Cancel Culture

I'm sorry, Silicon Valley? Silicon Valley, the home of modern age ultra-capitalist oligarchs . . . and the far left?

Let's ring up @Eboue, resident "too left to vote for Biden"-American, and ask him how he feels about Silicon Valley.
You realize that most of the people who work there are actually not ultra-capitalist oligarchs, right?
You realize that most of the people who work there are actually not ultra-capitalist oligarchs, right?

They are making decent money so they have to be ultra capitalist oligarchs.

I think the biggest issue of modern culture is how both the left and the right are so quick to label large swathes of the populations.

Nuance is a lost art.
It's sad when liberals get so brain poisoned that they think there's a far left that's a mirror image of the far-right.

It's like when they claim antifa and actual nazis are the same, or think horseshoe theory is real.
You can't spell anti-fascist without using the word fascist. That should tell you something.

They are making decent money so they have to be ultra capitalist oligarchs.

If your takeaway from my post was that I think the workers in Silicon Valley are ultra capitalist oligarchs, then I don't know how to help you any further.

I think the biggest issue of modern culture is how both the left and the right are so quick to label large swathes of the populations.

Nuance is a lost art.

There's like three different levels of irony missed here.
Let´s agree to cancel Silicon Valley so that their far leftism doesn`t poison the rest of the world.
Is alt right even a thing? Wasn’t it just a few twats on places like 4chan trying to be edgy, rather than any kind of proper movement?

Whatever, it’s not hard to see that there are two sides taking part in the culture war on Twitter. I assume Facebook too but avoid that place like the plague (have avoided Twitter too, for the last few months and feel better, mentally, without it)

Alt-right is a thing. It has it's own extensive Wikipedia entry: That you want to portray it as one side of a two sided cultural war and yet seem to spend a lot of time going at this other side is not a good look.
Alt-right is a thing. It has it's own extensive Wikipedia entry: That you want to portray it as one side of a two sided cultural war and yet seem to spend a lot of time going at this other side is not a good look.

An extensive Wikipedia entry that specifically references the post-2016 decline I alluded to in my following post.

I don’t even know where you’re going with your second sentence.

Buhh ... from a Tory? From a right-wing culture warrior journalist? From a brve truth-teller? How is that possible?

It came from this frightening malign deleted tweet, oh my word, I have the vapours when I read it.

Buhh ... from a Tory? From a right-wing culture warrior journalist? From a brve truth-teller? How is that possible?

It came from this frightening malign deleted tweet, oh my word, I have the vapours when I read it.

Yup. Cancel culture in action, right there. What a nasty, vindictive cow. Hopefully his employer sees sense and ignores her.

Is that the way this thread is going now? We all look for examples of attempted cancellations by people whose politics we disagree with and play down similar incidents from anyone whose politics we share?
Is that the way this thread is going now? We all look for examples of attempted cancellations by people whose politics we disagree with and play down similar incidents from anyone whose politics we share?

Yes. That's the way this discourse works.
Yeah not a fan of that Allison Pearson woman, a lot of GPs, registrars and receptionists got a lot of abuse (and continue to do so) due to her lies in the Telegraph about GP's not seeing patients in person.

Its just grifter journalism. It is kind of worse I think her doing what she did seeing as she is on the media/PR advisory council for Toby Young's free speech union organisation/thing. A lot of them do it. Maajid Nawaz regularly and reflexively does the free speech schtick but aggressively counters the mildest bit of criticism to twitter randoms with legal action to stifle any criticism of him.
I think it's an entirely fair argument to make that the most pernicious and malicious attacks upon basic freedoms of expression come, not from the lefty, wokey, sjw, Marxist blogger, (as is commonly suggested here and elsewhere), but from powerful, hypocritical righties with a bigoted agenda.

PiKaFaN1989@twitter trying to no-platform a eugenicist is a different power dynamic than a national newspaper journalist or Billionaire author threatening legal action against people expressing what seem fair opinions*. Even if they both have similar affects and you disagree with both, drawing a direct equivalence is disingenuous. As is the suggestion that posting examples of conservative, right wing oppression that highlight their inconsistency/hypocrisy on the issue of freedom of speech, amounts to blind political side picking. The premise of this thread and other discussions around culture wars is very much centered on an idea that a puritanical left is stifling freedoms.

