Bundesliga 19/20

Really frustrating as a Dortmund supporter as well by the way. I always feel like commenting because I feel he makes the fanbase look bad.
No worries mate. There are far too many good posters on here to let him overshadow that.
And regarding Kimmich: he‘s cnutish, but he is our cnut. :drool:
Favre's change in tactics from 4-2-3-1 to 3-4-3 really seems to have made a change in Dortmund's game. The match against Düsseldorf was already very good and today they seem to be able to reproduce that against Mainz. Of course it is still somewhat early to draw conclusions but I have not enjoyed watching our games this much in a while. It could be argued that it was "just" Düsseldorf and Mainz (and Prague to a certain extent but Weigls sending off makes that one a bit harder to judge) but it has been those matches Dortmund have been struggling with (see Union, Paderborn, Köln, Bremen). Really nice to see, I hope this trend continues.

On a side note it seems like out ref today has a bet going that Dortmund will not get a penalty all game.
Finally the eqalizer for us. Coutinho with the second important goal for us in only a few days.

Aaannnd Lewandowski ends his scoring crisis :D Coutinho with a beauty of an assist.
Don't want to be that guy, but Dortmund are getting robbed by the ref.


A Mainz defender holding Reus' arm while the latter is turning away from him to take a shot, you even see the longsleeve undershirt stretching.

Some Mainz defender going for a tackle, but the ball is already gone and he just hits the attacker.

0 penalties given, not even a review. Maybe I'm biased a f, but this doesn't make sense at all to me.
Don't want to be that guy, but Dortmund are getting robbed by the ref.


A Mainz defender holding Reus' arm while the latter is turning away from him to take a shot, you even see the longsleeve undershirt stretching.

Some Mainz defender going for a tackle, but the ball is already gone and he just hits the attacker.

0 penalties given, not even a review. Maybe I'm biased a f, but this doesn't make sense at all to me.

Don't worry, I'll gladly be that guy with you :lol: The handball one is pretty tough to argue but I would at least concede that he did not mean to touch the ball. Considering what kind of penalties we have seen for handballs it feels bad nonetheless. The Reus one is the least clear cut one for me, yes there is a foul and you can give a penalty but that was a bit too little for me. The third on Hazard was just a stonewall pen and it is fecking ridiculous that the ref gave the play on signal right away without a check at all. Fells a bit bad and we should be up by more than just that one goal...
Handball one seems to hit him on the elbow, which is still down for balance, so should be the right call i think?

Not seeing the other two clearly to form an opinion
Handball one seems to hit him on the elbow, which is still down for balance, so should be the right call i think?

Not seeing the other two clearly to form an opinion
He basically "catches" the ball with both hands. You can argue that the first hand was down for balance and the second one was an "accident". It just looks really bad and I feel 9 out of 10 refs will give handball there.
Don't worry, I'll gladly be that guy with you :lol: The handball one is pretty tough to argue but I would at least concede that he did not mean to touch the ball. Considering what kind of penalties we have seen for handballs it feels bad nonetheless. The Reus one is the least clear cut one for me, yes there is a foul and you can give a penalty but that was a bit too little for me. The third on Hazard was just a stonewall pen and it is fecking ridiculous that the ref gave the play on signal right away without a check at all. Fells a bit bad and we should be up by more than just that one goal...

I won't pretend to know for certain what the handball rule dictates these days, but iirc Reus was taking aim for a shot and the tug was a very visible and desperate attempt to disrupt that shooting movement. Reus probably went down easy, but to me that's a foul regardless, because just like in a sprinting duel even such small forces have a great impact on the situation.
He basically "catches" the ball with both hands. You can argue that the first hand was down for balance and the second one was an "accident". It just looks really bad and I feel 9 out of 10 refs will give handball there.
Meh. Let's agree VAR should've told the ref to have another look
Meh. Let's agree VAR should've told the ref to have another look
I actually think that was the only one they did check. Let's just hope it won't matter, absolutely awesome counter by Dan-Axel fecking Zagadou. Even during Mainz's attack I was confused how many people they had around our box. Ended up with a 5v1 for Dortmund :D

And now 3:0 game over.
That's a decent shot by Hazard, but the keeper should be able to punch that away for at least a corner.

