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2023-24 Performances

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4.9 Season Average Rating
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He still can make great passes but his physic is not there anymore so often he is challenged by the opposite midfield before he can do it. There was a number of times he was outmuscled by Pool when the ball was clearly in his possession.

During his peak (2-3 seasons) he was undoubtedly the best DM, or top 2 at least, in the world. However, he is way pass his best now. We need to bring in a worldclass orthodox DM and have Martinez as 2nd choice while rotating him with the CB role. In this chaotic system that ETH is playing, the DM is the most important role bar none to cover the large gap in the midfield. He would be a useful sub but make no sense with his wage, it's time for the Saudi's

I agree with lot of what you said but if we can keep him fit we need to keep Martinez at centre back above nearly any other priority in the team.

Whether he could do a job in midfield who knows, centre backs who are great passes sometimes can and sometimes can't. But the tone he sets from centre back is too important to mess about with.
Bournemouth 2:2 Man Utd
Drunk in the first half, sobered up a little after the break.
Should be nowhere near the starting eleven, another abysmal performance for someone with so much experience. Can’t even do the basics now.
Worthless. Anybody who doesn't want to sell and bring in an actual dm is just furthering our decent into irrelevance
Useless cnut continues to start under his clueless bald manager.
It was clear from very early on this season his legs had gone, he’s absolute useless week in week out. Complete waste of space who has to go in the summer.
Not sure he is the issue. He can't run though - carrying an injury? No player in the world could cover the distance required by our DM in our current set-up. Every, and I mean literally every team we face, even second tier teams, run through our midfield for fun. There is no structure. We have structure with the ball, but without it we fall apart. Our high pressing is not good enough, and then we have a huge gap between that press and our defence. The tactic is appalling.
It should not shock me but I just can't get my head around the way such an experienced play treats the ball. He's Brazilian FFS.
Yeah, we've already seen this with Matic many times. When a midfielder who is very experienced makes so many shocking first touches in every game then it's time to move on. Again shocking performance, I can't believe how shit he was.
Not sure he is the issue. He can't run though - carrying an injury? No player in the world could cover the distance required by our DM in our current set-up. Every, and I mean literally every team we face, even second tier teams, run through our midfield for fun. There is no structure. We have structure with the ball, but without it we fall apart. Our high pressing is not good enough, and then we have a huge gap between that press and our defence. The tactic is appalling.
He's not the issue, it's the tactics. All DMs would feel exposed in this system.

He can take responsibility for being stupid on the ball and ambling around though. Honestly don't think he's that motivated outside the big games
In the first half he looked like an old dog that needed to be put down.

He must have been instructed in the second half to hold his position in front of the back four because all of a sudden he looked a lot better and we didnt look as open. Not sure why it's taken ETH so long to make that adjustment.
Every game he has a few moments where he goes for the spectacular slide challenge but misses so badly you can just see him swoosh past the action. First i think, ”who the feck was that”then the camera turns and Casemiro is nowhere to be seen, ahaaa, of course. You could make a lowlights comp of his worst moments and the classic Benny Hill tune would fit perfectly. Our options are shit but even so, Erik must be fuming, right? Let the players no they feckkin need to be sharp, regardless what they have won in the past. Play Amrabat there for a change, or Scott, at least those guys still wants to be here, and fight.
If the experienced players in your team are underperforming then you are fooked.

The experienced trio of Casemiro, Bruno (credit Bruno he never gives up! but still) and Rashford have been terrible in 23/24

But Casemiro has been missing half the time and wasteful when he does turn up. Awful.
Every game he has a few moments where he goes for the spectacular slide challenge but misses so badly you can just see him swoosh past the action. First i think, ”who the feck was that”then the camera turns and Casemiro is nowhere to be seen, ahaaa, of course. You could make a lowlights comp of his worst moments and the classic Benny Hill tune would fit perfectly. Our options are shit but even so, Erik must be fuming, right? Let the players no they feckkin need to be sharp, regardless what they have won in the past. Play Amrabat there for a change, or Scott, at least those guys still wants to be here, and fight.
Amrabat must be extremely frustrated at not getting a shot. Casemiro has not put in more than a handful of good performances all season. It's actually a joke that he keeps getting picked.
Didn't really think he was that bad compared to other games. Certainly wasn't the issue today.
Amrabat must be extremely frustrated at not getting a shot. Casemiro has not put in more than a handful of good performances all season. It's actually a joke that he keeps getting picked.
Why should we care about Amrabaat, we're not signing him. He's also not good enough either, would be a waste of time.
Why should we care about Amrabaat, we're not signing him. He's also not good enough either, would be a waste of time.
I don't really care about him, but I would give him a shot over Casemiro. He's been putting in 3/10 performances pretty regularly.
I thought he was terrible in the first half. Has had a very poor season.
Casemiro being exposed in the post match analysis. Redknapp making the point that he's not being a great example to Kobbie
It remains baffling that we went from chasing De Jong to him. You couldn't find to more opposing players if you tried. Completely rudderless leadership last summer (and to 10 summers before that) costing us now.
Casemiro being exposed in the post match analysis. Redknapp making the point that he's not being a great example to Kobbie
I loved the soccer aid comment, fully truly. He does not deserve to play the next game, he is coasting, obviously trying to not get an injury so he can bag a transfer to Saudi. Good riddance.
It remains baffling that we went from chasing De Jong to him. You couldn't find to more opposing players if you tried. Completely rudderless leadership last summer (and to 10 summers before that) costing us now.
I 100% don't believe Ten Hag when he says he wanted Casemiro. This was definitely a club signing. We desperately needed a midfielder, but this was not intelligent business.
I 100% don't believe Ten Hag when he says he wanted Casemiro. This was definitely a club signing. We desperately needed a midfielder, but this was not intelligent business.
Probably the signing that typifies the Glazer leadership more than anything. Big name player who is a great player on paper but completely ignorant of any of the contextual factors that any well run club looks at. If he was a free agent or even 30 million it would be one thing as I could understand thinking we needed to right the ship of the disastrous Ragnick season, but it hamstrung our spending going forward and pigeonholed us into a style of play that the manager likely didn't even want to play.
Why should we care about Amrabaat, we're not signing him. He's also not good enough either, would be a waste of time.
It is not about caring about this or this player, it is about caring about the team and the performances.
Casemiro is the most decorated, most experienced player in the squad, one of the highest paid, he is a leader for us, or is supposed to be, and he has a bucketfull of brainfarts most games, and at (most) times he runs with skiboots in quicksand to try to recover after giving the ball away cheaply. And he still starts every game, no matter what. It really sends a very weird message to the team.
It is not about caring about this or this player, it is about caring about the team and the performances.
Casemiro is the most decorated, most experienced player in the squad, one of the highest paid, he is a leader for us, or is supposed to be, and he has a bucketfull of brainfarts most games, and at (most) times he runs with skiboots in quicksand to try to recover after giving the ball away cheaply. And he still starts every game, no matter what. It really sends a very weird message to the team.
Amrabaat is literally the only other option, he has been terrible as well and we know full well he's not staying. If there was anyone else that plays DM, fine, but we don't. It would be weird we kept playing someone we have no intention of signing.
Amrabaat is literally the only other option, he has been terrible as well and we know full well he's not staying. If there was anyone else that plays DM, fine, but we don't. It would be weird we kept playing someone we have no intention of signing.
You expect Casemiro to be here next season?.
Father time has caught up with him and equally I think he knows hes done here....
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