*The NHS have received a degree of measurable hate of late (even if it was only easy to find twitter abuse, which it's not), and it seems entirely reasonable to suggest that this is likely stoked by those in question. And I wouldn't trust a transphobe or racist around my children.
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Yup. Cancel culture in action, right there. What a nasty, vindictive cow. Hopefully his employer sees sense and ignores her.

Is that the way this thread is going now? We all look for examples of attempted cancellations by people whose politics we disagree with and play down similar incidents from anyone whose politics we share?
I saw that unfold in real time and the fella tweeted about anxiety and suicide (below) and she pressed on regardless. She's vocally anti-lockdown and brings up the mental health aspect a lot but outed herself as clearly not actually giving a feck about mental health.
Obviously she's a deranged twat but I really don't know why he's flying off the handle about such an obviously vacuous threat.

GSK aren't going to give two hoots about some no mark columnist's massive overreaction to such an innocuous tweet. Assuming that offending tweet was all he posted about her of course.

He seems to be experiencing an external threat as far more dangerous than it really is. Almost as though he’s suffering from some form of anxiety disorder. Any clues to support this diagnosis in any of his tweets?
Is getting someone expelled from their union via tweets cancel culture? (IMO, clearly yes).
Do people here support it (I'm unsure, but on instinct I think it's bad)

Is getting someone expelled from their union via tweets cancel culture? (IMO, clearly yes).
Do people here support it (I'm unsure, but on instinct I think it's bad)

Hard to call this 'cancel culture' when you've just runaround causing mayhem in the nations capitol like that but... kind of feels like this is massive turning point for the US. The entire media apparatus is silencing the sitting President of the United States.

That's a genie that's never going back into it's bottle.
Is getting someone expelled from their union via tweets cancel culture? (IMO, clearly yes).
Do people here support it (I'm unsure, but on instinct I think it's bad)

Hmmm. Interesting one. But not really cancel culture IMO. He broke the law. Doxxing people who break the law wouldn’t usually be called cancel culture.

I’ve always thought cancel was more about attempting to punish people for ideas/opinions/comments they express online that you disagree with, rather than identifying actual law-breakers and hoping they get punished for their crimes.

Probably a subtle difference though. And yes, this would be one of those situations where I don’t have any sympathy for the guy at the bottom of the pile-on.
It pisses me off to no end how "freedom of speech" has been twisted by the right to mean freedom to say what you want, whenever you want without repercussion.

Free speech is the freedom to criticise government without fear of being thrown into a gulag, that's its purpose in maintaining a democracy. It doesn't mean you can call people the N word on twitter or social media and not be castigated for it.

Misinformation is THE problem of our time, and is holding us back in virtually every area, It being censored is not a bad thing. lastly, these people being "cancelled" are not actually being silenced, they come out with book deals, get on chat shows and podcasts and in some ways financially benefit from it due to patreons and the like.

The bottom line is if you are expressing baseless, factually wrong opinions that cause demonstrable harm to society I feel no sympathy if that same society penalises you. We aren't talking about moderate people having a controversial opinion on something genuinely debatable, these are people who think the far left are an underground podophile cult who has rigged the election for the elite and Donald trump is the last bastion of western culture. feck them.
Is getting someone expelled from their union via tweets cancel culture? (IMO, clearly yes).
Do people here support it (I'm unsure, but on instinct I think it's bad)

He committed an actual crime. One that has seen other people who committed the same crime be detained by the FBI. If someone he knew in real life told his employers or union that he had committed that sort of crime they wouldn't be accused of "cancelling" the person, they would just be "the guy who told us we work with someone who recently took part in an insurrection against the government." They're not the assholes in that story.

To my mind "cancel culture", insofar as it actually means anything at all, means ostracising people who have done or said something people consider offensive but that isn't necessarily illegal, or seeking disproportionate punishment for a minor illegality because the act went against their political/social beliefs.

