Cancel Culture

Thread is going as well as I thought it would be tbh, terribly.

There are some people on here who repeatedly have questionable opinions when it comes to these types of discussions, but can never admit it with their chest - they just continue to feign ignorance.

Okay mind reader.
Oh I see, a hit dog will holler :lol:

I'm just making an observation.

No come on. Bring it out. Express yourself. What are it is it that the people you are talking about not willing to declare openly?
No come on. Bring it out. Express yourself. What are it is it that the people you are talking about not willing to declare openly?

If you feel as though I was talking about you, then just say that.
Trying to goad me won't work, I said what I said.
That's the point though. The vast majority don't and that's exactly what people want to change. So they look for high profile celebrities to start doing it, to help influence that change. Which is why a huge number of celebrities get those requests. Some agree and do it, others ignore them and don't.

Whereas Carano mocked those attempts with that beep/bop/boop bullshit. And while she claimed that wasn't her intention, she ignored all the people from the trans community who pointed out that was very obviously its effect, as she instead tried to portray it as an act of defiance against bullies. But while I have complete sympathy for anyone who is bullied or absued online, the appropriate way to respond to that isn't do do something that undermines a very basic attempt to make a marginalised group of people feel less marginalised. Especially when you've repeatedly had the importance of that attempt explained to you and especially when the overwhelming majority of those asking you to make that attempt were asking you to do so in a polite way.
I understand where you're coming from, but once Carano had made it clear she wasn't interested in changing her bio for whatever reason, further engagement with her on the subject was less about trying to enlist celebrities to a worthy cause and more about giving her some extra rope to publicly hang herself with. Not that I'm particularly against letting terfs make fools of themselves, but let's still call a spade a spade.
If you feel as though I was talking about you, then just say that.
Trying to goad me won't work, I said what I said.

Well if you were talking about posters like me, I would prefer you to say what you think my views are that I won't express, if you weren't talking posters as myself then fair enough. I can only express and defend my own views though, I can't talk for others. You made a claim though that there are posters here feigning ignorance. What are these posters feigning ignorance about?
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Well if you were talking about posters like me, I would prefer you to say what you think my views are that I won't express, if you weren't talking posters as myself then fair enough. I can only express and defend my own views though, I can't talk for others. You made a claim though that there are posters here feigning ignorance. What are these posters feigning ignorance about?

If I wanted to confront you about your views, I'd have no issue doing so, regardless of what you would prefer for me to do.

I made my comment because there's repeatable behaviour when it comes to topics such as this, with recurring posters taking part (myself included) it's just interesting to see and basically predict how things will go. For some reason that's made you get defensive.
But she wasn't suspended from Twitter though was she? Her cancellation here would be being fired from Disney which is fair enough although although I have no respect for Disney or any of the people on Twitter who wrote all that vile shit to her. I don't give people are free pass because they are not celebrities. People who write vile shit on Twitter are vile individuals.
No I'm not sure she was, fair enough. What platform she was canceled from wasn't really the main point.

I guess I should've worded it differently, like:

She's a cnut, feck her.
6 months of death threats and rape threats is a bit more than being rude. But are we really ready to start allowing this kind of abuse of people because of hyperbole?

First, you missed the point. What happened to Carano is still nothing remotely like the holocaust so how you tried to explain her tweet is still absurd, offensive, out of line, and almost certainly in violation of her contract which Disney did not renew.

Second, I don't see any rape or death threats in that image you link. It's people saying feck off and saying they hope she gets fired.

It's not okay, but it is typical of the internet (I've been called worse when I used to play online games for instance). I'd agree better moderation of abusive trolling is necessary because I don't believe in excessive "free speech" but its still not remotely comparable to the frickin holocaust ffs.
If I wanted to confront you about your views, I'd have no issue doing so, regardless of what you would prefer for me to do.

I made my comment because there's repeatable behaviour when it comes to topics such as this, with recurring posters taking part (myself included) it's just interesting to see and basically predict how things will go. For some reason that's made you get defensive.

It's because I get tired of the tropes being wheeled out here such as

If you critize Islam you branded as Islamophobic as if being critical of a religion is in some way irrational. We could talk about pedophile catholic priests all day, but no one would brand you Christianophopic for saying so.

"I have black friends" insinuating that how you relate to people of colour today or all your life has no relevance at all and that you are in fact a racist.

"I have a gay friend". insinuating that how you relate to homosexuals today or all your life has no relevance at all, and you are indeed homophopic.

"People are really showing their true colours in this thread". Insinuating that posters are more bigoted than they let on and that the posters making that comment know something that apparently the posters themselves won't openly express.
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It's because I get tired of the tropes being wheeled out here such as

If you critize Islam you branded as Islamophobic as if being critical of a religion is in some way irrational. We could talk about pedophile catholic priests all day, but no one would brand you Christianophopic for saying so.

