BVB (Bottlespielverein Borussia Dortmund) watch | You love to see it | Absolute weapons

We will see...

It is obviously planned that Terzic stays as an assistant coach, he just a few days ago signed a new contract for this, so he seems to be happy staying at Dortmund.

But this more or less makes Rose a lame duck when he starts there next season - he has a title winning coach who apparently loves the club as his assistant, and as soon as Dortmund's performances are not great, the club will be massively under pressure to sack him and make Terzic the new permanent head coach.


That sounds like an absolutely horrible idea.

And let's not pretend as if Terzic did this fantastic job just because he managed to reach top 4 after all, due to all other rival teams imploding and self-destructing even worse in time for the season final. Rival teams with hugely inferior squads, no less.
'Steadying the ship' to 4th place while managing a couple of underdog wins against the mighty RB Leipzig isn't something BVB can be proud of or would aspire to.
They won't hold on to Sancho, no chance

To be honest, I still think it is more likely that he stays given the current information available. Dortmund won't sell blow 100m, Sancho won't sign below 15m if not 20m annually. Dortmund is more than happy to keep him, Sancho seems very happy there. On top, there are many smaller things. United being dtacked in the attack but having weaknesses in midfield and defebse, Sancho shifting more to the left with every season going, the Corona situation which means he could negotiate a better deal next season, United not really looking as if they will contend for the league or CL anytime soon. . It's a seller's market right now.

In Dortmund's stead, I'd be more worried if Chelsea, City or Liverpool get serious. Especially Chelsea has a great squad in every position, resides in Sancho's home city (?), has just reached the CL final and beaten City twice and they could afford going in on a marquee signing since they have no real weak spot.

I mean, sure, it would make sense for United to secure Sancho since one can still upgrade the other areas next year. But would it make sense for Sancho tonjoin a team that's a work in progress on a long term deal?

To me, there are too many question marks behind this rumor to be too sure of anything.
To be honest, I still think it is more likely that he stays given the current information available. Dortmund won't sell blow 100m, Sancho won't sign below 15m if not 20m annually. Dortmund is more than happy to keep him, Sancho seems very happy there. On top, there are many smaller things. United being dtacked in the attack but having weaknesses in midfield and defebse, Sancho shifting more to the left with every season going, the Corona situation which means he could negotiate a better deal next season, United not really looking as if they will contend for the league or CL anytime soon. . It's a seller's market right now.

In Dortmund's stead, I'd be more worried if Chelsea, City or Liverpool get serious. Especially Chelsea has a great squad in every position, resides in Sancho's home city (?), has just reached the CL final and beaten City twice and they could afford going in on a marquee signing since they have no real weak spot.

I mean, sure, it would make sense for United to secure Sancho since one can still upgrade the other areas next year. But would it make sense for Sancho tonjoin a team that's a work in progress on a long term deal?

To me, there are too many question marks behind this rumor to be too sure of anything.
I'm sure he'll move his summer. Barely anything suggests he'll be staying.

The player wants his move and didn't get it last year. Usually they move immediately after, and I expect that happen with Sancho.
I'm sure he'll move his summer. Barely anything suggests he'll be staying.

The player wants his move and didn't get it last year. Usually they move immediately after, and I expect that happen with Sancho.

That would either mean Dortmund lowering their asking price or United paying what they demand. I'm not that deep into your financial situation but after the last summer I have the feeling that you can't pay that much this summer. I mean, I can't imagine it is much better than last windoe and you still bought Diallo and Telles (?) after that. Meanwhile Sancho doesn't show any signs that would indicate he'll go on a strike. Could be wrong of course, maybe you'll indeed pay up, but it seems unlikely to me.
Some news from Dortmund:

Bellingham's contract automatically extended until 2025 on his 18th birthday (not a big surprise, Dortmund did similar deals with other players under 18 before).

Terzic will become their new "Technical Director" and will not join Rose's team as assistant coach. Seems a sensible solution to prevent Rose from becoming a lame duck from day 1, as Terzic will now not be involved in the daily coaching sessions, but as part of the management team will be involved in squad planning, youth team organisation etc. That keeps him in Dortmund's organisation on a similar level as the head coach (which he was himself during the last half season) and does not demote him back to being an assistant as it was previously planned.

