrewd, taking a bunch of risks, working tirelessly and building a huge noodle selling business in Taiwan than a lad who has a rich uncle he has no connection to die and leaves him a fortune then he breaks a bunch of tax rules to end up more successful than our self made noodle salesman?

That's all the view is, as simple as that.
Do you have more respect for the achievements of a boy born in a council house that gets rich by being very shrewd, taking a bunch of risks, working tirelessly and building a huge noodle selling business in Taiwan than a lad who has a rich uncle he has no connection to die and leaves him a fortune then he breaks a bunch of tax rules to end up more successful than our self made noodle salesman?

That's all the view is, as simple as that.

I don't think the poor care much about whether wealth is "earned" or "inherited". Of course old "earned" money hates new "unearned" money. Zooming out, it matters little in the grand scheme of things if success is more probable when you have way more money.
I don't think the poor care much about whether wealth is "earned" or "inherited". Of course old "earned" money hates new "unearned" money. Zooming out, it matters little in the grand scheme of things if success is more probable when you have way more money.

Weird to me, I enjoyed seeing Lille win Ligue 1 even though Man Utd aren't in the Ligue 1 title race. State owned sugar daddy clubs are just a bit pointless and gross regardless of if it directly affects you or not.
Weird to me, I enjoyed seeing Lille win Ligue 1 even though Man Utd aren't in the Ligue 1 title race. State owned sugar daddy clubs are just a bit pointless and gross regardless of if it directly affects you or not.


I'll also enjoy Bayer Leverkusen win the Bundesliga against Bayern Munich.

Extreme disparities in sporting competition fueled solely by wealth ("earned" and "unearned") are pointless and gross, regardless of if it directly affects you or not.

I'll also enjoy Bayer Leverkusen win the Bundesliga against Bayern Munich.

Extreme disparities in sporting competition fueled solely by wealth ("earned" and "unearned") are pointless and gross, regardless of if it directly affects you or not.

Unearned is a lot more gross than earned.
It's irrelevant how much they paid in transfer fees and what they pay in wages. The point is, where does this tin pot little club which can hardly fill their stadium, get all this fecking money from?

Dodgy sponsorship deals is where. They've no right to spend all that money when it comes from illegitimate sources.
Or better yet, make winning contingent on who is the best managed and coached team. Not on who won stuff in the 80s and has a crazy advantage due to that, or who has a oligarch as an owner.

Crazy right?

Not sure what you're on about, not sure if you know it either.
I do not care that you call me a City-fan. I am just sick and tired of people like you talking about things they have not a clue about. You talk about cheap signings indicating that City officially pay one transfer fee while paying more under the table. That means that the 56 clubs City has bought players from the last 16 years has been part of the fraud accepting money under the table. Don't you understand how braindead that argument is ?

Didn't take long for that mask to fall. Desperate desperate stuff.
Its funny that there are people who think City, in emerging from an 8-1 hammering against Middlesbrough, to destroying the premier league and winning a treble in second gear, haven't circumvented rules in doing so so rapidly.
I suppose I’m taking the 115 charges thing with a pinch of salt. They may be the same charge repeated 115 times, or they may be all different. For what it’s worth, regardless of how many of them are actually proven (or not) and what the punishment is (or isn’t), I’m not debating whether or not they’ve spent more than they’ve earned. Basic maths tells me there is no other explanation. But these rules didn’t exist at all for the first 100 years of football, I don’t see it as being essential to the integrity of the game or anything. If you took out the teams bought by Jack Walker and Abramovic Utd would have won 17 out of 20, or something ridiculous.

I do agree that I’m ‘wrapping everything up in the same bundle’, it’s not something that I’ve ever sought to deny. From my perspective I want to see a premier league with as many potential winners as possible, and with as much variation as possible. That’s what makes it exciting for me. It was boring when Utd were so dominant and I think we’re not far off the time where it’ll become boring that City are so dominant. I accept that one bought success through oil riches and one through legitimate income, but strictly speaking from the point of view of a watcher looking for excitement, the source of the money is not relevant. All I see, and all I’m interested in, is the end product. The absolute worst scenario for me would be a Bayern Munich situation, and I think that’s where we were headed without rich owners putting their own money in.
The rules may not have been in place for 100 years, but they came in because several clubs, albeit in lower leagues went in to administration through owners who came in for a short period, overspent and left with the clubs no longer in existence.

The most important part that you are failing to recognise is that all clubs have agreed to the rules, signed up to the rules, adhere to them, prove that by providing accountancy year on year and budget accordingly. EXCEPT ONE.

All it’s done having City as the one steriod club in the country is stop what you’re stating you want from happening. Looking at the remaining fixtures of the top three they will win the league again this season.

I get what you’re looking for. I feel exactly the same. A Coventry winning the FA Cup for example is the dream. Lower league clubs in semi finals. A West Ham or a Brighton having a great manager, players and winning a league like Leicester did. But we’ve never been further away from that in this country than we are now (Blackburn won 1, so not sure how 17 would be the answer?) City are hoovering up most of the trophies every season through dismissing rules that others follow.
Its funny that there are people who think City, in emerging from an 8-1 hammering against Middlesbrough, to destroying the premier league and winning a treble in second gear, haven't circumvented rules in doing so so rapidly.

Oh they certainly took shortcuts.

They're at a point where they don't need to anymore though.
If your going to do dodgy shit, I'd imagine you'd work out a way of how to do it, carefully. Do it on cities scale, takes planning, knowledge of the leagues rules etc etc. genuine transfers can be mixed with underhanded deals, extra payments, or whatever. Grundig needs to imagine the worst, and then apply it to city, and probably other clubs that have yet to be found out. To not do so, isn't reality. People only give a feck about money. It's more evident now than it's ever been.
Madrid posted their team lineup strangely early for tonight's game against City...

115 minutes before kickoff to be precise :lol:
Oh they certainly took shortcuts.

They're at a point where they don't need to anymore though.

Ya i agree with second part, but second part not possible without the first. This should all have been stamped out very early on. Irreparable damage to English football as a result of complacency
I am absolutely convinced City will be punished - there is NO way they can not after what has happened to Forest and Everton - and what guaranteed will happen to Leicester. It will result in several teams going to court against the authorities - and they will win.. There is no way they will risk that outcome

What I do fear however, is that the punishment they will receive, will be a slap on the wrist in comparison to the cheating they have done. They will be punished enough so that the authorities have their backs free - but I fear not hard enough to make it a fair punishment.

The way I see it - any punishment lower than relegation is a slap on the wrist. A punishment of relegation + several years of points deduction would be a just punishment. Say they receive 50 points deduction the 1st year, 40 the second year and 30 the third year. That way they almost need to win every single game to get to the play-offs in the Championship, and even if they win promotion the first year, they will not be able to fight for the title the next 2 seasons. City need to be removed from the top of English football for several seasons for this to be just.

But I fear it could easily end up with 20-30 points deduction only - in which case they wont win the league the next season, but could easily reach top 5 and qualify for C.L
Are you a lawyer? Or in that line of work? Honest question by the way as you seem clued up on events.
4 in row, I don’t think where going to see anyone dominate the league in the same way they have.
4 in a row yet you can’t help but feel like no one really cares about them? :lol:
Only found out recently that Pep's brother has shares in Girona. Great for the game!