"I have black friends" insinuating that how you relate to people of colour today or all your life has no relevance at all.

"I have a gay friend". insinuating that how you relate to homosexuals today or all your life has no relevance at all, and you are indeed homophopic.

"People are really showing their true colours in this thread". Insinuating that posters are more bigoted than they let on and that the posters making that comment know something that apparently the others posters don't know.

So you're saying you don't understand the differences between Islamaphobia and Catholic priests who happen to be pedophiles, and why phrases such as "I have black friends" are ridiculed?
So you're saying you don't understand the differences between Islamaphobia and Catholic priests who happen to be pedophiles, and why phrases such as "I have black friends" are ridiculed?

I understand why they are ridiculed, but I think they are poorly implemented.
How is 'why did twitter users start put pro nouns in" the main part of the story?



Notice the dates?
Yes, I notice the date where beep/bop/boop comes after the conversation with Pascal. Why do you think she added it before?
So its there, and shes telling people that she had the conversation. The next day its gone. But if you have something that says otherwise, by all means.
The fact that the first ever mention of beep/bop/boop came after the first ever tweet mentioning Pedro Pascal?
And why do you believe that?
I believe that because of a combination of two things. The first thing as the the earliest mention of her conversation with Pascal that I can find happened on the 12th of September and the first mention of her mocking trans people with her robot speech being on the 13th. The second thing is me using my learned experience to deduce that the 13th came after the 12th.
What are you doing? I ask because the beep bop boop is on the twitter post above that she made saying she had the conversation. Its marked the 12th. On the twitter post again above were its not there anymore its the 13th. 12th, its there. 13th, its gone. 13 does indeed come after 12.

And thats before we even get into this

Unless of course "you know what she meant"?

No, you're right, I was looking for screep captures of her bio because that's where peope type that stuff, totally missing what was staring me in my face.
Actually, the trouble with this whole thing is that, while the dates in the images of the tweets are clearly accurate for when the tweets were posted, the confusion comes from the fact we can't be sure when the screen shots were taken, because the bio/handle will change to whatever it said at the time the screenshot were taken.

So it's possible that she changed her handle (and photo, it appears) to include beep/bop/boop after the conversation with Pedro Pascal. It's also possible she removed it after the conversation, but those images alone cannot be definitive proof because we do not know when the screen grabs were made.

However, the earliest articles I can find that mention it are from September 13th, which places the change after the conversation.

It seems that the first screenshot was taken after she changed her handle to add the beep/bop/boop on the 13th September. The second tweet was posted while she had beep/bop/boop in her handle, but the screenshot was taken after she had removed it. It's unclear though how long she used the beep/bop/boop handle.
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I understand why they are ridiculed, but I think they are poorly implemented.

Doesn't really matter what you think though does it? They are rightfully ridiculed.

If you say you understand why, but think it's implemented poorly, it suggests that you don't actually have a comprehension of understanding.
Or it suggests that you don't actually understand, but you are saying you do for fear of receiving criticism.

Either way, they will continue to get ridiculed because it's a stupid phrase that is deserving of it.
Am I the only one mystified by this beep beep thing?

Isnt it that pronouns are unlimited, and she kinda of mocked the idea with something that is synonymous with star wars (which she is in) and to r2d2, who she copied, everybody is beep boop boo.

What i find most interesting is how if you don't know someone's pronouns you should refer to them as "it", which i was taught was incredibly rude when growing up.
That's the point though. The vast majority don't and that's exactly what people want to change. So they look for high profile celebrities to start doing it, to help influence that change. Which is why a huge number of celebrities get those requests. Some agree and do it, others ignore them and don't.

Whereas Carano mocked those attempts with that beep/bop/boop bullshit. And while she claimed that wasn't her intention, she ignored all the people from the trans community who pointed out that was very obviously its effect, as she instead tried to portray it as an act of defiance against bullies. But while I have complete sympathy for anyone who is bullied or absued online, the appropriate way to respond to that isn't to do something that undermines a very basic attempt to make a marginalised group of people feel less marginalised. Especially when you've repeatedly had the importance of that attempt explained to you and especially when the overwhelming majority of those asking you to make that attempt were asking you to do so in a polite way.
Yeah that's one of the things about the "defence" of the beep/bop stuff. She wasn't making fun of herself or the "bullying", she was making fun of trans people.

It's like if someone gets asked about gay people or something, and to prove they aren't homophobic and that they support gay people they make a homophobic joke or stereotypical comment about gay people.
Isnt it that pronouns are unlimited, and she kinda of mocked the idea with something that is synonymous with star wars (which she is in) and to r2d2, who she copied, everybody is beep boop boo.

What i find most interesting is how if you don't know someone's pronouns you should refer to them as "it", which i was taught was incredibly rude when growing up.

Really! feck me that's daft.

Yeah 'it' is not polite. I remember Alfie referring to women as 'it'.
Doesn't really matter what you think though does it? They are rightfully ridiculed.

