Cancel Culture

Could you be a bit more specific? Perhaps give an example?

I am trying to find the video where I first become aware of its use, it was done by one of the big internet media channels, vice or buzzfeed, where there was a group chat and the majority were happy to be called "it" if you didnt know their preferred pronouns.

I am trying to find the video where I first become aware of its use, it was done by one of the big internet media channels, vice or buzzfeed, where there was a group chat and the majority were happy to be called "it" if you didnt know their preferred pronouns.

A video with less than 700 views, where they can't even spell 'its' properly. That's your source?
A video with less than 700 views, where they can't even spell 'its' properly. That's your source?

What exactly are you after? The use of it is a thing, is it not? My source is the internet a mentioned, from which I picked two examples, you can use Google can you not? Iam sorry it didn't meet your postdetermined standards..
What exactly are you after? The use of it is a thing, is it not? My source is the internet a mentioned, from which I picked two examples, you can use Google can you not? Iam sorry it didn't meet your postdetermined standards..
Yeah, I'll just look up the word 'its' on Google...

To be fair, I wasn't being entirely serious with you. Having had a look, I can see that there are indeed a few people out there who don't mind being an 'it', most find it derogatory. Maybe it's a term they want to reclaim in a similar way to how many in the LGBT community are doing with the word queer, while others still have an issue with the word.

"The pronoun "it" is traditionally used for inanimate objects, and occasionally for animals or babies. Some people use it/its pronouns as a gender neutral pronoun, however this "it" should only be used for a person if they say it's okay to do so, as to do otherwise is dehumanizing."
Yeah, I'll just look up the word 'its' on Google...

To be fair, I wasn't being entirely serious with you. Having had a look, I can see that there are indeed a few people out there who don't mind being an 'it', most find it derogatory. Maybe it's a term they want to reclaim in a similar way to how many in the LGBT community are doing with the word queer, while others still have an issue with the word.

Well the buzzfeed or vice video i first heard about its use with the group chat, there were a few that hated it, but a majority, 6 out 10, iirc, didnt mind it, if you didnt know their preferred pronouns. And from my understanding, pronouns are supposed to be individualism, so there probably won't ever be a single general identifier people 100% agree on. This is not to say you should use it, if identifying someone, this should come down your own opinion, and to me i think its rude.
If she really didn’t want to put any pronouns in her title then she could’ve just ignored the people asking her to. She didn’t need to engage with them, or childishly mock them with the beep/boop thing.
I don't follow what you are saying here. I would agree that making mass generalizations based on a few people you know who fall under the protected minority group is not objectively correct.

Then I'm not sure what your objection is with people who ridicule those who say phrases such as "I have a black friend"
Then I'm not sure what your objection is with people who ridicule those who say phrases such as "I have a black friend"

Because some people use that phrase for people who never used that phrase in the first place to insinuate that they are racist. A person made the homosexual friend trope in response to me, when I made the point, that my brother in law is homosexual but lives in celibacy because he thinks it sinfull as a devout Christian, whilst my viewpoint is that I wish he would believe that God if we pretends he exists, wouldn't care at all if he is indeed has compassion. Yet someone pulled out the "I have a gay friend" trope to insinuate that I am homophobic. It gets rather boring.
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Because some people use that phrase for people who never used that phrase in the first place to insinuate that they are racist. A person made the homosexual friend trope in response to me, when I made the point, that my brother in law is homosexual but lives in celibacy because he thinks it sinfull as a devout Christian, whilst my viewpoint is that I wish he would believe that God if we pretends he exists, wouldn't care at all if he is indeed has compassion. Yet someone pulled out the "I have a gay friend" trope to insinuate that I am homophobic.

Someone used it against you, so now you don't agree with the use of the phrase, and think it's 'poorly implemented', isn't that also a mass generalisation based on a small sample size?
Someone used it against you, so now you don't agree with the use of the phrase, and think it's 'poorly implemented', isn't that also a mass generalisation based on a small sample size?

