Conference League is where we'll be if we're lucky next year, because we can't put our hopes on a long term strategy right now to get us out of the shit we're in. We're woefully behind our rivals and haven't got time to take a chance on some "maybes". I'd rather we did that as well but realistically we're one more feck up away from becoming 90s Liverpool.
You used ageing in a derogatory way simply because the first number in his age starts with a 3 instead of a 2 (or maybe you didn't and I'm just very defensive about age now that I've turned 35 ffs). He's a DM not a striker. He doesn't rely on raw pace. Sergio Bouquets is a full four years older than him and still playing at Barcelona. In fact, look at the best DMs in the world and tell me which ones are younger than Casemiro let alone Busquets or any of the others.
Your third point; see my first point. Short term stability first, get CL again. Then we can target players that take us up a notch on our own terms. We're unattractive right now. But as a famous scholar once said; cocks out!