Watching Dortmund play these past couple of games I can't help but wonder why they had to come within an inch of missing their season targets and Favre getting sacked, before playing like this. I know Hertha, Düsseldorf and Mainz aren't the cream of the crop and Leipzig will be big test regardless, but I think the improvement is way too drastic to just explain it with weak opponents.
Watching Dortmund play these past couple of games I can't help but wonder why they had to come within an inch of missing their season targets and Favre getting sacked, before playing like this. I know Hertha, Düsseldorf and Mainz aren't the cream of the crop and Leipzig will be big test regardless, but I think the improvement is way too drastic to just explain it with weak opponents.
Might just be a momentum thing. I think Brandt has a lot to do with it. Since he was moved centrally to the number 8 position his form has been excellent.
Might just be a momentum thing. I think Brandt has a lot to do with it. Since he was moved centrally to the number 8 position his form has been excellent.
He was played as a shitty backup winger so long that I had to sell him from my FF team. Thanks Lucien! :mad:
Might just be a momentum thing. I think Brandt has a lot to do with it. Since he was moved centrally to the number 8 position his form has been excellent.

Pressing was next to non-existent, now they are pressuring all over the pitch.
The team played passively and timid like relegation fodder after going infront, now they keep going for the throat.
Movement was too formulaic and static, now they are playing without a striker and very fluid movement, Sancho and Hazard having free license to roam, Reus playing something between #10 and #9, Schulz and Hakimi popping up in the middle of the box.

343 as a formation and Zagadou and Brandt (at the heart of the team) surely helped, but for me it goes beyond that, it's just a complete 180 in so many aspects. It's like Favre was sacked and replaced with some Klopp-like motivator. Except he wasn't and now it looks like the guy who couldn't find any answer for 10-11 months found all the answers within a week.

And while I'm busy crying about the ref and Bayern fans are gushing over Coutinho, Leverkusen quitely got two players sent off and lost 2-0 in Cologne. What happened there?
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Pressing was next to non-existent, now they are pressuring all over the pitch.
The team played passively and timid like relegation fodder after going infront, now they keep going for the throat.
Movement was too formulaic and static, now they are playing without a striker and very fluid movement, Sancho and Hazard having free license to roam, Reus playing something between #10 and #9, Schulz and Hakimi popping up in the middle of the box.

343 as a formation and Zagadou and Brandt (at the heart of the team) surely helped, but for me it goes beyond that, it's just a complete 180 in so many aspects. It's like Favre was sacked and replaced with some Klopp-like motivator. Except he wasn't and now it looks like the guy who couldn't find any answer for 10-11 months found all the answers within a week.

And while I'm busy crying about the ref and Bayern fans are gushing over Coutinho, Leverkusen quitely got two players sent off and lost 2-0 in Cologne. What happened there?

We were very poor. Controlled the game but no clear chances, Cologne had a few good shots. Dragovic got booked for a foul commited on him which was really annoying. The second yellow was deserved and a really dumb mistake. Bosz could've subbed him earlier I think. Then Cologne scored, Bailey got frustrated and behaved like an idiot once again. With two men sent off Cologne scored their second goal, game over.

Maybe Bosz now stops playing Dragovic and Amiri (who was also very poor and uninspired) that much. Paulinho and Retdos really should get their minutes. Volland was also piss poor again.

Havertz was very good but again a little unlucky. Many good passes and dribbles. The dive was unlucky, he anticipates a contact and falls before it is actually there. If he had just went on, he would've gotten the pen or would've been through on goal.
We were very poor. Controlled the game but no clear chances, Cologne had a few good shots. Dragovic got booked for a foul commited on him which was really annoying. The second yellow was deserved and a really dumb mistake. Bosz could've subbed him earlier I think. Then Cologne scored, Bailey got frustrated and behaved like an idiot once again. With two men sent off Cologne scored their second goal, game over.

Maybe Bosz now stops playing Dragovic and Amiri (who was also very poor and uninspired) that much. Paulinho and Retdos really should get their minutes. Volland was also piss poor again.

Havertz was very good but again a little unlucky. Many good passes and dribbles. The dive was unlucky, he anticipates a contact and falls before it is actually there. If he had just went on, he would've gotten the pen or would've been through on goal.