I don't see how you could possibly extend that to someone who was just described by the president as a domestic terrorist without making the notion utterly meaningless (if it isn't so already). Might as well accuse communities who rally against paedophiles or gangs of taking part in cancel culture too.
Hmmm. Interesting one. But not really cancel culture IMO. He broke the law. Doxxing people who break the law wouldn’t usually be called cancel culture.

I’ve always thought cancel was more about attempting to punish people for ideas/opinions/comments they express online that you disagree with, rather than identifying actual law-breakers and hoping they get punished for their crimes.

Probably a subtle difference though. And yes, this would be one of those situations where I don’t have any sympathy for the guy at the bottom of the pile-on.

Probably a lot of BLM people broke curfews etc. I think tagging their source of income in tweets (which did happen in the BM case) is a bad thing. Now, of course, many people in this protest in DC wanted to break the law in a much more severe way, and the very basis of this protest was awful politics (unlike BLM).

Again, I'm not 100% convinced about this, but I feel employment should be as close to a red line as possible. There was a CEO here, ok, he is a public face of the company, but a random employee isn't. And in this particular case, the call was for the union to immediately remove them, rather than go through their formal procedures.
Citizens Against Tyranny movement, backed by Sen. Heard, seeks to expose people who make OSHA complaints

[...]it also began publishing names of people it alleged have turned in businesses to the Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration for violating COVID-19 safety rules.
Two women, both senior citizens and Douglas County residents, were recently fingered by this organization. Their names were published on a website called as part of “The LIST,” and they were labeled “Filthy Traitors.” The words were spattered in red, as if to indicate blood.
Probably a lot of BLM people broke curfews etc. I think tagging their source of income in tweets (which did happen in the BM case) is a bad thing. Now, of course, many people in this protest in DC wanted to break the law in a much more severe way, and the very basis of this protest was awful politics (unlike BLM).

Again, I'm not 100% convinced about this, but I feel employment should be as close to a red line as possible. There was a CEO here, ok, he is a public face of the company, but a random employee isn't. And in this particular case, the call was for the union to immediately remove them, rather than go through their formal procedures.

Actually, fair point. I think I’m with you on that. Due process is important and online cancellations always seem to want to cut straight to the punishment part.
The Twitter account of Red Scare - a major leftist podcast - has been suspended as part of the culls.

Also blocked from Facebook... kooky old Ron Paul - basically the Bernie of libertarianism - an 85 year old who's one of the calmest and most softly spoken men in politics...not somebody I agree with often, but a proper Werther's Original politican.

Anyone supporting this corporate takeover based on dislike of Orange Man, and enjoyment of Orange Man's demise, really isn't looking big picture.

In every coordinated ban wave so far they've thrown up a headline ban that everyone 'agrees' with - Alex Jones, Trump - while quietly banning leftists, moderate right-wing voices and some big accounts who's only crime was being critical of capitalism.

Look at the Reddit banwaves which always headline something like /r/CoonTown and end up taking out a dozen leftist subs - the biggest being Chapo, of course.
Since when did not being able to post on social media become a life-defining event? The world is a much better place if more of this happens.
Ok so there is something I find quite creepy about this mass purge. This bunch of nuts have contravened TOS and standards of decency for years but were quite unshiftable whilst these platforms were benefiting off the back of their activity. Now that there has been a political shift back to a more corpo-centrist administration - combined with an attack on the establishment, these platforms have started cracking heads.

I'm not a free speech absolutist but am discomforted by seeing communication now rest so firmly in the robo-hands of a tiny number of tech-authoritarians.

Disappointing to see the waves of uncritical glee from libs and centrists alike at a culling born not of moral principle but political and financial expediency.

Twitter, Apple, Google, Amazon are unethical to the core, dunking on Trump is not grounds for absolution.
Since when did not being able to post on social media become a life-defining event? The world is a much better place if more of this happens.

What else are we supposed to do during lockdown? But actually I agree, I think the world would be a better place without social media.