I presume this is also part of the succession planning at Dortmund (where Kehl is due to replace Zorc next year, so some of Kehl's tasks seem to be now part of Terzic's new job description, so that Kehl can take over more of Zorc's tasks during the season), but that aspect wasn't mentioned in the news as far as I am aware.

Obviously he still would be the first option to replace Rose if he fails, but at least now Rose's authority will not be questioned by players saying "yeah well, we won the cup with Terzic, so we will listen to him and not to you".
Some news from Dortmund:

Bellingham's contract automatically extended until 2025 on his 18th birthday (not a big surprise, Dortmund did similar deals with other players under 18 before).

Terzic will become their new "Technical Director" and will not join Rose's team as assistant coach. Seems a sensible solution to prevent Rose from becoming a lame duck from day 1, as Terzic will now not be involved in the daily coaching sessions, but as part of the management team will be involved in squad planning, youth team organisation etc. That keeps him in Dortmund's organisation on a similar level as the head coach (which he was himself during the last half season) and does not demote him back to being an assistant as it was previously planned.

I presume this is also part of the succession planning at Dortmund (where Kehl is due to replace Zorc next year, so some of Kehl's tasks seem to be now part of Terzic's new job description, so that Kehl can take over more of Zorc's tasks during the season), but that aspect wasn't mentioned in the news as far as I am aware.

Obviously he still would be the first option to replace Rose if he fails, but at least now Rose's authority will not be questioned by players saying "yeah well, we won the cup with Terzic, so we will listen to him and not to you".

Not too sure this is a good decision. It's a very uncomfortable situation for Dortmund, one in which there is no clearly right choice. But the job description doesn't really seem to fit Terzic who I imagine really excels in the work on the pitch. Maybe it would've been best for both parties to part ways with the commitment to one day come back together.
Not too sure this is a good decision. It's a very uncomfortable situation for Dortmund, one in which there is no clearly right choice. But the job description doesn't really seem to fit Terzic who I imagine really excels in the work on the pitch. Maybe it would've been best for both parties to part ways with the commitment to one day come back together.
They surely did dig themselves quite an interesting hole to be in...

However I am not so sure if Terzic really has his most important qualities on the pitch. He did very little to improve the way Dortmund played from a technical or tactical point of view, but he was able to revive that team mentally and massively improve the form and attitude of some key players. I don't know if that is more due to training sessions, or maybe more due to talks he had with the players etc.

When he now is responsible for squad planning, youth teams, keeping contact to loan players in the future, that might be an important aspect of this work where he can really help the club well, just by making sure the players that are not in the core of the team are taken care of, so that they would feel confident and have the right attitude once entering the first team.
Not too sure this is a good decision. It's a very uncomfortable situation for Dortmund, one in which there is no clearly right choice. But the job description doesn't really seem to fit Terzic who I imagine really excels in the work on the pitch. Maybe it would've been best for both parties to part ways with the commitment to one day come back together.
I feel the same. But then I really don't know anything about it.
Not too sure this is a good decision. It's a very uncomfortable situation for Dortmund, one in which there is no clearly right choice. But the job description doesn't really seem to fit Terzic who I imagine really excels in the work on the pitch. Maybe it would've been best for both parties to part ways with the commitment to one day come back together.

Terzic did have good coaching offers on the table (a concrete one by Frankfurt, a heavily rumored one by Leverkusen), though, but turned them down in favour of a management position at Dortmund. The head officials would have let him go to not compromise a good future relationship.

By all accounts, Terzic did not appear to be a person who enjoyed the lime light that comes with a head coach position all that much and seems to prefer background work. He also chose a far more secure position than continuing as a coach. Sure, he would have been the first choice to replace Rose if the latter could not satisfy expectations and would have started with a lot of credit, but coaching postions are still far more volatile than ones in management in football and nomadic professions by nature unless you are good enough to build dynasties everywhere you go like for example Klopp.