It's my observation of how discussion tends to go on the Caf. I guess a bit like yours, but from a different view point.
It's my observation of how discussion tends to go on the Caf. I guess a bit like yours, but from a different view point.

It's based on an interaction with 1 person, but sure.
I've never seen someone on the caf ridicule the 'i have a x friend' trope incorrectly - and I hope they continue to mock those who use it.
Blaming cancel culture for your own mistakes is probably a hell of a lot easier for these morons than accepting that they made a mistake.
Thanks for that. I was trying to work out the timeline too in my post on the previous page. It shows how problematic using twitter screengrabs as evidence is, as we can never be sure when the screengrabs were made.
I decided to just use the waybackmachine after seeing that particular line of defense pop up a couple of times lately. I can certainly agree that people get overzealous and that she has every right not to put pronouns in her bio, and that sticking to that right doesn't make her a bad person. It's the whole attempt at re-framing of it as crazy leftists/trans-activists trying to have her cancelled after she admitted to having made a mistake and apologizing for it (not actually, but they want you to think that she did) that gets me.
Yep. And you have people like Bill Burr who just blindly back people because they know them. Its how this culture was allowed to go unpunished for so long.
I get that he's been against "cancel culture" for a long time, but it's not like she accidentally said a bad thing and got canned as he seemed to imply. She was denied a new contract because she failed to heed Disney's repeated advice to tone down her bullshit on social media. Not many companies that aren't firmly in the "muh freedoms" mindset are going to put up with an employee conspiracy posting about the election and a global pandemic. That's before we even get to her transphobic posts and comparing being a conservative to being a Jew in 1930s Germany.
It's my observation of how discussion tends to go on the Caf. I guess a bit like yours, but from a different view point.
The line is basically shorthand for "you've got shit arguments, why would I engage with this [again]" when used to someone who's trying to say they're not racist.
The line is basically shorthand for "you've got shit arguments, why would I engage with this [again]" when used to someone who's trying to say they're not racist.

There is a point to be made that once someone has been accused of being racist it is unfalsifiable against some strangers on the internet who do not know you. Only yourself and the people who know you best, would actually know whether you are racist or not. Any attempt to prove that you are not racist on the caf only provides certain types of people more evidence that you're racist ie White Fragility pr. Robin D'angelo. But if you have indisputably made a racist comment on the internet as defined as how we definitey define racism, then that person have certainly made a racist comment.
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Of course you can prove (over time) you are not a racist (by not displaying racist behaviour) if you are in fact, not a racist.
Dunno where to post this, but this is some brilliant marketing.

Sure they clarified in a reply, but the damage was done. This went viral and the clarification got like 5 retweets.
Dunno where to post this, but this is some brilliant marketing.

Sure they clarified in a reply, but the damage was done. This went viral and the clarification got like 5 retweets.

When you try to clickbait like that you deserve to be cancelled :lol:


Dunno where to post this, but this is some brilliant marketing.

Sure they clarified in a reply, but the damage was done. This went viral and the clarification got like 5 retweets.

Frankly that's pretty much what I'd expect from Burger King. Why are they not called Burger Queen anyway?
If you commit heinous crimes, or if you target marginalized groups, or if you leak information of government illegality to the press, or if you stand for free broadband for your citizens, or if you post edgy jokes on twitter you may face a negative response from people, organisations, the media, politicians, governments and society as a whole. These are the consequences of your actions.

Sometimes the consequences will be fair sometimes horribly unjust, sometimes mild, sometimes fierce. Sometimes they will be organised by fascist politicians, sometimes social justice advocates, sometimes sadistic bullies with 20 minutes to kill, sometimes media moral panickers, sometimes meanies on twitter.

That the entire social phenomena of ostracism has been boiled down to one lazy expression and carelessly and almost exclusively wielded against some nebulous cabal of villainous lefty wokists, usually hiding on twitter and in our universities, might actually be saying more about those doing the boiling and wielding.
Pinpoint summary of the whole thing in three paragraphs.
VIRTUAL EVENT: The Crown Under Fire: Why the Left’s Campaign to Cancel the Monarchy and Undermine a Cornerstone of Western Democracy Will Fail
Please join the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom and Simon Center for American Studies for an insightful discussion about defending conservative institutions and uniting to preserve the special UK-US Relationship.

