Champions League Semi Finals (30th April - 8th May)

In the game where Suarez and Alba are on the pitch, they are not even the worst divers.
Was that a dive by Henderson too?
And Mane now!So sick of these fecking divers
Why do Liverpool cross. Origi and Shaqiri have to climb on top of each other to be an average sized adult male.
I'm amazed at how much of a cnut Suarez is. It's bloody impressive how he it permeates every fragment of his being. And it' hilarious, but only because he's doing it against Liverpool, and how quickly he's completely turned the entirety of their fanbase against him after the years of blind love and support.

He’s really just a cnut. He doesn’t have the air of “well he’s a cnut but he’s our cnut” like Herrera or Ramos, he just comes across as a cnut overall.
Liverpool flop too much. Mane would have at least 5 more goals this year if he'd play to score or cross rather than trying to win fouls in and around the box.
He’s really the kind of player who relishes this kind of opportunity. Fair play to him but I simply dislike his shithousery, obviously it’s less annoying if it’s your own player. Nothing to do with the celebrating last week, I wouldn’t expect anything else in a CL semifinal.

Coutinho is the complete opposite, he can’t seem to handle these occasions.
Yeah he’s persistent alright and he has a knack of coming up with something.

Coutinho sticks out like a sore thumb.
I know, I realised what I'd done as I pressed post :wenger: I've enjoyed the barrage of answers though :lol:
Aye :lol: at least they’re making away with that rule from next year.