If you say you understand why, but think it's implemented poorly, it suggests that you don't actually have a comprehension of understanding.
Or it suggests that you don't actually understand, but you are saying you do for fear of receiving criticism.

Either way, they will continue to get ridiculed because it's a stupid phrase that is deserving of it.

I completely understand why they are used, but I just don't agree with it. They are sometimes used on people who never made the claim in the first place. I have no fear of criticism, but it is my experience on the Caf that the mods are quite trigger happy, so I'm never quite sure whether I can deliver my criticism against my criticism without being banned. This is not afterall a free speech forum.
I completely understand why they are used, but I just don't agree with it. They are sometimes used on people who never made the claim in the first place. I have no fear of criticism, but it is my experience on the Caf that the mods are quite trigger happy, so I'm never quite sure whether I can deliver my criticism against my criticism without being banned. This is not afterall a free speech forum.

You've only had 8 warnings in 2 years. That's nothing really.
I completely understand why they are used, but I just don't agree with it. They are sometimes used on people who never made the claim in the first place. I have no fear of criticism, but it is my experience on the Caf that the mods are quite trigger happy, so I'm never quite sure whether I can deliver my criticism against my criticism without being banned. This is not afterall a free speech forum.

In my experience with internet forums in the style of RedCafe, the mods are actually quite lenient. Admittedly there aren't a lot of big RedCafe-style forums these days, but I think you could find yourself in a much stricter place.
If you can't speak your mind then why bother?

Because I otherwise enojy Redcafe. I find it to be one of the best forums on the internet. I've asked for alternatives but never been suggested a better one. I personally think there is nice balance and blend here.
Because I otherwise enojy Redcafe. I find it to be one of the best forums on the internet. I've asked for alternatives but never been suggested a better one. I personally think there is nice balance and blend here.

Well you seem to be in the habit of moaning about the staff here and how you can't speak your mind. Maybe you should just stick to footy posting.
Well you seem to be in the habit of moaning about the staff here and how you can't speak your mind. Maybe you should just stick to footy posting.

I think this is the first time I've openly moaned about the staff, but I might be wrong.
I completely understand why they are used, but I just don't agree with it. They are sometimes used on people who never made the claim in the first place. I have no fear of criticism, but it is my experience on the Caf that the mods are quite trigger happy, so I'm never quite sure whether I can deliver my criticism against my criticism without being banned. This is not afterall a free speech forum.

What about it don’t you agree with?
Or are you somehow suggesting that having a black/gay/etc friend somehow gives a person the right to group an entire group of peoples actions/thoughts/wants etc based on a sample size that represents 0.0001% of the total?
Do you not see how stupid that is?
What about it don’t you agree with?
Or are you somehow suggesting that having a black/gay/etc friend somehow gives a person the right to group an entire group of peoples actions/thoughts/wants etc based on a sample size that represents 0.0001% of the total?
Do you not see how stupid that is?

I don't follow what you are saying here. I would agree that making mass generalizations based on a few people you know who fall under the protected minority group is not objectively correct.
How is 'why did twitter users start put pro nouns in" the main part of the story?



Notice the dates?
On September 14th, beep/bop/boop was still in her handle. Which kind of goes against your narrative that she removed it after her conversation with Pascal, given that it was still there two days later.

And, as someone who followed it as it was unfolding, I can say with absolute certainty that she added beep/bop/boop after she posted about her conversation with Pedro Pascal. Which is a major reason for why people were so outraged by it. She had the reasons behind it explained to her, seemed like she understood what it was about and was sympathetic of it, then did an about-face and mocked the practice.
On September 14th, beep/bop/boop was still in her handle. Which kind of goes against your narrative that she removed it after her conversation with Pascal, given that it was still there two days later.

And, as someone who followed it as it was unfolding, I can say with absolute certainty that she added beep/bop/boop after she posted about her conversation with Pedro Pascal. Which is a major reason for why people were so outraged by it. She had the reasons behind it explained to her, seemed like she understood what it was about and was sympathetic of it, then did an about-face and mocked the practice.
Thanks for that. I was trying to work out the timeline too in my post on the previous page. It shows how problematic using twitter screengrabs as evidence is, as we can never be sure when the screengrabs were made.
On September 14th, beep/bop/boop was still in her handle. Which kind of goes against your narrative that she removed it after her conversation with Pascal, given that it was still there two days later.

And, as someone who followed it as it was unfolding, I can say with absolute certainty that she added beep/bop/boop after she posted about her conversation with Pedro Pascal. Which is a major reason for why people were so outraged by it. She had the reasons behind it explained to her, seemed like she understood what it was about and was sympathetic of it, then did an about-face and mocked the practice.
Yep. And you have people like Bill Burr who just blindly back people because they know them. Its how this culture was allowed to go unpunished for so long.