I saw the post-match interview of L. Bender (iirc) he made no attempt to hide his frustration with Bailey's red card, talked about an apology (to the team) being in order, might be the first time I saw a player talk so frankly about a team mate. In hindsight Leverkusen really should've cashed in after he had that first good spell for them.
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I saw the post-match interview of L. Bender (iirc) he made no attempt to hide his frustration with Bailey's red card, talked about an apology (to the team) being in order, might be the first time I saw a player talk so frankly about a team mate. In hindsight Leverkusen really should've cashed in after he had that first good spell for them.

Yes. I never bought the hype, he just hit almost every shot he had during that time. His decision making wasn't good back then, jut like it isn't today. People thought I'm mental when I said that we should let him go and that Havertz and Brandt are much more talented players.

He's got decent potential as the Bayern match showed. His pace is great, his shot is decent, his technique okay to good but he's so dumb when on the pitch, a bit like Bellarabi. And his antics are on Ribery level - only that he doesn't get away with it. Already the second red card this season for him.
Wow what a game Coutinho had. Looked like 100 million player.
Watching Dortmund play these past couple of games I can't help but wonder why they had to come within an inch of missing their season targets and Favre getting sacked, before playing like this. I know Hertha, Düsseldorf and Mainz aren't the cream of the crop and Leipzig will be big test regardless, but I think the improvement is way too drastic to just explain it with weak opponents.
They were too predictable in their former 4-2-3-1 as no one radiated danger from the center (Reus is more of a finisher) and they just moved the ball from wing to wing, which is easy to defend against. Now with Brandt as an attacking 8 he provides the central spark they were missing.
Pressing was next to non-existent, now they are pressuring all over the pitch.
The team played passively and timid like relegation fodder after going infront, now they keep going for the throat.
Movement was too formulaic and static, now they are playing without a striker and very fluid movement, Sancho and Hazard having free license to roam, Reus playing something between #10 and #9, Schulz and Hakimi popping up in the middle of the box.

343 as a formation and Zagadou and Brandt (at the heart of the team) surely helped, but for me it goes beyond that, it's just a complete 180 in so many aspects. It's like Favre was sacked and replaced with some Klopp-like motivator. Except he wasn't and now it looks like the guy who couldn't find any answer for 10-11 months found all the answers within a week.

Thats a way too optimistic for me. First, Favre did nothing week after week where the problems were obvious, and for example there were also some choices of the starting 11 where everybody got questiomarks over their head. And all the changes now are based on a internal intervention from the players. Ok, in a positiv way you can say "But Favre accepted the advices", in a negativ way you can say: "Why the hell needs a coach who is earning millions an advice from everybody left and right, all the fans, the players and the board saw that this football doesn't fit to our squad and that we play with handbrakes. And then he needs that it gets to the point where he is only 1mm far from getting sacked until he finaly made a change."

That said, it only needs some games in the second half of the season where some teams check out how to play against this new 3-4-3, and then? Favre needs another 8-12 weeks until he make some changes or what? Sorry but this coach is still a weakness in my eyes. Its not only that he made us playing horribly, the more important thing is that he nearly ruined our base of the whole club: the youth and other players. DAZ and Götze clearly weren't satisfied, and players like DAZ are our jewerly all our work is based on. Or take Brandt for example: last season he was class, in his position as an 8. What does Favre? Put him on the wing. WTF? Now Bradt is playing great, no thing that everybody wouldn't have known before. So what the hell was Favre thinking?
Another base of the club Favre seems to be totaly unaware of: the energy you can get if you try to play energetic offensive football. Our fanbase is patient as long as you can see that its leads to some offensive concept of football. This man is stubborn and slow. And only after some "good games" he stil has to proof a lot that it will end in some positive way. I will continue to observe this carefully.
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Looks like Tuesday's match between Dortmund and Leipzig will shape the title race for the next couple of (match) weeks. A win for Dortmund and Bayern and them will probably resume their role as favourites (in that order I guess), while an away win for Leipzig could re-open a lot of wounds for Dortmund and answer whether Leipzig are mature enough to be a genuine title challenger yet, with a resounding yes.
Nübel with his best T. Schumacher impression....

Nübel with his best T. Schumacher impression....


That's going to be a long suspension. Don't think there was malice in it but outrageously rash.

My boy as at Leipzeg stay at the top, long may it continue (or Dortmund winning the league) :cool:
Tim Wiese :lol:
But maybe Nübel was more thinking of Oliver Kahn. Could be a kind of a letter of application for FC Bayern.