One important factor here is also his personal life. He is from the looks of it deeply rooted in the region and the club Borussia Dortmund and has two small children (one of the age to start school this year) so a well payed secured position (that was basically crafted to keep him around which tells you all you need to know about the reputation he enjoys at the Club) does have a lot of appeal to it. It is in my eyes a temporary position to begin with as I fully expect him to move up one position to take Kehls current one once the latter fully took over the DoF chair.
That would either mean Dortmund lowering their asking price or United paying what they demand. I'm not that deep into your financial situation but after the last summer I have the feeling that you can't pay that much this summer. I mean, I can't imagine it is much better than last windoe and you still bought Diallo and Telles (?) after that. Meanwhile Sancho doesn't show any signs that would indicate he'll go on a strike. Could be wrong of course, maybe you'll indeed pay up, but it seems unlikely to me.


Rambo might be a one man army, but Zehner is a one man league!

Man you should look around, it could be you are swimming in the wrong direction.

Holding on Sancho a year longer was crucial. Without him they would be playing europa league, would'nt have won the cup and might not have come out of the group stage.

It's sad, but if you have such a player on your hand you have to give him some leeway. Like ManUnited did with Christiano Ronaldo.
Funny how the BDL members who were so smug last summer have gone quiet.
Funny, it's almost like: If you don't do dump stuff, nobody is making fun of you.

Maybe you are just not used to see Unted executives not botching things up.

I can tell you: This time they did it pretty well. No complains from the BDL on my part.
Why do people hate on Dortmund? Based on their finances and general circumstances they strike me as an incredibly well-run club. They also tend to play attractive football and have a knack for finding and getting top talent.
Imagine writing with such confidence and being so spectacularly wrong.
That’s the problem most of us have with these few posters.

90-95% of info in the media is speculation, exaggeration or self promotion. Most of us can see that.

therefore when, we as fans make predictions, it has to be with that understanding.

we don’t have to write ‘in our opinion’ after every post. But these guys come along and post as if they have some superior knowledge and insight that others don’t.

his latest predictions were only 6 weeks ago, and it’s been obvious for a month the two clubs were going to get to an agreement.

information advantage 0 - RedCaf 2
Imagine writing with such confidence and being so spectacularly wrong.

Spectacularly wrong?

The Athletic said:
An opening bid of €78 million went in on June 11. A follow-up worth €85 million followed last week and a third offer of the same total clinched an agreement, with final discussions centred on small details around payment structure.

Some in Germany claim there are add-ons worth €15 million, with United liable for another €5 million if United win the Premier League, €5 million if the Champions League arrives at Old Trafford, and €1 million per occasion Solskjaer’s side qualify for Europe’s elite club competition, capped at €5 million. But multiple sources state there are no add-ons.

Still, United are not flush with cash. They have indicated there is no substantial money left for further deals, which casts doubts over a pursuit of Raphael Varane.

So apparently, the total fee will be somewhere between €95m and €100m and United indeed isn't "flush with cash" so it wasn't unreasonable to question if you could pay so much. I also wasn't overly confident and always claimed I could be wrong. In fact, the quoted posts are 6 or 7 weeks old and I've posted numerous times that I believe the transfer will go through when the first reports about United's improved bids emerged.

The amount of tribalism in this thread is really cringeworthy. You guys don't even care whether you're right or wrong, it's just you against somebody you perceive as an enemy for whatever reasons.
Why do people hate on Dortmund? Based on their finances and general circumstances they strike me as an incredibly well-run club. They also tend to play attractive football and have a knack for finding and getting top talent.

no one hates Dortmund - it’s just nice to give it back to the fans that came on here to wind everyone up over the last year.
Why do people hate on Dortmund? Based on their finances and general circumstances they strike me as an incredibly well-run club. They also tend to play attractive football and have a knack for finding and getting top talent.
Its not a knack. Their youngsters are really high profile players. Theyre just a neutral club who these highly rated youngsters can join and still have their choice of clubs around all leagues when they want to move up.
Why do people hate on Dortmund? Based on their finances and general circumstances they strike me as an incredibly well-run club. They also tend to play attractive football and have a knack for finding and getting top talent.
It's because they had the audacity to not sell us Sancho last year at a price we deemed reasonable.
Why do people hate on Dortmund? Based on their finances and general circumstances they strike me as an incredibly well-run club. They also tend to play attractive football and have a knack for finding and getting top talent.
Because they tend to pay them a lot and their agents while also giving play time more then other big clubs could. The definition of a stepping stone club.
It's because they had the audacity to not sell us Sancho last year at a price we deemed reasonable.
No, it's because they have a bit of a history in acting petulant in their social media presence. You love to see it.