In order to launch an assault on the British monarchy, the American radical Left has seized upon the claims from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, that the Royal Family created a hostile, racist environment for the couple. Britain’s constitutional monarchy—among the most powerful conservative institutions on the world stage—represents everything the radical Left despises: tradition, authority, hierarchy, patriotism, and the political and religious ideals of Western Civilization.
Dunno where to post this, but this is some brilliant marketing.

Sure they clarified in a reply, but the damage was done. This went viral and the clarification got like 5 retweets.

How much they doubled down on something so dumb was impressively awful.

They just kept replying and replying to angry people with the trolliest of responses.

I saw this at the time and see it's deleted now, so I'm guessing someone got fired.
Here's why it was such a stupid idea. Yeah, you've deleted the original tweet. But every new tweet on your account is now a battle between "Aren't you the ones who said women belong in the kitchen" folks and "yeah, they do belong there" folks. They've just made a place for endless misogynistic comments. That account is buried.

How much they doubled down on something so dumb was impressively awful.

They just kept replying and replying to angry people with the trolliest of responses.

I saw this at the time and see it's deleted now, so I'm guessing someone got fired.
Yeah, the attempted damage control was nearly worse than the original tweet. I'm sure the responsible employee can find a new career making headlines for the daily mail. Or thread titles in the transfer forum.
Yeah, the attempted damage control was nearly worse than the original tweet. I'm sure the responsible employee can find a new career making headlines for the daily mail. Or thread titles in the transfer forum.

Just pick a tweet since that date and look at the state of the replies :lol:

Surely going to be a case study on marketing courses in the future, and a mainstay of articles about the worst social media blunders made by companies.
Love the current Lil Nas X cancel saga. Love his Twitter tiff with Kaitlyn Bennett even more, wonder if she shit herself again when she read his reply to her racist trope question...


He is talking about a reboot of Space Jam for fecks sake.
It may look silly at first sight, but it's indeed a manifestation of a wider development of society moving forward. In this case, that treating "minor" sexual harassment as boys' fun is becoming socially unacceptable. Which is great.

And at second glance I don't even think it's so laughable. The article makes it clear how cultural-industrial representations (here: in cartoons) have always reflected and promoted moral standards of their time. I certainly wouldn't want the racist cartoon characters of old to be shown to kids today. And while the author probably lacks a critical concept of progress (which makes your dismissal partly true, of course), he's absolutely right about his basic point. So Pepe can do one.

Not going there now, but this is all part of a wider argument to be had about a certain type of criticism of liberalism I regulary see from (some) leftists in here. I think it's flawed in several ways, and sometimes resulting in serious political mistakes. To be clear, not speaking from a standpoint of apologism of liberal capitalism and its culture, but from what I consider radical criticism.
First they made Lola Bunny not as uncomfortably sexy and now they're after the molesting skunk.

World's gone mad, I tell ya.
It may look silly at first sight, but it's indeed a manifestation of a wider development of society moving forward. In this case, that treating "minor" sexual harassment as boys' fun is becoming socially unacceptable. Which is great.

And at second glance I don't even think it's so laughable. The article makes it clear how cultural-industrial representations (here: in cartoons) have always reflected and promoted moral standards of their time. I certainly wouldn't want the racist cartoon characters of old to be shown to kids today. And while the author probably lacks a critical concept of progress (which makes your dismissal partly true, of course), he's absolutely right about his basic point. So Pepe can do one.

Not going there now, but this is all part of a wider argument to be had about a certain type of criticism of liberalism I regulary see from (some) leftists in here. I think it's flawed in several ways, and sometimes resulting in serious political mistakes. To be clear, not speaking from a standpoint of apologism of liberal capitalism and its culture, but from what I consider radical criticism.

Pepe was cringeworthy when I was a kid and extremely awkward. It never crossed my mind that other people felt the same though.